Thursday, July 11, 2019

July 2019

Many Lines in the Water

            The human brain is the most complicated (complex) entity in the human universe. The only common area for human activity is dirt...the ground. From that dirt, God made man, and that is where our likeness ends. The great Atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche, who could play the piano, could never understand why he could not play as well as Brahms, or Schopin. Some are blessed with the "stroke" of an artist on canvas, some with the ability to manipulate numbers and understand chemical equations. There is no line between good and evil in the physical world; that is only found in the heart. There is no line between those who have talent and those who have none. Accomplishment is a matter of attitude. Only your lack of talent and brain-power, you never dealt with, you attempt to cram into your children.
            It is easier to cool down a radical, than to warm up a corpse. The time comes when you realize that life is too complex, that even the human brain cannot comprehend everything. In other words, "we cannot know it all." And, there is no sense building resentment towards those who have a genome of superior ability. There was only ONE Einstein, only ONE Edison. Much of our quandary of competition is self-imposed. The brain needs much rest.
            Until the early 1900's, when electricity became available to the common man, when artificial lights were installed, and human beings started staying up longer and longer...getting less sleep; minds were much more productive. Our ancestors went to bed/sleep at the end of daylight. They rose from their sleep at the (onset) beginning of daylight. In the bottomless ocean of technology, artificial lighting everywhere (some cities so bright that you can no longer see the stars), staying up watching trash on television (the average person spends 11 hours a day staring at a screen, computer, cell phone, television, etc); everyone, even children, aren't getting enough sleep...enough "brain-rest."
            In order to catch more fish, the modern-day fisherman puts out several lines. My entire life, I have always pursued several jobs at the same time. After the Military, even after I was unable to see, I still pursued monetary reimbursement from several sources...writing, preparing buildings for rental, studying stock market investments, writing AND the editing in professional journals. No one person can any longer live on one income, most men require several jobs, and the mother of the home must also work. This is what "progress" has brought to a Nation, which at one time, was proud to have the father leave home with a lunch box (heading to work, knowing he was providing livelihood for his entire family. His children were raised by their mother, not by a social, welfare, or other type system. Yet, we wonder why children do not adhere to the spiritual values taught to them in their home by concerned parents, who know that their soul is the most important thing in their child's body. If your children are lost to Satan's "thrills," addictions, sexual promiscuity, atheism; then you have lost everything....forever.  
            The next line to which Satan wants every man and woman attracted, using every type lure (drugs, immodesty, flagrant use of language, and just dire lust...trying to catch all in his trap), the fatalism of concupiscence; the attraction that has brought down men and women from biblical times to the present. It is in the genome/DNA of every human being...perhaps the most deadly of all the cardinal sins...pride, anger, greed, gluttony, etc. The next line which we draw from the water is that consuming attitude of competition, with its accouterments of popularity and prosperity. The bookshelves are full of wonderful stories, detailing success brought on by networking, right clubs, right golfing courses, right Colleges, country clubs, and even right churches. Our willingness to sin to benefit ourselves, in a world of unbelief, a world of "keeping up with the Joneses," a world of future ease and coveted retirement, is concupiscence.  
            Even though we have all looked down in the casket of persons, who used every area concupiscence's...working sales, and people to their advantage...idols of prosperity, they still left this world with empty hands. The only line left in the water to draw up and evaluate, a line on which we seldom have anything on the "hook," the knowledge that we only have one life to live, and that every day of that life, from birth to the time of maturity, we are either one day closer to Heaven, or one day closer to Hell. No atheist, no unbeliever, no radical of any religious or other sect, can offer you an escape after death.

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