Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24, 2019

Cannibalizing the Future

Others, Lord, yes, others --
Let this my motto be;
Help me to live for others
That I may live like Thee.--  
Hymn- Others

In George Orwell’s 1947 book Animal Farm, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

God wanted this country boy, raised in impoverished Eastern North Carolina, dirt roads-no power, phone, or water lines destitute country school 13 in my graduating class with the ambition to work through 8 years of University education, paying every cent of his own way, to have a Doctor in front of his name and later Lieutenant Colonel.  

SUCH AN EQUITY:But, and many times in his word, we have these words”But God” wanted me to see the inequity of the world and I have traveled through every continent, both poles and seen poverty that bureaucrats, in all their liberal fantasies, can not imagine.  Even in this country, most millennial Americans do not realize that 9 million Americans died from starvation during the Great Depression.

Often, in a third world nation such as the Central African Republic where I was the first visitor to that nation since the Jean-Bedel Bokassa emperor (Bokassa declared himself emperor of his nation, I saw him ride up and down the street in a chariot pulled by horses and all the people had to kneel. I went to his fortress, outside of Banjol, surrounded by a moat, where he fed his political prisoners to crocodiles.) I was invited to the American Ambassador quarters inside a fence, the gate closing behind the vehicle where I was served tea by  a retired general who was the ambassador also there to meet me, a United Nations official. The thought occurred to me, “How much did they pay to get these jobs from Washington and do they know anything at all about what goes on outside the walls of this embassy”. To the uninitiated, everything is obscure and most of the seven being inhabitants of this Earth are unaware of what is going on...nor do they care, if it does not affect them who cares?

Twice, as a sightless traveler of the World (Dr. Morris has been around the world 8 times, passport stamped in 157 countries) I got lost from my guide. Once, in France I got on the wrong train, a train filled with school children on a fieldtrip. The conductor came through checking to make sure all the children had tickets I was attempting to speak French to him, to tell him I was lost. One of the smart French boys said “he is with us” so, I arrived in Paris, actually made my way out of the train station, actually found a taxi and made my way to the hotel where I thought I was staying. My guide and the hotel officials were in panic mode. I think they were ready to call out the French Army to find me. I said, “Surely a man who has traveled the world can move around France .

In New Delhi, India, a country I have traveled from Trichy in the North to Sri Lanka in the South , by train and otherwise( MArk twain said that India is the ultimate travel destination), the world’s most populated nation, poverty beyond comprehension, I was lost from my guide in New Delhi where streets are thronged night and day with every type humanity. I was panicked, all these lepparous people pulling at me, trying to steal my white cane. I kept walking and listening. Most people in India speak English because they were under British rule for so long but none seemed to speak English that day. FINALLY I heard a man speaking English “This ends our tour for the day I will see you back at the hotel tomorrow morning, be here at 8:00 sharp”. I thought this was a travel group there must be a hotel here and I made my way into the hotel. I went up to what I thought was a desk and I pleaded I am an American and I am lost, I must have help. A woman almost jumped at me and hugged me and said I will help you, do you have any idea where your hotel is. I said, I have my room key, she said, that is all I need that hotel is not far from here. She and one other person, one on either side, almost in tears, they were so captivated by my situation (a blind man lost in the murrace of the streets of New Delhi). Again, my guide and the hotel was panicked because I was lost.  

When all around you there is nothing but trouble, your only escape- help is looking up. To the sightless person, when you can see nothing around you your only “salvation” is upward. God so built this world, troubles and trials all around us- sickness, poverty, helplessness, our only way of escape is upward. This is the message of Christianity.  

Losing your temper must be a sin because it is so pleasurable. When I was a child, and when we were enjoying anything, in a home- school- workplace, I felt that we must be sinning if we were enjoying ourselves. There is more to life than hard-work, study, the fear of displeasing God in all actions, the righteousness of God in our lives should be our greatest joy...and there should be nothing but smiles on the face of every believer. After all, we have been born again...twice birthed, and only one time to die...the clinical death of a believer. The scripture tells us that the unbeliever is already dead...once birthed, twice dead. This is why I cannot believe that the Muslim has any joy at all in life...rules about everything. Five times praying each day with nose on ground. Laws about clothing, food-drink-every area of life. The real followers of Islam, those who are the real believers in Muhammad, those who really follow the Quran, are the radicals. The only reason Islamists have not conquered the world is because they so enjoy killing one another...the various groups shiites, the Sunni, Shia, Sufi,Salafist and Wahhabi they so enjoy killing one another and their entire religion if true believers based on killing other infidels who do not believe like them. So, Americans so intent on being politically correct, so intent on turning the other cheek, so intent on loving everyone:have opened our borders to these cultures and religions and soon, like this blind writer lost in the blender of unknown bodies around me we will be looking for the way out of the entitlements-hodge-podge that has enveloped our nation, erased our constitutional freedoms. Freedoms paid for at such a high price. God told us, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32.

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