Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12,2020

Glass Bottom Boat

Glass Bottom Boat

            My first experience with glass bottom boats, Winter Gardens, FL. This is another tourist attraction, boats gliding over water, your looking through the glass bottom to see sea life in its native habitat. All over the world people study sea life, on my trip to the Antarctic, pods of whales...their snouts spraying water. God surely loved marine life. In our mind's eye, we see Jesus on the shore of Galilee, fish and bread over coals, come and dine (John 21:12). All his disciples were fisherman, rough hands, rough speech, rough "rearing", accustomed to the cold, real men.  

            If only there were more glass boats in our lives so we could study what makes things and people "tick." In spite of ourselves, most of us want truth. Although, I know many who want truth DISGUISED, can not face it in one's own life, lives of family or friends, lives of professionals-politicians, the drama and drag nets of everyday living. Still, we need the truth. Jesus told us that he is the truth (John 17:17).

            This writer in an octogenarian. The first time I saw pizza or potato chips, I was an army military officer. It is all a matter of the "bringing up" of children, learning to eat healthy. You never recover from poverty but there is one good thing about being poor, your diet. This writer has traveled the world, every continent (passport stamped in 157 countries), I found that the poorer the people, the sparser the food, the healthier the people. On Easter Island, Pacific Ocean, 500 miles from the coast of Chili, people so anxious for me to see their hospital. There was not one patient in their hospital. Their sparse diet, live not dead plants, seafood, exercise, no vehicles there, KEPT THEM HEALTHY. There are multiple programs on television and the radio pertaining to health..doctors-nutritionists interviewed. This is the age of supplements, and this writer is a firm believer in supplements.

            All over the "good earth" the soil has been depleted of minerals. God put on this earth everything man needs for health. The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. There is no such thing as optional nutrition, the body will not digest synthetics. Most grocery store items have more nutrition in the packaging than the "food" you pay for.

            The green color of plants comes from magnesium. There is nothing more important in human health than magnesium, essential to the mitochondria of cell metabolism. There are trillions of cells in the human body, each one a chemical factory. Magnesium triggers the entire process.

            In America, 63.1% inhabitants are obese, 25.8 million are diabetic. Most are not fooling when they say they are hungry so, they eat junk and stay hungry. The junk becomes fat and your body dies a slow death from starvation. IF ONLY YOU HAD A GLASS TO LOOK INSIDE YOUR BODY AS IT STRUGGLES FOR SURVIVAL. Easy for your doctor to say, "Don't smoke, don't drink alcohol." Most doctors never mention nutrition. There are more old smoking alcoholics than old doctors. The most useless profession ever encountered: the nutritionist. There are 60,000 people employed as dieticians or nutritionists in America. SUCH A WASTE. You know your body better than anyone else. In this information age, the value of being able to read, you can study your bodies needs, learn to eat correctly. Only an absolute idiot could believe that you just eat things that taste good. The shyster fast food sellers have learned to put sugar and salt on everything to addict you. In ceremonial Jewish law, offerings to God, sweet savor of burnt offerings, salt-sugar-spices condemned. God gave strict instructions in his law about food, live-growing plants, certain meat raised and prepared correctly, all the minerals, herbs essential for health, found in nutritious food. This writer recommends garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, fennel, seeds and nuts.

            The heart is deceptive (Jeremiah 17:9), a manufacturing ability for idols...among these, food addiction. The human being learns to hide behind a facade of afraid to tell anyone that everything is not "FINE." Even people going to their doctor will say, force of habit, "I am fine." Do you notice how everyone laughs at everything?...terrified of taking responsibility for self...self expression.

            We become the books we read. There is no reason why anyone who can read is not educated about health, especially their own health. Not in the future, already here with the abomination of Obama care, you will learn to take care of yourself, your family. We live longer, there are more 85-year-old's in America than 5-year-old's.  I know of nothing more important than the welfare of your soul, your preparation for living. It should start in the schools but there is a concentrated effort by the new world order to keep people dumb. Thomas Jefferson was 33 when he wrote The Declaration of Independence. Shakespeare, 31, when he wrote his first play, Charles Dickens, 15, when he started writing. We have several generations that think that religious faith is feeling, not fact. That if anything feels good or tastes good, it is alright. 70% of young people voted for Obama, they like the undisciplined life, an immoral life, lack of integrity. Young people know nothing of history, what ancestors and defenders of liberty endured for their sake. Many of us refuse to see the life left in liberty, stomped out by those who just don't care.

            This writer, a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected medical officer veteran of the Korean War era, is prepared to die. I know that my soul was chosen. I believe I prepared myself for, hard work, I do not want it all in vain. Every so often, take a look through the glass. "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known" (1 Corinthians 13:12).

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