Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reaping a Whirlwind

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: (Hosea 8:7)

Hosea, minor eighth century prophet of the old testament, valuable to Christians as an allegory depicting Hosea and his prostitute wife, Gomer, the names of their children, relationship with the prostitution to Israel, and by God's continued confident-love.

Every day, print, technology, media. Every way, any brain with two purkinge cells still functioning should realize that America has sown to the wind and has reaped a whirlwind.

For many years, I have lived in downtown Wilmington, NC. My house, on a block with a Nazi-type homeowners association, in other words, your fellow homeowners dictators-tyrants telling you how to maintain your own house, where to park your own car. There are 1000 such homeowners associations in this town alone and we wonder why government (local, state, federal) has had such an easy job in taking us over. The land of the free and home of the brave no longer depicts America. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected medical officer and veteran of the Korean era. I own my own home, take care of myself, use assistance for my business activities, pay much tax on many investments.

Since I need exercise and enjoy sunlight, for many years it was convenient to walk around the block on which I live with my cane, I could do this without assistance. I have never used a guide dog. We have an invincible police department in this town, robbery, suicide, murder... all crime rates are very high.

One day, through my intercom, Sgt. Buster Yosts was at my door in uniform, so he said, came into my house and gave me instructions from the chief of police. He said, the police chief does not want you walking on the streets anymore. You are to stay in the house and keep your doors locked. Now, If I had known the Sgt. was coming with this message, I would have recorded it. In other words, this tax paying veteran was to stay in his house behind locked doors so the criminals could roam the street. I talked about this on radio talk shows across the nation, no one seemed to care. Now, almost every citizen is behind locked doors.

On another morning, I believe it was the same police chief, my driver, Joe Rush, came to drive my car for me to several places for business. I did not turn on my security system when I left. (connected to the police department) When we returned, parking my car in its usual “handicapped” parking space near my back door, I noted that my back door had been opened, a few feet inside my house, two police officers accosted me. Joe Rush, carrying grocery bags was behind me. Of course I was scared of having people in my house. I said “What are you doing in my house?” The officer said they came to check on me. Strange, they never have checked on me before and have not since. My car, other buildings, have been broken into and I cannot get them to investigate. Joe Rush said to the officers, “This man is a blind veteran. One of the officers said I know he is a veteran, there is a uniform hanging in his closet. I had kept one dress uniform, with decorations, etc. for my burial... since deciding that a country and government which would treat me in such a way, I do not need to be buried in uniform. Now I ask you, what were these officer's doing searching my closets? Checking on me, did they expect to find me in a closet OR were they trying to find something in my house with which to embarrass me, since I have been so brazen with my comments on invincible police, the bullies and thugs of modern day living.

Is it because of invincibility that America fights so many undeclared wars? Is it because of invincibility that America uses drones to search out and bomb enemies.? Is it because of invincibility, that for 11 years the SEC watched Bernie Madoff in his reckless ponzi scheme? ($85B stolen from investors) On ebay, you can put one picture a few facts, push one button and around the world the computer can tell you those watching your picture. Yet, the government is not able to stay informed on military intelligence or people who just walk over our borders.

This year, 2800 climate involved national problems. (earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fires, blizzards, etc.) Little is done to protect the tax paying, God-fearing public yet, the farmer has trouble selling his produce by the roadside. The Amish farmer selling raw milk, etc. We are regulated, taxed where it pleases and promotes government. Nothing can be done without a permit or license. The word is CONTROL, Totalitarianism such as found in North Korea.

Sir Thomas More (1478) one of England's most important leaders, counselor to King Henry XIII, would not approve of the King's making himself head of the church of England. All the other members of parliament (lords and ladies, obedient courtiers), “just went along to get along.” At the trial of Sir Thomas More, for treason by the King, a young man who had worked with him testified and gave false testimony against Sir Thomas More. At the end of the testimony, Sir Thomas asked the judge if he could ask the man one question. “What is that medallion hanging around your neck?” He said, “It shows I am the Attorney General of Wales” (for his false testimony the King had given him a political appointment) Sir Thomas said, “Wales, would you actually sell your soul for a place like Wales?” We reap a whirlwind when we lose perspective in what we have lost. So many have sold so cheaply, God, family, country... their own soul

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