Friday, November 25, 2011


In the dining room of early American homes, almost, always, a sideboard, a large piece of furniture from which food from the kitchen was placed and diners served their plate. I so well remember that my mother would place her many Christmas cakes on the sideboard in preparation for Christmas feasting.

Supposedly, Christmas activity stared today, Black Friday. If any one had any doubts about satin controlling the world, the day after thanksgiving, BLACK FRIDAY. You expect the heathen to act like a heathen, spending, spreeing, stand in line, to buy junk. The thing that bothers me, those who claim the name of Christ, pretending to know Christ, acting like the world, the flesh, the devil. We have reached the place that unless you are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or some other minor religion, you call yourself Christian. How many Romans 12 Christians do you know? Even cults like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, Seventh Day Adventists, call themselves Christians. Even well known preachers such as Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, TD Jakes call themselves ministers of the gospel. Don't waste your time digging out what these people actually believe. Much like Joel Osteen, an entertainer, one without any ministerial or theological background, said on TV when asked about Asian religions, “I don't believe they are God's best.”

Why not use a sideboard-buffet-cafateria selection. Just pick and choose what you want to believe. Some of my family, who are buffet Baptists, have said to me, “I don't believe that or I don't think this.” It make s no difference what they think or believe, it is what God says that matters. Liberal denominations have messed up people with their lost pastors. Baptists, the largest non-Catholic denomination have led the way, with a cauldron-blender-spattering “of this and that”. At least you can look at Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Unitarians, etc. with their women and in many cases lesbian preachers, same sex marriages, pro choice-pro abortion, democrat party stance, and know, without a doubt, that such are just fooling themselves.

In my lifetime, churches as well as nations have bowed to Baal... and nations as well as churches are paying the price. Two men, crippled, walking with two canes had great influence on my life, Drs. Cecil Johnson, UNC-CH, Dean and Vance Havner, great Baptist preacher. Dr. Havner Said, “The greatest distance known to man is the 14” between a man's brain and his heart.” How well I remember many teachers, particularly, C.B. Ramsey who, at Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN, taught the large Sunday School class of men studying to be doctors. He would give the lesson with tears running down his face. So intent was he that the listeners would know the concern, the courage, the commitment to Jesus Christ. In this time of doctrine-less, moral-less, Christ-less “religion” no wonder that churchianity instead of Christianity occupies the pulpits and the pews. “judgment begins with the House of God.” (1 Peter 4:17)

This week, national radio “Christian” talk show. Professor from Westminster seminary, “so-called” specialist talking about Thanksgiving, early pilgrims. HE DID NOT KNOW, a professor, how many died the first winter. Is it possible for preachers or professors to embarrass themselves any more with their total lack of knowledge? Their lost condition? The lost condition of people and the world around them? On the sideboard of vocations, choices, you do not pick, God picks you.

In the Broadway Musical, Porgy and Bess, song, I got plenty of nothing it is at a time of economic depression, such as now, that most find how little of this world's goods, they actually own. America, the world, debt that can never be repaid. Working their entire lives, saving, clipping coupons, just to have the basics of a comfortable life, most have found their savings gone, their lives turned upside down. It breaks my heart to think that most people live their entire life in a dream world. I hear about those standing on each side of the red carpet on Oscar nights, as the celebrities, from their limousines, in their finery, walk into a Hollywood Theatre. The masses there and on television, dreaming of such. Just today, people camped out for days and hours at stores, things, dreams, searching for happiness “in the wrong places”. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. (1 John 2:15) Advertising agencies, psychologists, satanic forces, have just made US GLORIFIED MONKEYS.

In my long life of “people-watching” I have found that the average unbeliever knows nothing about science or Darwinism, knows nothing about theology or creationism, Has never spent 20 hours In actual study determining the reason for man's belief in Jesus Christ, faith, and the need for salvation. In life's lottery, on the sideboard, afforded by state-controlled media and education, they have just picked, as did Eve in the garden, low hanging fruit that looks good-easy-exciting. We do not want the challenge of thinking, knowing how we have been hoodwinked. For instance, fifty years ago when I was studying the medical sciences, birth control was new and exciting, now the new and exciting study is In Vitro Fertilization. Be careful of sideboard tampering.

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