Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tall Men in World of Midgets

This writer has traveled every continent of the world. 50 years ago, traveling in remote 3rd world countries as well as the populous ones, with respect to me and my country, other world citizens looked up to us. We were tall men in a world of midgets, mostly because of our idealism proffered in academia, industrial might and certainly exploration. It was not just the physical spirit of idealism, but the spiritual spirit of exceptional-ism.

So it was from the beginning, my ancestors escaping the corruption and annhialism of 15th century Europe for the opportunities of the North American continent.

I thought of this yesterday when I had a letter from a pastor who had won one of the two pastor's awards. ($3,000 each cash award) I have given, for many years, in honor of my great grandfather, P.T. Lucas, a country preacher of the gospel. Born in 1854, dying in 1908, not even my father ever knew him but, many knew about him.

The Lucas family was one of North Carolina's first families, owned a large part of Wilson county. This man, father of 12 children who left each of them a plantation, could have stayed home and pastored-preached close by but, on paths, horse and buggy, covered eastern North Carolina proclaiming the good news. He attended a large Baptist convention in Nashville, TN, his first train ride, first time seeing electric lights, first time seeing inside plumbing, having never seen a telephone or heard a radio. He lived through the civil war, witnessed the desperation, annihilation of the countryside.

Today's pastors, luxury cars, comfortable homes, planes and programs, golf courses and the gadflies of the world. I get so sick when I hear televangelists, in their thousand dollar suits, expensive hair cuts, talk of their commitment to God and His Word. It is like “so-called” Christians who can reconcile membership in the church and membership in free masons. It is like Girl Scouts supporting planned parenthood. It is like black, “so-called” fundamentalists voting 96% for a Marxist-Muslim-pro choice sympathizer. It is like hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying Americans voting for politicians who are increasing the national deficit by $2 trillion per year... taking every tax dollar just to pay interest on the national debt. Rejoice, my greart grandfather was looking forward to this day because we, today, are seeing the “end times”... the times spoken of in the Bible, just before the reappearance of Jesus Christ.

Have we lost all common sense? Do you not understand that communism-humanism-nosticism has always failed? Do you not understand that China, having the world's largest middle class, has moved from communism to capitalism? Do you not understand that America, 54% depending on entitlements, is moving from capitalism to communism?

I remember walking down the streets of Damascus, Syria - street called straight on which the apostle Paul walked next, will come the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17:1)

My great grandfather, grandfather, father, did not live through bubbles... .com, real estate, bailout, now silver and gold. Their feet were on the ground, the basics of God, family, country... seed time and harvest, sowing and reaping, absolutes of right and wrong. Greece, the cradle of civilization, Italy, center of history and art. Their foibles of government did not determine or compromise this nation's progress. When the stock market retraces to 3,000 on the DOW, when sexual promiscuity becomes just “ho hum” on the news, when genocide and infanticide are of no concern, even to “so-called” believers many more will realize that our redemption draws near. (Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus - Revelation 22:20)

In a world of midgets, midget thinking, midget actions, midget dreams, it is truly exceptional and marvelous to find men and women, who still stand tall... tall in words, tall in actions, tall in dreaming about better days for their country, their children and at last, salvation for all who God wishes to save. (John 3:17)

Weather forecasters did not predict the recent Northeastern, October, snowstorm. Forget what satanic protagonists have told you. In God's magnificent design, there are absolutes... the periodic table, laws of motion, tones of music. Mathematics, regardless of language, results always the same. Chemistry, results in the same equation. Astronomy, no surprises, no matter which telescope. God is Boss, in charge, He makes no mistakes. When will tall men stand and say something? The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)... bantam Baptists, midget Methodists, puny Pentecostals, effervescing Epicopalians, cathartic Catholics.

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