Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Days Of Storm

Days Of Storm
This was sent to me recently. Everyone should read.
Remember Johnathan and his suit of armor.  I would hate to be the Egyptians. God is not going to give up Israel this time.
Straight up the hill and take them out.. God bless the Israelites 
 My brother and his family live in Jerusalem - he is a minister - and a former Navy SEAL - his office is close to one of Israel 's largest underground military bases.

He called me last night which is very unusual - usually it is email.

He called to tell me that he is sending his family back to the US immediately due to what he is seeing happen within the last week and what he is being told by his military contacts in both the Israel and US military.

He said he is seeing with his own eyes military movements the likes of which he has never seen in his 20+ years in Israel .

What he called a massive redeployment and protective tactics of forces is underway.

Over the last two days he has seen anti-aircraft missile deployments throughout the Jerusalem area including 3 mobile units that he can see from his office windows.

In addition, he has seen very large Israeli armored columns moving fast toward the Sinia where Egypt has now moved in Armor.

There are reports of the top military leaders meeting with Israel 's Sr. Rabi which is something that has happened preceding every prior military campaign.

His admonition is to watch carefully and pray for Israel and its people.

He is convinced that barring something extraordinary Israel will attack Iran - with or without the US - and very soon.

It is the belief in Israel that Obama does not stand with Israel but with the Arab countries.

He has told me before that Israel will saber rattle from time to time but that this time is very different from what he is seeing and hearing.
He was at the Wailing Wall 2 days ago and there were hundreds of IDF soldiers there. As he was leaving he passed at least 20 military buses full of soldiers in route to the wall.

He has never seen this before either.

Just thought I would pass this along.
My brother is not an alarmist by any means.

When he talks like this it gets my attention for sure and usually I find he knows more than he shares.

There are reports that Israel is asking Obama to come to Israel immediately but they are being answered with silence.

My opinion is that I see the making of the perfect storm.
Just like He blessed Johathan. He possessed courage, fidelity, and friendship. He led 1000 soldiers to defeat the Philistines at Geba. 1 Sam 14:6 thru 16. Then Johathan took only his armor-bearer to the rocky crags at Michmash, climbed up the mountain on their hands and knees and brought panic to the Philistines as the earth trimbled and the two of them brought panic to the Philistines by killing 20 of them and the remainder fled. Beware Egypt, God is still with the Israelites and He will not let Israel fall to the enemy.

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