Thursday, September 27, 2012



            William Cowper, the poet, left us so many marvelous words. "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm." It does everyone much good to assess-study his own life...not the child, not having lived long enough, but as we age, everything takes on more meaning. Even when God put on a tent of human flesh, lowly birth-regular childhood-the physical poverty of manhood (Jesus and his disciples owned nothing). Even his own family, those around him, did not recognize the holiness of God. And, even after the wedding at Cana, other miracles, preaching (he preached himself). Few follow in devoted discipleship (even one who had seen and heard it all, Judas, betrayed him for the price of a hog). They either refuse or did not have the intelligence to recognize him. Are we any better today when we "glibly" recite his words. Pretend we are praying to the greatest power one can imagine, creator of the universe, while our minds are on other things. "As thy days, [so shall] thy strength [be]" (Deuteronomy 33:25). By mercy, grace, through faith, we hold on one day at a time. Too many go through a process of mortification, slow death, losing a little faith here, a little faith there.

            One lady, gracious, loving, kind in every way. Her employment, until she died, working in a hospital for disabled children (Oberry Hospital)....macrocephalic. Children thrown away by families because they were deformed. She talked to me over and over about why God would allow such "harshness" to the innocent.

            Right across the highway, a large mental hospital (Cherry Hospital). Many medical specialists worked in both places. Adults, old people, having never known a sane thought-moment in their life. Never able to read a book, listen to music, enjoy any of the gifts of our senses. The question, why some so blessed, others totally rejected? All designed, predestined, by the creator of the universe, before the universe was brought into its own existence. Attempting to understand the unleveled playing field of life, attempting to understand that Satan just plays around with most of us (nothing pleases Satan more than putting us on the merry-go-round of confusion-doubt-fear). An even greater understanding of what it takes to have people who care enough to take care of the infirmed of the world. Why disability, why sickness, why imperfection? It all started in the garden of Eden. The first couple wanted that type knowledge. With one tree, God established his rights. We know this, without sickness we could not appreciate health-ugliness, beauty- bitter, sweetness.

            There is the same ratio as cancer death with doctors as with the general public. If doctors knew how to cure cancer they would cure their own cancer. One of 57 doctors loses his or her license to practice each year.  1 trillion dollars has been spent on cancer research. Now, one in every three Americans have cancer. Every time you turn around, someone soliciting money for cancer research, 5.1 billion last year. To show the foolishness of cancer treatment, using radiology as a cure, when radiology causes cancer. A further example of the foolishness of care, radiology in the dentist office. You know that the dental assistant puts a protective apron over your vital organs and she gets behind a barrier before shooting you with your dose of radium.

            The one place you need to stay away from, the hospital. 100,000 are killed by medical malpractice ever year. 80,000 of those from stephechaucus and other infections. Why in the name of anything scientific would any hospital allow visitors, people they do not know and God alone knows what type diseases they carry with them, up and down hallways, near rooms of surgery patients. As dangerous as carpeting, carpet runners in hallways, every disease known to man on the bottoms of shoes. People of every age, even a small cut or pimple, just waiting to be infected by some super microbe. With all our knowledge, so little learning.

            What is taught in school? What is preached in churches? There is sanity in believing that the innocent of life, the unborn, should be saved. The unborn is kept scientifically-magically from the infection of the mother. Yet, after birth (and thank God some are still born not aborted) the child with its innocent sterile organs immediately exposed to every contamination known to man. This writer has actually seen young children in a fast food restaurant, eating food which the preparer had made, just after taking money from another customer-working both the cash register and food counter. Bacteriologists tell us that every disease known to man is found on money...that folding paper which we so love...lie, cheat and steal to get more of it.

            Another depressing PRACTICE of the medical PRACTICE, actually removing organs from patients about to die, before their death. The "fresher" like any plant, the better the transplant. There is only one healer, healing, the writer of the manufacturers handbook. "I am the Lord who healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26). "And with his stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:4). "By whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). God did not make our bodies for sickness. Most illness from stress, anger, road rage, unforgiveness.

            7.5 million procedures are performed each year, unnecessarily.  You can be sure that the number of knee replacements (15,000) would be less if tax payers were not footing the bill. On pill hill, where members of the healing arts professions live, it is difficult to have two Mercedes in the driveway unless there is a waiting room filled with patients who would not be there if they had the good sense to care for their own body, using their body as a dumpster, not a temple. Professionals are good for drugs and surgery. Exercise, eating live, not dead food, giving your starving cells needed nutrition, will make you richer, and big pharma and big medicine poorer. All the gold in the world, a cube 75 feet worth 7.5 trillion dollars. Mathematically, economically, politically, adding together all the entitlements-present and future debt, America owes 57 trillion dollars with the curtain about to be pulled on a Middle East war, China-Japanese conflict. 50% of the American population, welfare dependant, fiat dollar printing presses should start printing over time. Mortification of America and the American spirit.

            A southern mother sold her stock portfolio so she could fly to Africa and attend her daughters wedding (her daughter was there doing her good works in a hospital). The mother arrived, a community of huts. The daughter said, "I want you to meet my fiancé." Here he came, feathers, beads, maracas..."You are such a stupid daughter, you told me on the telephone you were marrying a rich doctor, not a witch doctor."

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