Thursday, October 11, 2012

Keep Breathing

Keep Breathing

            In the spiritual battle, the opponents, those who are lost, are always the loudest mostly due to the lost secular news media. God's opponents get all the notoriety. God's chosen are not here for notoriety, here to honor the one who chose us (John 6:66-69). We can not throw in the towel, can not give up.

            If you take out all the worship sacrifices, offerings, feasts days of The Old Testament, you will have only 1/2 of The Old Testament left. In today's world, the unbelievers-atheists-agnostics-liberals, own all the big buildings, all forms of communication and transportation. The lost control all government agencies. If a federal-state-local government worker even suspects that you are a Christian, you get no help whatsoever. What was once a Christian nation, declared so by the supreme court from 1799 until 1892, has been taken over by satanic forces. This applies even to the military.

            The paradox, the mystery which would cause our ancestors who first landed on the shores of North America to turn in their graves (and, Mr. Romney got into much trouble by even to dare talk about this, I'M NOT RUNNING FOR ANYTHING), one half the population of America, now lives from entitlements paid by the taxes-sweat of the other half.  Government workers, receptors of entitlements (housing subsidies, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, civil service retirements, military retirements) are paid by government checks, government funds (40 cents of each dollar, borrowed). Taxes paid from the sweat of hardworking, God fearing, businessmen and farmers who pay taxes from their profits, if any. From their sweat, risk taking, insurance, liabilities of every type, government controls of every type, they pay into the treasury the funds necessary to keep every agency-organization of government, operating.  As they pay their taxes, jump every barricade of government control, they suffer every indignity-insult, the self satisfied government workers can inflict on them. From the White House, to the state house, to the court house, to the school house, to the poor house, those who work, produce, take on the responsibility of life, in every sense of the word, enslaved. Certainly, the government does not want to imprison more than are already there (America has more people in prison than any other industrialized country). The government, federal-state-local, want you imprisoned in your own home where, unlike the government housing projects, you pay your own upkeep and maintenance, dance to every tune some bureaucrat plays while at the same time, actually believing that you are living in a free country. The 50% of the population who work for a living, take on the responsibility of living, never expect to retire, most want to eat.

            The most unforgettable retirement dinner this writer ever attended...and every military officer is entitled to a military retirement party, a retiring army colonel said, "The rest of you just keep breathing and you can retire too." In a few words, this military officer like every civil service worker, every government employee (school teachers, city and county employees, post office) after showing up for work for 20 or 30 years (the only people on earth who get all holidays, always a vacation), depending on years of their contract, until death, along with insurance and every other "perk" of organized government, they receive a retirement check. Some are even "double dippers," retiring after 20 years with the military, postal service, etc. then get another government position such as teaching in a school, college, university. Little wonder that most government, political, military employees give little regard to religion. Why would they need God? They have government. Why do they need Jesus, they have the justice system of the United States, protecting them in every way as they enjoy life? Why would these government bureaucrats think of Heaven or Hell or faith? Faith is often described as the security of a young baby bird under the mother bird's wing. This is the way this totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, military officer veteran thinks of government workers, totally secure, protected under the wing of government.

            Speak the truth, correct error, every chance you get. IF the above is not truth, then you do not know what is going on.

            For the disabled-handicapped-veteran, life at its best is so difficult-brutal that when the storms come and you are hanging on by a thread, you are tempted to just let go.

            Reared in poverty, on a country dirt road, I'm thankful for a faith that overcomes fear. I can still hear those old people, in that country church, singing, "All the way my savior leads me" or "Nothing between my soul and my savior."

            We thank God for the marvels of the mind. We know that Jesus will always be there. Young people want feeling not faith. They have watched so much television that they expect a production at the church house. If the Christian does not possess virtues and values then we are no better than the unbelievers.

            Americans should be accustomed to deceit...such a deceitful government. At the present, the imposter in the White House, Marxist-extremist, producing a maze of conflict in the Middle East while diverting attention from impending conflict in the Pacific (North Korea, China, Japan). The gold of today's world is oil and the areas where it is found.

            Not just international chaos, true fright is found in the mentality of Americans, that the largest political party would actually remove God from their platform. Even worse, the way we treat one another, mostly because of money. The large percent of the population who want nothing to do with God, his message-mission, will find eventually that his word is truth (John 17:17),and that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), that obtaining money dishonestly is the same as putting it in a bag full of holes (Haggai 1:6).  Life is more than just breathing.

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