Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What You Put In Your Mouth, Stupid

What You Put In Your Mouth, Stupid.

Plant-based diet helps prevent more than 60 percent of chronic disease deaths

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 by: John Phillip
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(NaturalNews) Chronic illnesses including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity account for nearly 65 percent of all deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization. Over the course of modern human history, forward thinking scientists have known that a diet largely consisting of plants, fruits, nuts and seeds promote optimal health, and when coupled with a healthy lifestyle, can prevent, and in many cases treat a wide variety of chronic diseases that kill millions every year.

Prior studies over the past two decades have provided solid evidence to show that taking the majority of calories from plant-based foods dramatically lowers the incidence of disease. Diets high in hydrogenated fats and sugars, low in fiber, high in refined and processed grains and low in plant foods are increasingly being consumed by children and adults in western cultures. This dramatic shift toward consumption of fast and convenience foods over the past half century is a direct and indisputable cause of chronic illness.

Adding to the insurmountable evidence is a research body published in the magazine, Food Technology that explains how recent discoveries in nutritional genomics explain how plant-based diets are effective at warding off disease. Senior editor, Toni Tarver explains how people living in societies that eat healthy, plant-based diets rarely fall victim to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia, the leading causes of death for the vast majority of aging adults.

Processed and refined foods promote disease while a plant-based diet supports health
The author provides evidence to explain how bioactive compounds in plant foods play a role in controlling genetic and other biological factors that lead to chronic disease. Inflammation is increasingly found to be the root cause of most chronic diseases, and antioxidants from natural foods eaten raw or minimally cooked counter free radicals that fan the flames of inflammation and damage cellular form and function while altering DNA integrity as well.

Plant compounds help control a gene linked to cardiovascular disease and plaque buildup in arteries and change genetic expression while altering the function of critical cellular components responsible for forming and sustaining tumors. Dr. William Li, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation in Cambridge, MA concludes "Prevention is always better than a cure... foods that may help prevent cancer and other chronic diseases include artichokes, black pepper, cinnamon, garlic, lentils, olives, pumpkin, rosemary, thyme, watercress, and more."

There should be no doubt that natural compounds found in a plant-based diet provide optimal protection against specific chronic illnesses. For example, some studies have concluded that lycopene from tomatoes appears to lower the risk of prostate, lung, and bladder cancers while other studies have shown that foods rich in anthocyanins, such as blueberries and strawberries, significantly reduce death from cardiovascular disease. A natural diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and no more than 10 percent of calories from organic meats are the key to prevent chronic disease and early mortality.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
John Phillip is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and Health Researcher and Author who writes regularly on the cutting edge use of diet, lifestyle modifications and targeted supplementation to enhance and improve the quality and length of life. John is the author of 'Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan', a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise, Mind and Targeted Supplementation to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to continue reading the latest health news updates, and to download your Free 48 page copy of 'Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan'.

Learn more:

Addition Dr. Morris:

            We have heard the phrase, made popular during the Clinton campaign, which democrats now wish they could forget, "It's the economy, stupid." This writer never ceases to be surprised (and at my age, I should not be surprised by anything anymore), the mental ability of Americans. It has happened in my lifetime, thinking that money grows on trees, free money just for the picking, growing up thinking you can eat anything and get by with it. The public schools have failed miserably to teach children about good habits, especially in the area of eating. It is with the pollution of synthetics in food, artificial flavors, sweeteners, GMO's, MSG's (monosodium glutamates), hydrogenated fats, public eateries discovered in the last half of the 20th century, just how addicted the public is to sugar, so sugar was put in everything. The most vicious sweetener, aspartame. Generations have been sold on the idea of diet this or that (using artificial sweeteners). Artificial sweeteners are good for rat and roach poisons.

            It is believed now that the human body has 100 trillion cells, each cell a chemical factory. We lose 300 million cells every minute. Nutrition from live plants, fish oils, are essential in health immunology (immune system). A good immune system prevents cancer and diabetes.

            I have found, over the years, that Christian people are more ignorant than most about nutrition. I am truly saddened to see a "fat" preacher...have you noticed the backsides of many "church" women? If Christian living has taught us anything it should be disciplined in our habits...putting forth the best version of yourself is a part of your testimony. Eating together, the fellowship of sharing food, a vital part of church activity. But, looking at the size of some church members gives new meaning to the words "pot luck."

            I stopped going to one church because this blind man, on exiting the building after morning worship service, was almost trampled each Sunday by people breaking their neck to get to the cafeteria. The greatest fellowship I ever enjoyed, in the military service, a young couple who would invite me for lunch at their home. We had sandwiches which gave her time for fellowship with her husband and me....discussing the morning Sunday school lesson-sermon. Have those church members, who push and shove to get to the local cafeterias and restaurants on Sunday after church, ever thought about their testimony to the employees of these restaurants? The employees could not attend worship service because they were working for the church goers. The Christian should never forget that we are body, soul and spirit.

            Recently, eating lunch with officials from a Christian college, speaking as I have so many times of the importance of the ministry of good healthcare, most of which comes from discipline in nutrition. I said, how thankful I am, to know that our blessed Lord had the enjoyment of the home of his friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus at Bethany. Can you not see them, in fellowship, eating laughing and talking? Of course, 2,000 years ago, not as many pollutants (addictive sweeteners, artificial flavorings) as today. I just must feel that they were eating healthy, live healthy plants (vegetables and fruits), fresh eggs and meat.

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