Friday, May 17, 2013

Carrots and Charity

This writer cannot imagine a greater question involving this new 21st century than the question of IF corporations, foundations, the largess from a concerned public will use funds to educate a gullible public about the truth of healthcare. Truth is truth whether anyone believes it or not.  The truth of the effective care of your body, the temple of God, nutrition and exercise.  The time has come when as much money must be spent on educating people about healthcare as is spent on chemical poisons (psychotropic drugs, legal and illegal prescription drugs, designer-recreational drugs).  Big medicine and big Pharma have never cured anyone, they just keep you alive.  Big Pharma does not make money off of dead people.  One of the big 4, cancer:  which is worse, the cure or the disease?

            When one receives the cancer diagnosis AND 50% of the population have cancer, you immediately go into a mindset of desperation and despair.  The oncologist, surgeon, make big money from allopathic treatments...cutting, exotic chemicals, radium; most of which caused cancer in the first place.  Only the stupidest mind cannot comprehend the dangers of cancer.  We hear about it every day of our life.  Not a family or organization is not affected by cancer.  The 4th cause of death among the middle-aged is suicide.  There are more suicides among the general public than deaths in combat.

            In the small community where I was raised, four men my age, with whom I attended school, have died within the past four months from cancer.  Millions of dollars are given for cancer research.  Entire University health systems are financed by agencies giving for cancer research.  Yet, we are no nearer an answer now than ever.  If there were an answer there would be an economic depression like never many professionals and others are living well off the horrors of cancers.

            Just eating carrots, using turmeric will greatly reduce your prospects for cancer. Yet, you never hear anything in the secular media, Christian media, ANYWHERE, about the importance of nutrition.  Rather, since big Pharma is not selling enough drugs on every street corner, promoting drugs, especially the deadly statin drugs on television.

            I cannot control what happens to others, I can only control what happens to me.  I know that I have not been careful enough in my nutrition habits.  In most grocery store carts, the containers of supposed foods have more nutrition than the supposed foods in the containers.  Only along the outside walls of any grocery store do you find actual food...produce sections, meat sections and some meats are so polluted with radical chemicals that they are not safe to eat.  Some vegetables are so polluted with chemicals-insecticides that they aren't safe.  WASH YOUR VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND EVERYTHING BEFORE PREPARATION.  IT'S GOOD TO SOAK YOUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN WATER CONTAINING VINEGAR (1cup vinegar to a dish pan of water).  The greatest threat to the health of America is the fast food dilemma.  The city in which I live has a fast food place on almost every corner which have foods containing GMO's, MSG's and preservatives of every type.

            If we hold to the truth of God, we will be ostracized and persecuted.  God put everything on earth that we, as human beings, need for our health. We are able to detoxify by sweating, but we do everything possible to prevent that.  God gave us berries (blueberries, blackberries, etc), herbs, chemicals in the soil to give us good health.  The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself.

            Never think for one minute that your government is concerned about you or your health.  The government excels only in lying...lying about everything. You are valuable just so long as you can pay taxes, taxes which are an "on time extortion".  Most are not concerned with how their taxes are spent; abortions through planned parenthood, the promotion of same sex marriage by government. (In 1997, 27% approved same-sex marriage.  Today, 53% approve the gay agenda). This new century, children from welfare homes, loaded onto government busses, traveling through the better sections of town, marched off these government busses into government controlled schools, fed 2 or 3 government controlled meals each day and yet government expects all children to believe in the democrat-capitalistic-republic form of government.  These children have learned that they are just government puppets.

            Charity has always been called "Christian giving".  You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving.  You cannot out-give God.  Hard working, God-fearing, tax paying citizens, led by their Christian love for one another have built colleges, hospitals, orphanages and sent 90% of all missionaries out into the world.  Rich Americans have established foundations and other "do-gooder" groups which have helped relieve poverty, establish a better way of life.  The problem, political correctness. anti sacred, anti supernatural media, has destroyed the initial intent...helping the individual.  Large corporate charities are now more intent on helping themselves, particularly the CEO's who bask in a powerful decadent lifestyle and tremendous salaries (Am. Red Cross CEO $652,000,  United Way CEO $375,000, UNICEF CEO $1,200,000, etc.).  Even Christian charities-ministries have not escaped greed. (Catholic Charities CEO $172,000, with a large expense account...$52,000 for meals at high-end restaurants, etc. Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church: $70,000,000, with $13,000,000 in book advances.  Kenneth Copeland: $1.5 billion ministries, over $6,000,000 private home and a $70,000,000 private jet.)

            The American people are not drowsy, but asleep.  Almost dead.  Dr. Deandre Poole recently wrote the name "Jesus" on a piece of paper and had his students stomp on the paper.  Our blessed Lord is long suffering, but just how long will He allow anti-Christ activity to continue?  If God continues to allow the profane decadence of America and the world, God of justice, will apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

            Many of us get our true joy of living through giving.  This writer enjoys giving to churches, colleges, even individuals.  Most know his frugal lifestyle.  The fact is that giving is the highest form of worship.  I do not have funds to support the lifestyles of CEO's, pastor's, ministries who live better than I live.  Disabled veterans and the real heroes of our country-parents (who have endured the stresses of raising children) know the intricacies of charity.  You have not given anything unless it has cost you something.

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