Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joint Grass

It is impossible to exaggerate God's hatred for sin, and not one scintilla, even shadow, of sin will enter heaven.  We can only understand the loving kindness-long suffering- of God toward sinners when we think of the omnipotent creator of the universe watching an "unholy alliance" of religious Pharisees and the Romans, both of which hated one another together, nailing his beloved son to a tree.  God brought darkness over the entire earth to hide the awful site from his eyes (Matthew 27:45).  A miracle beyond the comprehension of the human mind, forgiveness of sin.  Even Rudolph Hess, perhaps Hitler's most unscrupulous henchman, the night before he was hanged for the horrors of Auschwitz - thousands killed because of him, professed faith in Jesus Christ.  And by everything we know in God's word, he was saved from hell (John 3:17).

            We of today's heritage have nothing to do with man's plight.  Our ancestors chose the spirit of death instead of the spirit of life and man has faced the quandary of rejecting the salvation provided by God or his own rebellion toward the flaming fires of hell, ever since.

            As Augustine said, "A conflict between the City of God and the City of Man and we are pulled between.  Powerful rulers of darkness, wickedness in high places, surround us and we wrestle against them (Ephesians 6:12).  Our only hope is the whole armor of God, which we must put on totally. Face the enemy, not back up one inch.  Our back is unprotected.  We cannot turn our back to the enemy (Ephesians 6:11).  For the believer, and Adam and Eve did not have this, "...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).  You do not have a chance in this world, and this world sinks more into satanic corruption everyday, without having the power-protection of God on your side.

            Where do you get your Christian education?  The thing that bothers me most is that most people, believers as well as unbelievers, do not know what they are up against.  How does one live without knowing Jehovah God, God of salvation, God of healing, God of peace, God of prosperity?

            I still remember the day as if it were yesterday, the day when my father showed me how a root system of a weed would surround and totally choke the roots of a good plant.  The first thing my father would look for as he contemplated the purchase of land JOINT GRASS.  This terrible grass had a root system which would choke any good crop plants (corn, soybeans, cotton, etc.).  You see the root system of good plants, and Jesus instructed us about this in his parable pertaining to the sower.  In good soil the good root grows downward toward moisture.  It is the weeds-tares which come around the good plant and choke it - destroy it.

            My father knew that this joint grass, attaching themselves to cultivating instruments, spreading,  would soon consume an entire field.  Jesus told us about this with his parable of the sower (Mark 4), pertaining to individuals "cares of this world", deceitfulness of riches, lust for other things, choke the word.  Look around your church house.  Have the weeds-tares taken over?  The main line denominations, liberal churches, prosperity gospel, the good word of God has been choked out in the name of political correctness, fairness, liberation theology.

            Joy is the net with which we catch souls; the joy of God's redemption.  Too many Christians, who should show much joy in their salvation, are sad-bitter people.  This writer watched a woman preacher preaching at the corner of Broadway and 47th Street, NYC.  She had an audience of people in line for theater tickets. Oh, the sadness and bitterness in her voice as she attempted to persuade unbelievers about God's plan of salvation.

            The Christian should know the joy of children, marriage.  It seems that the unbelievers have joy in abortions, family destruction, gay agenda, same sex marriage, all which God hates.

            America, which from 1799 to 1892, was declared, even by the U.S. Supreme Court as a "Christian Nation" has lost all discipline in academics (John Dewey's, 'The End Justifies the means" has become the entertainment indoctrination mantra of all education.  Scientific discovery has been put on hold as "supposed" scientists are now more interested in government and foundation grants than establishing new knowledge.

            The entire world entangles in the globalist philosophy "New World Order" which has brought anger to young people, stress to the middle-aged, and heightened expectancy for the freedom of glory to the aged.

            For those of you basking in your fantasies of unbelief, search the world over.  This writer has traveled the world, studied most books, there is no story, and it is fact not feeling, like the story of Jesus...no greater literature than the story of the prodigal son, the good Samaritan.  God's book is the only "work" known to man that is real, stood the test of time, become disentangled from the "City of Man".

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