Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All In the Mind

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men"

~Philippians 2:5-7

            The torture of the born again, saved by grace, Christian of today's world.  The great percentage of the worlds population who still, 2,000 years on this side of the cross, know nothing of grace and faith.  Even more bewildering are those in a nation like America, at one time considered a Christian nation, a totally lackadaisical, wistful, attitude towards the precious promises of God.  Each year, more and more Americans profess an unbelief in God.  This is the peril of prosperity.

            This world traveler, having seen the false religions of the world...Hindu temples, Buddhists temples throughout most of the world. Muslim Masque, now increasing in once Christian countries; Forms of religion which have little basis of credulity, nothing for the future.  Mohammad is dead, Buddha is dead, yet you find in the followers of these religions, the most exacting worship that the human mind can imagine.  Over and over, in India, Nepal, and other places, I saw the Brahmas anointing the foreheads of the followers.  They had nothing to offer except activity.  There is nothing in these strange religions that give any comfort during life, absolutely nothing after death.  Yet, they have their committed followers.  It is all a matter of ritual.  Man made obedience...crawling up mountainsides reciting creeds and prayers...throwing babies off temples as in  the state of Maharashtra,  in western India, to please a false god.  It reminds me of the warnings God gave the children of Israel upon entering the promised land.  The seven groups there upon their entrance were totally heathen, throwing their babies into fire to please their false Gods.  God told the children of Israel to kill them all but they refused to do so and we still suffer for their disobedience until this very day.  Heathenism is nothing new to God.  He gave man a chance to be sin free and sickness free; there was no sin or sickness in the garden. Adam and Eve chose a sin leading to sickness and death instead of eternal life.  So, until this very day, not only in pagan countries where abortion, killing of the aged and infirmed is a matter of record.  Probably, as before Noah's flood, when there was nothing but a spirit of evil in the minds of men, we have the killing of innocent babies and old people, the destruction of the God-wrought family (same sex marriage, gay agenda taking over civilization) even in the Judeo-Christian world.

            It is torture to the Christian believer, real church members who have a doctrine such as Baptists and Catholics.  Why should the unbelieving-heathen-liberal element of the world take over the places and programs honoring God?  Such as what happened last week when a tried-and-true, God and country honoring club such as The Boy Scouts of America were taken over, as has been so many churches and schools, by the gay agenda.

            It has happened in my lifetime; the hatred of Christianity, hatred of the family, hatred of men.  The conservatives in politics, the conservatives in churches have not had the good sense to see what is happening.  The destruction of the moral compass and morality can only have the foundation of the word of God, can be traced directly to the failure of the church...the cancer of sin from a diabetic congregation, too much sugar from the pulpit.  Nothing could make Satan happier than this attitude of political correctness and spiritual as well as political life..  95% of all church members do not know that we are at war with Satan; powers of darkness in the air (Ephesians 6).  We are not willing to wrestle against these powers, rather, so convenient to turn the other cheek, "Go along to get along".
            The all sufficient grace of God is always available to those who trust Him.  The evil world with it's false religions, communist attitude of "the end justifies the means" has never understood that the same power which through the stars into space, raised Lazarus from the dead, is available to us...those who trust in Him.  Like plugging in to a socket with power, the current flows. "Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world" 1 John 4:4.  When you put on the whole armor of God, you have everything you need for warfare.  Don't back up one inch; never turn your back on the enemy.  Your back is not protected.  The twentieth century church turned its back on the enemy, made a beggar of God, believed the mind of the world's satanic culture and it is a matter of record what has happened.

            Even though we do not deserve His grace, his grace shown us by putting our sins on Christ.  God trusting in such unworthy vessels, regenerated depending on His mercy, because of His grace the church can still overcome anything the world throws at us.  You see, the perverted, prostituted, profiteering, pagan mind has no idea of the enemy he has encountered when he decides to take on those who trust God, insult the bride of Christ, his church.

            The same law that holds our feet to the ground (law of gravity), is the same law which must be overcome by evil.  The world, flesh, devil, has never understood the attitude of the Christian believer in being able to separate what we have from what we will eventually receive.  The world has never understood those who have held on to their faith in spite of everything.  "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth."  Hebrews 11:37-38.

            WHEN the real Christian, born again, washed in his blood, child of God, understands the price tag of Christianity.  He will understand why the unsaved so despise hypocrisy, can so easily recognize and run from false religions.  It is all in the mind.

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