Sunday, November 17, 2013



"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."

(Psalm 19:14)

        This writer remembers the invention, first use of plastics. Before plastics, real paper cups, paper plates, paper packaging, paper over your dry cleaning. This writer remembers the invention and first use of zippers. Before zippers, snaps on women's and children's clothing, buttons on your trousers. Could one ever have imagined plastic storage bags with zippers? Even the poorest, those on welfare, have things now that were not available in the WHITE HOUSE- Palaces of the world, in my youth. It seems impossible, but today's welfare citizen receives more money from the government than the disabled, combat veteran.

        We live in a world of Shellac, a bright covering over everything, even the 'dark and ugly'. Present two items to a baby, one shiny, the other dull. The baby will always reach for the shiny. This writer saw many beautiful, old, real wood, hand made antiques, tossed in order to have furniture of shiny veneer. One furniture manufacturer told me, 'I can take any cheap wood, and make it look like any expensive wood... pecan, cherry, mahogany, and then add a coat of Shellac.' One funeral home director told me that an expensive casket only must last a few days... cheap wood, covered with veneer and shellac, cheap satin interior. He said, it is all a matter of perception, not reality. The average buyer does not appreciate quality, it is all visual. Paint, shellac, covers a multitude of sins, illusion, not elimination. At the beginning of World War 2, there were only 60 men in what is now the US Air Force (The Air Force was then known as the Army Flying Service). Learning areal warfare, you would send a plane over a certain area to see how important-well defended it was. If there were a lot of flac (exploding shells), you would know that you were over an important target.

        In today's world, state controlled news media, media bought off by the big bankers, who control everything, including the depths of the media and their advertisers. Unless you are one of the "good ol' boys", you must be very careful about what you say. For instance, big pharmacy supports the democrat party. And the democrat party has a history of Shellac. This writer was born and raised in the poverty of the country side, not exposed to the idiosyncrasies-ambiguities of the real world. I believed in God, honor, country, the value of hard work, and honesty. I never knew about the artificial glitz of networking, "who you know, not what you know". I believe that character determined destiny. It was as a single, young army officer that I discovered the real method of advancement. It was the young, officer's wives, flirting with the big brass at the officer's club, which got you promoted. Even back then, 60 years ago, when homosexuality was in the closet, the young-gay-good looking, male officer knew how to handle orders from his superiors (orders- placement, location). My first orders were changed by superiors for the benefit of a young, gay, officer. He got my orders changed in order for him to go to a hospital in New York City, mine to Korea. It has always been Shellac, a veneer of make believe, that determines the course of things. It is the sizzle, not the stake: the colorful package, not what is on the inside.

        The model of vaccination, giving the organism a small dose of a disease in order for antibodies against the disease to be built up by the organism... functional immunology. To protect the composure of the vaccine, mercury and aluminum are used. We know the effects of metals on the body, certainly your dentist does. I remember hearing one young medical officer asking a well known immunologist, "Why not just expose everyone to the germs in a poor section of town? Why not just make sure everyone handles dirty money?" It is known that fiat money contains most of the world's germs. The good doctor said, "It is all a matter of control." carefully control the dosage in a syringe. Not so dining and dancing in a germ infested area, or handling anything with many germs. Ex. think of the germ laden blankets given to the American Indians, which practically wiped them out.

        We know those who get the flu vaccine, have just as much flu as those who do not get the shots. We know that some of the healthiest children come from homes, religion or otherwise, who never received any shots at all. We know that giving immunization shots to small babies probably causes more problems (autism, etc) than the prevention of anything. Think of the girls killed because of the insistence of vaccination for HPV. It is truly amazing that people for thousands of years, our ancestors, living through every type of disaster, survived with out vaccinations. But, the veneer-shellac- coating of acceptability-responsibility (parents deemed abusive if not yielding to big pharma, big medication's admonitions) unwilling to accept criticism of society. Read, study, what it is all about. Don't be a victim of popularity. Remember, the taxpayer pays for the disease, created by others. Too many Christian people- believers in the healing power of God, have sung, victory in Jesus, as they have yielded to the Satanic forces of the world. Too many pastors have shuffled, distressed people, to Godless psychologists for counseling. Surely these pastors should know that the first thing the anti-God counselor psychologist is going to tell the person: forget your super-natural belief system. The Christian church, far too long, has let Godless atheism dictate our actions. Madison Avenue techniques have encouraged the 20th century church to make a beggar out of God... to use their techniques in raising funds for God's work. Today's mega-churches are products of "bigger is better" philosophy, not theology. The Christian church does not need directions from Satan. The shellac of drums and drama, jive music (self-help-Dale Cargenie-platitudes) will never replace the iterate- sovereign word of God (written by him for our every instruction). The great hymns of the faith. This writer has known those who are physically sick, those who are distressed, those in despair, to be healed and revitalized, just by reading the gospel of John every day for a week, just by taking a hymn book and reading the old hymns of the Christian faith. The world offers glitter and polished glass.

        This writer once was amazed to find that an antique frame contained an old print which my 'hired' eyes had believed to be an original. The clever antique dealer had coated the inside of the glass, covering the print with shellac, making the print look old. There is nothing new under the sun. Only old, vital, lessons, which the young need to learn and which we older people should become revitalized.

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