Monday, August 25, 2014

Careful of What You Think and Drink

My feeble hand lies in His; His omnipotent hand is clasped round mine!
All is well, because I "know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose!" Romans 8:28

How Soda Destroys Your Body (INFOGRAPHIC)

It seems like not a month goes by without a new study condemning sugary, bubbly sodas, but seeing all the data in one place does not paint a pretty picture. Check out how soda wreaks havoc all over your body:

Addition Dr. Morris: There are two things the Atheist cannot challenge, firstly, God's grand and glorious universe with all of its stars, its space. Secondly, God having endowed human neurology, the mind, with a sense of right and wrong.
How many times in my lifetime, professionally and socially, have I warned people about the dangers of soft drinks? Especially diet colas. Of course they think I'm an old fuddy-duddy who does not know anything. God's greatest creation is the human body, made and created in His image, given the blessing of free will, able to make decisions. Why should any thinking human being, with an IQ above room temperature, take anything, food or drink, into the body that would destroy it? Some years ago, in the city where I live, there was a "great fuss" about soft drink sales in the public schools. The owners of the drink machines were giving some of their profits to the school and the school board thought this "generosity" justified the sale of poison to the students who they are supposed to protect. To this day, the school board-teachers-administration despise me because I spoke out against the sale of soft drinks in the school house. Like so many politicians, plutocrats and even pastors, always, without fail, just follow the money. They talk a good game but walk themselves and you straight to hell... if you allow it, and even vote for it. There are more people on welfare in America than the entire population of Russia... 35.4% of Americans on welfare. The tragedy, most of those depending on government largess, in their eating-drinking as well as their lifestyle, just don't care.
Most of our fellow citizens actually believe that truth and justice are just for comic books. The poet Wordsworth said, "There is little we see in nature that it ours." God put everything on this Earth that we need for good health. These artificial contaminants, like other counterfeits, pay off with death.

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