Friday, September 2, 2016

#1866 The Non-Existent Opposition


The Non-Existent Opposition

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

In college, in the post graduate schools-professional schools, you are always told to look around one on either side of you will not make it.  WE LEAD BY LOVE, you must love the race more than you love sitting on the sidelines. Some get taken out of the race before the finish line...untimely death, disabling sickness.  In any event, soon the opening race will be over, and on the other side, that glorious other side, real living will begin. The body makes visible the invisible...just as all bodies are not perfect on the outside, most are not perfect on the inside and the inside pathology usually shows up on the outside. Chosen for life, ambition for the race, eager citizen for a win, we are just gears turning in the machine of justice. In the competition of life, all cannot be winners there must be losers. Compunction (doing something bad) collecting no interest.

Most of us conjure the attitude, what might have been, "If only I had not lost my eyesight, why me?" In spite of everything, poverty, disability, low esteem, we are all better than the worst things we do: dazzled by the good lives that some people have. 

Albert Einstein, genius, said the more he peered into the outskirts of space the more he realized there must be a supreme creator. Science brings many scientists to God.  Your writer, degrees in science, cannot understand how anyone can peer into a microscope, telescope, or listen with a stethoscope and not realize how little they know?  Cleanse the doors of deception. The ultimate reality, just as Augustine said, "There is a hole in the heart of man that can only be filled by God." Man's greatest blessing, keeping the world in some sort of order, the conscience, and freewill invested in man. Thank God for common sense...not so common anymore. 

Sometimes you lose when you should have won; sometimes you win when you should have lost. We spend too much of our lives being afraid of Satan. Satan already knows his destiny, who does Satan have to fear? Reputation is something so hard to come by, so easy to lose.

This writer believes in always giving the best version of show success by the way you carry yourself...wearing a suit when it is no longer in style.  I do not have one article of clothing not secondhand. I do not own one shirt that cost over twenty-five cents. I am known for scavenging-secondhand-thrift-consignment stores. I had rather wear a secondhand expensive jacket than a cheap new expensive secondhand necktie than a cheap new one and, I never leave my house without wearing a neck tie, shoes polished. Other people have a right to live as they wish, this is me...representing the best version of myself, the best disciple of Creator God. I never left my mother's front door as a young man, without her saying, "Remember who you are." I represented two honorable families in the community, one precious Creator God of the universe.

Returning from military service disabled and cauterized by decadent government. I attended one civic group, who met in the director's room of a large bank, hanging on the walls around the room were magnificent portraits of old-dead-bankers, dressed in expensive clothing, they were winners of life's lottery, most had the DNA, ancestral heritage of wealth and family position. Most of my fellow club members knew nothing of "peasant" life; they had matriculated through private-prep-exclusive schools. They did not know the mire and muck involved in the defense of this nation; they had never heard the screams of pain in an Army hospital but like the men in the portraits hanging around us, they thought they had paid a price through leapfrogging over the less fortunate. How easy it is to play, how easy to become the role you play. One man wrote a book, "Games People Play", life is too short, too precious, to be involved in game playing, such as, game playing with God at the church house, game playing with indoctrination at the school house, game playing with political pull- power plays at the courthouse.

The Hotel Sir Walter, Raleigh NC, when I was a young man was the epitome site of political power in North Carolina probably still there, a coffee shop on the first floor. I was president of the states Young Democrats, (YDC) I was sitting at a table having lunch with Governor Sanford and US Representative LC Fountain (Tarboro) they were talking about my future, "The Democrat party will always control political power in North Carolina, we have the black vote, we have the vote of every government worker, county, state, national, every retired military person, every person who gets a government check of any type. WE ARE IN CHARGE." Back then, you could not get a job in a hospital, highway department, guarding convicts-teaching school, unless you voted Democrat. I went home and changed my registration to Republican, the party of my parents and grandparents, both maternal and paternal, hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing, real men and women with real values...not asking government for anything, not under the control of anyone or any political party. The only measure of value is what others are willing to pay; many of us are not willing to pay the cost of slavery. We may haggle over the cost of some clothing, perhaps even a car but there is one thing for which there is no haggling...the gift of God through the sacrifice of his only son, our redemption-salvation-freedom "and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32).

Don't falter-faint-fall to a non-existent opposition. I heard FDR when he said, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Unfailing, unflinching, Christian soldiers can march forward with faithfulness and, ninety percent of faith is just raw courage.

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