Monday, September 19, 2016

#1875 Fortune Cookie Message


Fortune Cookie Message

"Home is where the heart is."

America is a short time experiment.  Most of the technology-new inventions of the world were started here.

With America's bottomless ocean of technology, the conscience conflicting action...a driverless car, whether to hit a child or hit a wall...with DNA, the ability to bring back extinct animal life from the past.  The use of individual jet packs for transportation and not just fast food-instant international communication via handheld cell phone...every evil that Satan can proffer. 

The time has come to put first things first; the time has come to value the lock on the door of your home.  More valuable than gold, for you and your family, your home is the last sanctuary of privacy and safety left in a rapidly changing world.

There was a time when your church, be it a Catholic cathedral, Jewish temple, Christian, edifice, or even Muslim mosque was a sanctuary from the cares-trials-tribulations of the world.  No more, Satan's greatest ambition to infiltrate all spiritual places of refuge.

The Christian church is little more than a country club with a steeple, a civic club with more music.  From the podium to the pew, Satan has filled hearts with doubts and fears. 

There must be a place for soul refreshing.  One time, saved, committed, concerned, convinced believers, from the sanctuary anxious to go out, the light of Jesus shining in the marketplace, to make the world a better place.  The twenty first century church, some mega churches, a theology of drums and drama, a Madison Avenue approach to "seeker" spiritual enhancement, people who laugh about everything...cannot talk without a giggle.  Giggle when they don't even get the joke.  As a doctor, sick patient so attuned to the world's expecting you to say "I am fine"; cannot even discuss symptoms without giggling.  It is time to get serious about our real condition.

Behind the lock on your door, you must have for you and your family a place of sanctuary...quietness-refreshing.  You must keep the world out of your precious values.  There was a time when, in the "seedy" part of town you had disgusting strip joints, "porno shops".  By way of the computer, internet, the worst the world has to offer is now in your home.  Some televisions are never turned off in a home; you need to keep this trash out of your home, away from your children.  TV not only ruins a child's eyes but totally pollutes the mind.  (Now I know there are some good things on TV, remember, most of rat poison is just cornmeal...just a little arsenic.  The human genome is very close to the rat genome, if we could only learn to separate the cornmeal from the arsenic.)

In the sanctity of your home, you need the fantasy of books...the delight of good music, the smells of healthy God food (the body cannot digest synthetics: in most grocery store food there is more nutrition in the wrapping than in the food.)  Remember, the cure is in the kitchen not the drug store.

For those who seek shelter from the storms of modern day extravagance, whether a person living alone or a family, happy within the worship attitude in your existence many will find you a source of curiosity and pity.  You don't care about that from the magnificence of your home; adults and children can go forth better prepared for the battles of life...the challenges in school, the competition in the workforce.  You are not tainted by the toxicity Satan has conjured up for his minions.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, speaking at Harvard University, said Russia fell because Russia forgot about God.  Of course, the people at Harvard thought they knew more about Russia than he did.  He had the experience of watching the decay at the time of the communist USSR tyranny.  I can understand, this writer was there several times, even crossed Russia on the Tran-Siberian Railroad.  The great churches had been turned into museums (St. Isaacs, St. Basil, etc).  The people were just slaves.  The paintings and great cathedral type candelabra in the subway stations were impressive, but more impressive; the downtrodden-bleak-beguiled faces on adults as well as children told the entire story.  You did not see any real happiness in Soviet Russia. This writer, talked with one old woman outside the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, said to me, "My only refuge in this desert of unbelief, this island of comfort here in the remains of my church." 

I do not believe most people; my neighbors-family-associates have any idea of what has happened to their country.  I remember so well, when I was a medical student, Memphis TN, one radio announcer-total frustration when he had hit the wrong button used a four letter word.  He was immediately fired.  Now, that four letter word is used in almost every sentence some people utter.  Have you even considered the clutter and clash of ideas which our ancestors considered sacred?  In Belgium, children can choose longer choosing to live.  In America, children can choose a different gender, politicians wanting unisex bathrooms.  Could one even imagine some pastors performing marriage for same sex couples?  If the moral fiber of an individual, state, nation has disappeared there is no way that entity can withstand.  Law enforcement just goes through the motions.  Politicians and bureaucrats are just concerned with staying near the money pot-a profitable retirement.

Christians, especially Christian families, must never forget where we belong.  Most of us are made to feel uncomfortable in the church by atheists-pastors and pew warmers.  Cling to your home, the sanctuary of home, the safety-privacy of home.  Our freedom in Christ, our every action is MINE to do.  At home, we clean up-fill up-get up, ready for the challenges of the world outside our door.  We do not have to be told what our sins are, our health conditions.  Moses, Jeremiah, David, even Paul wanted to escape people.  Elijah sat down under a tree, and just wanted to die.  We as Christians will entertain defeat.  We will always be wallpaper not the centerpiece BUT we have better things eternal home, free of the pollution of this world.  The message in the fortune cookie....your inheritance. 

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