Monday, October 3, 2016

#1880 Voodoo Philosophy


Voodoo Philosophy

"Any religion or philosophy which is not based on respect for life it is not a real religion or philosophy."  - Albert Schweitzer

One of my friends said he wanted to serve God, but as an adviser.  Unless one has been broken by disease or some other calamity, the same person will never be concerned about the brokenness of others.  Four hundred thousand Americans die each year die from a doctor missing a half of all antibiotics given to children because of earache.  These "gods" in white coats, have never had the earache...the worst pain one can imagine.  Yet, you never hear anything about the lactose intolerance that causes most earaches.  

To hear the politicians, pastors, physicians one would think that everyone is looking for inspiration-social justice-morality.  Not so, most people find great difficulty in getting around the barrier of self...what affects me.  When will Americans become concerned that the death-murder rate in some US cities is greater than the warfare death rate in some cities at war, such as Aleppo and Syria?  Chicago, third largest US city has already had about 500 murders this year.  

Everyday of my  life, I listen to and dream about attending the great Moody Church in Chicago and this is just one of many great Christian churches in Chicago.  We know, however, that it is voodoo thoughts and imagination that take precedence among most people.  

Even at the White House, Ms. Robinson, mother-in-law of the President, mother of Michele, procured voodoo priests to go in and cleanse the White House before the Obama's moved in.  Yet, they all claim to be Christian, members of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, with that flaming liberal Reverend Jeremiah Wright..."God damn America!"  "The question is not whether we will be extremist but what kind of extremist will we be." 

I cannot get over the attraction of the voodoo religion but I cannot understand bees are attracted to yellow flowers or why yellow is so important in our diet, egg yolks-squash-carrots.  The body is a biological workshop, a constant flow of homeostasis.  Just remember, God's medicine is better than any drugstore medicine.  Have you ever considered the treatment of pathology and pain before physicians who go their start in the barbershop?  (The barber pole, the ancient signal of a physician: surgeons actually learned to wash their hands during the Civil War.)  Really, some professionals have finally learned that it is better to prevent than to pay for dread disease.  Don't wait until you get stage 4 cancer, Parkinson's, diabetes to become concerned about your nutrition.  One never crosses the river the same way, the river has either changed or the person has changed.  Genus homosapiens animals are always looking for something new, tried and true-the uncommon.  Most clinicians: never curing just treating, just practicing, ambiguities instead of absolutes.  We know, even from biblical times, that the honey of bees is the best treatment for allergies.

The most important time of learning in life is at the home, age 5 through 13.  Pressurized parents want their child to read so young, a child's eyes are not ready for the hand-eye coordination of reading until the age of 5.  It started about 20 or 30 years ago, your truth-my truth.  We now have a new age, voodoo, totally secular path of thought, to the physical not the spiritual.  Surely we must know that there is only one truth about homosexuality-abortion-gender identity.  "Thy word is truth."  (John 17:17)  People, even church members, "supposed" Christians do not read God's word, the Bible, because they are afraid of truth.  One patient told me that she was having so many health problems that she could not even enumerate them, I told her to read the Book of John once a week for one month.  Most thoughts of the heart are as visible as if written on the forehead.  After all, every life is a story or a collection of stories.  Most have fake smiles, as if wired to a bomb detonator: self-possessed, in the world on your own terms.  

Think about it, after your grave has been filled in, the funeral home tent taken down, the once beautiful floral offerings beaten and bruised by a rainstorm...all that is left remembering your life, your family is probably fussing over your things.  Someone said a nation with the most wealth has the most misery.  Only those unschooled, unaware have the guffaws of laughter.  In government, the planners just keep planning, keep hiring inept people.  Foundations-universities-intelligencia just keep pawing at the taxpayers vault.  The name of the game now is to stay in good with the system...close to the money.  A robber baron of the nineteenth century said, "I can hire one half the population to kill the other half."  After all these years, advancement, progress, we have become a slave nation: slaves to credit, slaves to entertainment, and slaves to sex activity.  This world traveler has been in the fetish markets of Africa, bones-eyes-amulets ways of putting spells on other people.  IT IS TWENTY FIRST CENTURY AMERICANS MUCH FURTHER ADVANCED.

I have a poison ivy itch, of intuition, that all TV imagery now is just virtual reality, nothing in front of the camera real.  Nothing focuses the mind like pain.  In India, I watched men walk over red hot coals with bare feet; New Guinea, young men danced naked in fire.  

You are only as great as the cause you serve.  Thank God, some of us still think we can be as great at the god we serve.  One man plus God, and anything is possible.  God willing, I have been that man.  

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