Monday, December 12, 2016

#1914 Monopoly Money or Parcheesi Dice


Monopoly Money or Parcheesi Dice

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "- Theodore Roosevelt

Our world never fails to fascinate.  No matter how many automobile accidents we go by, we always think such will happen to someone else.  Religion is always a value expression...Jewish-Christian-Muslim-Buddhist-etc.  The Christian knows that his salvation is a gift, good works, keeping laws: if the world could be saved by good bookkeeping, we would worship Moses. 

In the life of this totally blind writer, everyday is a struggle and I often think I cannot take the solitary confinement of blackness one more day.  It is a fact that disabled veterans do not live as well as the convicts in a prison.  Beaten into submission by a bureaucracy of incompetence, disabled veterans-handicapped citizens-the hardworking poor of this world find some satisfaction in clipping coupons and buying needed things from thrift stores. 

Not only religion but blood, too, is a value expression.  The best example, paper money is worth nothing; worth is found only in what backs it up.  "For the life of flesh is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11) and all mankind, any nation-any race-any skin color, finds honor in lineage of his blood.  It is a pitiful parent or child who does not honor his ancestry, his own personal DNA, anyone of his trillions of cells that can reveal thousands of pages about his own personal family, his own bloodline. 

The Christian rejoices, in knowing his kinship-joint heir with the son of God.  The Christian is embarrassed seeing the bride of the son of God, the church, being defrauded to that of a whore.  This committed-concerned-convinced Christian becomes nauseated by "so-called" pastors and pew warmers dragging Santa Claus into the Christian church building:  joining the world with the spectacle of rabbits laying chocolate eggs at Easter.  The twenty-first century believer, certainly the millennials, like even the people of the Old Testament have trouble comprehending that the blood of a goat or a dove can be considered a blood sacrifice for sin.  The Christian, however, knows about the blood of the lamb, knows about the first Passover, when the blood of the lamb was placed over and around the door of each of the over two million Jewish slave homes, so that the death angel would not touch that home, then they eating the roasted flesh of that lamb, shoes on, staff in hand, ready to leave, no questions asked, money paid, etc.  The grace of deliverance from bondage, forever, the splendor-miracle of it all, another lamb, blood sacrifice on a cross...redemption-deliverance, and, it is all a matter of obeying-trusting.  The over two million Jewish slaves, in groups of five, the number of grace, delivered from Egyptian bondage. 

Your money has become as fake as that found on your Monopoly board game.  Your future, if depending on government, is as dicey-risky-uncertain as your throwing dice on your Parcheesi game board.  The only hope of the world is found in our nation returning to its early Christian principles.  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn when asked what happened to Russia, "They forgot God."  The twenty-first century American is witnessing patchwork.  Many are patching their lives with legal and illegal drugs.  Mrs. Clinton called us deplorables but, deplorables, as well as the desperate are seeking help everywhere but from a solid rock.  Most think that all twenty-first century problems can be solved by technology.  When you have technology, you have what technology can do.  When you have drugs, you have what drugs can do.  When you have sports, you have what sports can do.  When you have money, you have what money can do.  BUT, when you have God in your life, when you have the power of prayer in your persona, then you have what God can do and if there is anything in this world-those around us-those depending upon us NEED it is what God can do.  The only thing that will send any human being to a black lonely hell is unbelief.  We simply do not want to believe that money or chance-gambling will not solve everything. 

My parents were hardworking, God-fearing, taxpaying, citizens.  They were the workingest people I have ever known.  They wanted the best for their children.  When we reached the age in high school that we had started taking typing lessons (typing was big thing when I was young) they went into a store that sold office supplies to buy us a that could be used at the church.  Like this writer, who does not have one article of clothing-one article of furniture that was not purchased secondhand, instead of spending an enormous amount of money, for them, for a new typewriter, they purchased a used typewriter.  The machine was just a piece of junk.  The pica and elite keys transferred-mixed up, it was returned but they were told that the sale was final "no returns".  The old preacher, Dr. R.G. Lee whose church I attended when a student in Memphis, owned a famous sermon, "Payday Someday".  I am not telling you that every payday will be as blatant but the family who owned this office supply company owned a beautiful home on George Street, Goldsboro, NC, fire is a great equalizer.  One night that magnificent home burned to the ground.  To me, there will be many great-magnificent qualities in Heaven but, the greatest thing about Heaven will be the honesty of Heaven.  I remember the quietness at the South Pole, Heaven may not be quiet, may not be as colorful as I expect (I will be able to see then) but it will be honest.  I believe Americans, subjected to lies and deceit by the news media as well as everyone else, have a real hunger for honesty. 

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