Tuesday, December 13, 2016

#1915 Lightning Rods and Dark Energy


Lightning Rods and Dark Energy

"The UN humanitarian aid agency decries the “complete meltdown of humanity” in Aleppo. Its children agency says there could be more than 100 unaccompanied children trapped in a building under fire." www.TheStar.com

Blindness is often mutual, not always sightlessness, the dehumanization of others. 

The "normal" person never considers handicapped safety bars in a bathroom.  Why they are there?  What they are for?  The "normal" person never thinks of what it is like for the "cripple" or blind to use bath facilities, to get dressed, to crawl around attempting to survive. 

My daddy was a great follower of Dr. M.R. Dehaan (Grand Rapids, Michigan) he was a physician, in private practice, but first in his calling was his radio ministry of Bible teaching (Radio Bible Class).  He said that one morning he and his wife Priscilla were very estranged by an argument, they normally would read aloud their daily devotional at breakfast, but this morning they did not even speak.  Finally, she read their daily devotional to herself, saying over and over, yes...yes and then passed the book over to him.  The devotional was on kindness and the forgiveness of one another and it so happened that it had been written by Dr. Dehaan himself. 

There is a very dark cloud of energy around most of us called "indifference".  It would be so easy to show kindness to those who did not win life's lottery, who God chose for disability, who God chose for impoverishment.  Last year, 4,600 human beings from Africa drowned in the Mediterranean attempting to escape the impoverishment of Africa...many of these human beings were women and children.  Can one even imagine the poverty of thought-impoverishment of despair in getting aboard a boat to cross a large expanse of water, such as the Mediterranean Sea?  Can we even imagine such destitution, leaving everything known behind?  Venturing toward the unknown with all the risks and dangers involved?  Now, at 86, looking towards the sunset of my life, I truly believe God wanted me to sense what life on this planet is all about...the reason I went on so many round the world trips, every continent including both the North and South Poles.  God left me with a little vision in one eye, so that I could see some of the disparities of life: the horror story of life's inequalities.  It is difficult for me to even describe these things and I know that most readers will not believe what I am about to describe. 

In darkest Africa, among the poorest people I have ever known (and this writer was raised in the poverty of impoverished Eastern North Carolina: dirt road, no power, no phone, or water lines).  I could not believe what my little bit of sight saw.  It was up to the women of the African village to take a large molded basin and catch the urine from cows.  They used this "water" along with the manure from the cows and clay to build their houses...shelters from storms-shelters from wild animals.  The cows were their method of survival.  Then, I would see them with jugs walking long distances just to find water for their children to drink.  Water for bathing or cleaning was completely out of the question.  I found that even in delivery, at birth, very little water was available.  I witnessed the village "witch doctor" with a distraught chicken diagnosing diseases and maladies.  In addition to this struggle for physical survival, the desperate need for spiritual help and this is where the real capture of human depravity comes into focus.  Have you ever considered why so many African men are called Mohammed?  You see, in the Islam religion, a boy named Mohammed is assured of Heaven.  The disparity of everything in human living is impetus-necessity for escape. 

In the predominantly Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa the largest non-Muslim religious group, Coptic Christians.  Coptic comes from early Egyptian.  Until recently, even under Saddam Hussein, Iraq, and other Arab rulers, Coptic Christians and their places of worship were protected.  It is no longer this way; all Christians are considered the enemy by Muslims. 

For the first time in a long time, listening to commentators on the radio, or just people with whom I come in contact, I am encouraged about the future.  I have often thought that when I look upon the face of Jesus I would want to wish that I had done more for his glory.  I truly believe that there were enough people like me praying in the last election to have the "almost" miracle of the election of Donald Trump as president.  So many times, it takes a bully to chasten and correct.  Anyone with an IQ above room temperature, anyone who wants to live a responsible life would have known that the criminal woman running against him would have been a further disaster for our nation.  There is nothing in the news to which we are alert that would say otherwise.  As in the Old Testament when God's chosen were taking over the Promised Land from the seven civilizations there, he told them that he would send hornets in front of them, to chase out the natives.  We desperately need a man with familiarity of hornets to cleanse-sweep out-cleanout the cesspool of our nation's government.  We cannot be too judgmental about the president elect's lifestyle.  We are hiring someone to clean up a mess, not to be humble, mild or meek.  Perhaps, an onlooker would have thought Jesus a real bully, when he chased the money changers out of the temple, in his day.  It should be so obvious to anyone observing the liberal news media, to anyone cognizant of the advancement of socialism, to anyone aware of the hatred of most liberal young people, such as university students have toward our country that the communist mantra of "the end justifies the means" is now a matter of national survival.  Americans can get things under control or we can get ready for American vanguishment from within.  Perhaps our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, said, "I do not fear what could happen to America from outside but only what could happen from within."  

Under the scourge of indifference, the dark energy of discontent because of the grace given by God to this marvelous nation, we will find the energy to make corrections: to protect our borders: to control our enemies both foreign and domestic.  How many Christian heads must be chopped off?  How many places of Christian worship must be destroyed, before Americans realize that the choice is ours, a lightning rod for the world or surrendering to the powers of darkness?

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