Thursday, January 19, 2017

#1932 Kangaroo on the Front Porch


Kangaroo on the Front Porch

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."  - Eisenhower Farewell 56 years ago today

For believers in Christ, there are no permanent tragedies.  For believers in Christ, when there is answer to prayer, your life should never be the same again.  Now you know that God hears and that God cares. 

Children at a birthday party are always unimpressed with their gifts.  I once heard the daughter of a friend complain about the gifts that Santa Claus did not bring her, even though you could barely walk through all the stuff that he did bring. 

This writer knows answers to prayer, I certainly prayed for the election of Donald Trump, as president.  Like the rest of us, Donald K. Trump is contaminated by sin.  We know that he is a bully, became a multibillionaire as a "questionable" businessman, sauntering through the alleyways of gambling, his many marital adventures, etc.  I do not know about his relationship with Jesus Christ, whether he is saved or not.  But, most of us, love God, family, country too much to vote for a female criminal.  Can you even imagine listening to that voice for four or eight years...having to even think about her pervert husband sleuthing around in the White House?  Her just adding to the damnation brought upon all of us by the eight years of Obama.

The population of the Earth was probably about the same at the time of Noah's flood as it is today.  The Creator of the universe was "sickened" by the whole mess and he destroyed it all with water, except for one "preacher of righteousness", his family, and the animals God chose to save.  Their salvation provided by a large boat which it took this man, Noah, one hundred twenty years to build.  Afterwards, as the Earth was repopulated again by this one family.  Man, sinners by nature, started the same mess again...God picked out one real man,  Abraham, first Jew, and sent him nine hundred miles south to start a new nation.  Sent him to a place without a forwarding address, along the way, Damascus, he buried his idol worshiping father.  But even this chosen people, the race to which God chose to have his own son born and live in the world, there was much sin-struggles-trials-warfare.  These people struggled as slaves for four hundred years, and then struggled after their salvation in a wilderness for forty years...God seeking to humble them.  All except two men of the two million who left the slavery-bondage in Egypt died in the wilderness.  These chosen people had many corrupt kings.  So, as any student of history knows, bizarre rulers-leadership is not unknown to God.  It just might be that a "firewall", such as Donald Trump, might be what this nation needs to "drain the swamp" in the District of Corruption which the founders called Washington

In this day of computer complexity, intricate telephones with the names of fruit, a bottomless ocean of technology, most young people do not know, what I remember, the founding of IBM by Thomas Watson and the signs which he  had hung everywhere with just one word, THINK.  It is time for American citizens to think about what is happening to their country, even all those black folk and others who are almost fifty percent of the population will just vote for any criminal who comes along if she or he just promises "more free stuff", more pampering to laziness-slothliness.  Does it not make you sick to hear people snicker about every type sexual innuendo-every type sexual perversion?  How low can we get?  A politician baptized in the sewer of political correctness-one who thinks that money grows on trees-that three thousand babies can be murdered in this nation (one hundred fifteen thousand around the world) everyday without arousing the wrath of God-that Christianity, on which this nation was founded, is now a blight-that such a politician will correct anything.  We live in a different world from the world in which I was born, eighty-seven years ago, there have been a few wake up calls, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, $20 Trillion National Debt.  And, please think of this, Midnight Basketball-Cash for Clunkers-Genderless Marriages, Toilets, and Showers. 

People like their soft comfortable lives, their La-Z-Boy chairs as they drool over a talking box, cramming with chips-hot and cold drinks, pretending religion as they habit a church for one hour on Sunday.  Social security checks from government, spiritual security check up from God.  WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE FOOLING? 

I have a beautiful house right near the ocean; it has always amazed me that people who go to the beach to enjoy the water will FLEE the beach with the first few drops of rain. Perhaps, Donald can fan the flames-awaken the "fag" boys and girls who run the country.  If Donald cannot break through the firewall, we are lost.  Just think, less than two hundred fifty years, what our hardworking, God-fearing ancestors built.  We had a superpower not just with military, but foundations devoted to scientific research...the best education system in the world.  All inventions leading to a better way of living, better health, came from America.  From America went ninety percent of all Christian missionaries.  Stand on a hill and look at any American city, all the church steeples.  Not just steeples but every type factory...all this giving stockholder confidence along with the gift of ambition to youth.  In my lifetime, the take over of the democrat party-the solid south-etc.  Godless communism and what it has done to the souls of American children.  Prayer was taken out of the school classroom and police now patrol the school halls. The jewel of mental holiness-morality removed from the university campus and replaced by "so-called" racial equalizing cultural centers populated by sports stars. 

There have always been men and women who would burn down a city in order to rule the ash.  Craziest of all, breakdown of boundaries, invasion by a "religion" dedicated to the destruction of the people of the Judeo-Christian faith, without a whisper of discontent Americans have seen mosques built barking out their hatred for the infidels.  When this world traveler was in any of the forty-two Muslim nations and heard the call to prayer from mosques throughout the cities, saw the faithful on their prayer rugs, I thought, what if it should get contagious.  It did, and is now an epidemic.  In few short years instead of Schulmerich carillon chimes from churches you will hear the call to prayer from minuets in a mosque. 

This writer was born in poverty, impoverished Eastern North Carolina; dirt roads, we had no power, phone, or water lines.  BUT, there was a line connecting the country church to the Creator of the universe.  In most towns, there were cotton mills-cotton mill stores where the workers had to buy their necessities at inflated prices.  The countryside was populated by tenant farmers eeking out an existence from the soil...the land-hog-owner usually living in town.  One man plus God, always in this world, and particularly in this country, anything is possible.  One such man is writing this AND, I firmly believe that one such man, by the name of Trump, can change this nation, FOR THE BETTER. 

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