Friday, September 15, 2017

Running on Fumes

It is no act of courage to go into a lion's cage when you know there are no lions in the cage.  There are only two things permanent in this world, Gods Holy Word, and the soles of people. To you evolutionists, rust, mold, and fire will destroy the Earth, of course, evil men will make their contribution through warfare whether biological, chemical, or nuclear. No one seems to care in a world addicted to drugs, 90% of Christianity is just courage, but the Christian soldiers deserted long ago. Secular soldiers, much like Christian soldiers, are just pretending;
It's beyond comprehension to this 87-year-old, blind, Korean War Veteran, Field Grade Officer that liberals who are lunatics have now, along with same sex marriage, decided to put females on the front lines along with “Horny Males”. In my day, Women's Army Corps (WACS), we were proud of our female nurses, our female soldiers, but there were women, they even march in dresses on the parade grounds.

BUT, who can criticize the lackadaisical attitude from the pulpit when the greatest military forces in the world, two navy ships ran into one and another in a very big ocean. It makes me so sick to think that the public does not realize anytime the outside of a naval ship is penetrated, all doors are sealed to prevent entrance of water,  the sailors inside caught in the ceiling of the doors drowned in the attempt to keep the ship afloat. Everything involving that which once was considered the values of life has been penetrated and we are all sinking… from the statehouse to the courthouse, to the schoolhouse, to the church house and many of our own proud parent's houses. We are mostly surviving on fumes… just memories of past heroics and glory. We are going down in flames and don't know it. most of us remember movies involving planes being shot down in WW2… over the oceans, spattering on the water.

Our entire nation is going down in flames. started with the invention of plastics. I remember the first plastics. You see there was a time of paper cups, paper over your dry cleaning. now, everything plastic; clothing, furniture, carpet, paint, … everything wrapped in plastic- Plastics wrapped around packages of meat, chemicals into the meat, chemical leaching from the plastics of your hot coffee cup; and those prized bottles of water. The human body rejects synthetics- plastics with their exotic chemicals are synthetic.   

¾ of the surface of Earth is covered with water, H2O (One of God's greatest miracles,  the chemical equation change of salt water of oceans to fresh water which happens the air).
80% of the world's drinking water, is polluted by plastic, over time, plastics, with age, turns into dust, plastics from interior/exterior of building, vehicles, microscopic in size, these particles infiltrate and penetrate the tissues of the animal body AND, we wonder why the past 100 years we have had afflicted ourselves with so many unusual diseases.   

It makes some of the “ne'er do wells” feel better to tear down or destroy a dead statues of the ones who accomplished things… soldiers-industrialist-educators; men and women of gravitas, who worked hard, learned by study, who knew that life was a matter of fact, not feeling or fairness.  

Those who are alive do not realize that they are living their own funeral, but thinking is hard, and we should all know by now that in an age of television trash, telephone madness, evidently, most people do not have anything to think with. How much thinking did Susan Smith do before she strapped her two little boys into her car and, drown them in a lake? How much thinking did the manipulators of our great Washington National Cathedral before they decided to destroy two stained glass windows because they were portraits of Southern American Heros, (General Lee, President Jefferson). That great and beautiful national cathedral belongs to all of us, not just the politically correct lunatics.  

Greed is an equal opportunity sin, the poor are as greedy as the rich. We are all looking for ease. The closing thing to godliness is forgiveness and loneliness. We must forgive those who believed they were making life easier for us with their clever inventions… a bottomless ocean of technology. We must forgive those who have never known loneliness… the loneliness and the blackness of blindness, the loneliness of mental disability. The loneliness of serving your country in a foreign land. What happened to a nation where it was so important to rear children with manners, to rear children appreciating goodness, and kindness. From where did all OUR prisoners come from, that we are supporting in our Prison System, (largest prison system in the world, do we correct our flaws with fake news, lies, and deceit, anytime you hear anything on your trashy tv set, you can doubt the honesty. This old, totally blind for 50 years, 100% disabled Veteran who worked and saw others work for this great nation and its marvelous institutions can only weep with the disappearance of truth.  

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:32

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