Wednesday, May 23, 2012


In spite of the blasphemy of same sex marriage, the blasphemy involving political – financial sorcery (Jamie Diamond, CEO, JP Morgan, salary $23 million, losing 2-3 billion, “no big deal”). The decadence of M F Global's, Corzine, Governor, - Senator, losing 6.3 billion, but still riding around in his limo, one would think the world is one big gambling casino. The elitist at the top, the masses struggling at the bottom.

God never makes promises to non-producers. Politicians, local – state- federal, always elected because of their promises...the voters too stupid to know the difference and, of course, they get the votes of the non-producers so anxious for their promises.

Fifty percent of all women color their hair. Sugar, the most addictive substance known to man, permeates most food. Plastic, the most toxic substance known to man, covers about everything we touch so, we take a gamble in everything. Women do not know the toxicity of hair color or make-up. Sugar controls obesity, our organs are dying from toxicity (mostly from chemicals such as plastic).

In my life time I have seen the DE-industrialization of America, the DE-valuing of money, DE-moralization of a civilization. Common sense has become “old fashioned”.

There is no reason to tolerate the American financial system, K-Street and Wall Street wants you to concentrate on the Euro dollar instead of the worthless American dollar. There is a total exploitation of the working class. $82 billion spent by Homeland Security to keep “we peasants” in line. The only terrorism we know anything about comes from the FBI and the CIA. With all the groping, scanning, one would think one terrorist would be identified. If only America were so concerned about the 20,000 heat seeking missiles missing in Libya (

Abraham Lincoln put 300 newspaper editors in jail for lying. The unintended consequences of our news, the truth is completely contaminated by lies. The news media is totally state controlled. According to the Communist Manifesto the first requirement for totalitarianism.

The greatest worship privilege of a Christian is the Lord's table, yet sometimes, even there, we are thinking more of ourselves than of Him and what He did for us. Our values are totally mixed up...”the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Mark 4:19). Birds build nests, not barns. God knows the fall of the very smallest bird, the sparrow, the lilies of the field (Mark 6:28).

God requires trust, gives grace to those who trust Him. The greatest abstract concept known to man, prayer. When you have government you have what government can do, money you have what money can do, when praying, you have what God can do. Prayer makes even the force of gravity seem insignificant. In these end times, when Satan knows his days are numbered, the chosen of God need what prayer can do. Many of my friends, family do not want prayer because they do not want God interfering in their business. These winners of life's lottery...healthy, wealthy, wise still like the gambling feel. Not the field which Jesus bought for a great price (Matthew 13:44). More dismaying, those of us purchased at such a great price, chosen, elected, not willing to be separated. The constitution of the Bible, the book of Romans, Paul writing in the first chapter, tells us that he was separated for the gospel (Romans 1:1).

Movies, novels, leaves one to believe that casinos are beautiful – sophisticated places...women in gowns, men in tuxedos. This writer has traveled almost every communist country, always casinos. The totalitarian governments attempt to get every available loose coin (Yugoslavia, Russia, China, etc.). As in Panama and many other places, those in the casinos are not elitist, mostly a poorly dressed people scrambling for survival. Non-producers always want an easy way out...perhaps this life but not the one to come. The word retirement, vacation, “easy living” is foreign to scripture. God honors the work ethic. (I have been young, and [now] am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25).

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