Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Who's Fooling Who

Blog 1305

Who’s Fooling Who?

If I have learned nothing else in my long life, we live a world of denial; just hoping things are not as bad as they really are.

In other articles, this writer has described the many years, 8 years professional education, selling books (mostly bibles) door to door during the summer months and that along with working at night during the school year, paid my way through a long education.

Almost as valuable as money earned, the revealing of human nature from politics to religion, game playing, “Who’s Fooling Who?” Dr. Eric Berne wrote the book, Games People Play. It sickens me to the heart, from the church house to the school house to the courthouse, people playing games thinking they are fooling one another and themselves.

I stopped at one country house, was welcomed in by an overweight “supposed” preacher, involved with his favorite idol: his television set. Of course the preacher wanted to impress the bible salesman with his knowledge of God and the world. The house was miserable, unkempt, dirty, and so was the yard around the house. The preacher talked about his mansion in glory, living on streets of gold. I asked him if he had a Nave’s Topical Bible, a bible familiar to any preacher. He had never heard of such. Fat preachers have always disgusted me, undisciplined life, but how or where does anyone get the message from God’s book that we can live imprudently on Earth, not doing our best…giving the best version of self, and thinking that God will reward us on heavenly shores.

Three times in my life, I have learned just how little regard my country has for my military service-efforts to live a decent life.

In 1967, many eye surgeries. I was in the Duke University Eye Center just across the street from the large Veteran’s Hospital. The VA had placed me at Duke because I needed the care offered by only the best hospital.

The Viet Nam war was a source of great conflict among liberal types. Protests from Duke and Chapel Hill were protesting at the VA facility. This blind, medical officer still in service in the army, confined to a bed, was spat upon by a black nurse who described her hatred for veterans.

In 1997, my driver, Joe Rush, had driven me in my car to the grocery store. My car, always parked in the handicapped space near my rear door, I always went in first in order to unlock the door. To my surprise, the door was open and I almost walked into two police officers about to exit my house. I said, “Who are you, what are you doing in my house.” The reply, “We are checking on you”….never before, never since. Joe Rush said,” This man is a blind veteran.” One officer said, “We know he is a veteran. There is a uniform hanging in his closet.” Now what were these officers doing investigating the closets in my house? I have questioned local and national officials. No one has ever given an answer why the police invaded my house. The only answer: I have been very vocal about local politics- local corruption in law enforcement.. It is so obvious that they were trying to find something with which to embarrass me. The time will come when all of you will experience such…from your medicine cabinet, to your refrigerator as with the TSA sexual invasion; government will control your life-possibly imprisonment and death. Who’s fooling who, you are in the slave market, in denial.

The third instance of why and how I know that this important chapter in world history is over. My great grandparents, both paternal and maternal, having landed as first families on the American shores, Morristown, NJ, moving south and building in 1874 a most remarkable rural church. My grandparents and parents matured in that church. Both sides being leaders in the community. After college, traveling the world, I became active in and member of another large denomination. But, there was a part of me that belonged to that particular church. From the time I entered college, always returning home, even speaking at the 100th anniversary, I was always recognized to pray and give greetings. My talented pianist/wife like me, graduate degrees, was always asked to play the piano. Over the years, I gave hundred of thousands of dollars to that church, as unto God…memorializing my family. In articles, I have been very outspoken about drums and drama, bells and smells, pizza and pool, and all the other activities that have taken over the church, including that church and its modernist pastor. I will not publish the letter; God has assured me that he will handle the matter. BUT, more of the more bitter letters I have ever received came from this “Pastor”.. He said that he never wanted to hear from me again…none of my negativity. You see, he did not realize that I conducted the bible school at the church as a high school student, did not know my long dead parents and other family members’ devotion to that church…evidently did not care about my monetary contributions.

I so remember the day my hard working, God fearing, taxpaying father showed me how the roots of weeds will strangle good plants. We are in denial of not recognizing Satan’s roots strangling everything physical, political, and spiritual. Satan has only the power that God gives him; he knows his days are numbered. The church, like the economy in Europe, has gone under. There has been no economic growth since 2005, 60 months of economic recession…no jobs and no improvement in sight. Satan is on the job. New legislation will permit delivery of liquor by your mail man. The reality of what has happened to your country will set in when you realize that from the White House to your house, godless communism has taken over without a shot being fired.

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