Thursday, November 10, 2016

#1899 Hitler's Bunker


Hitler's Bunker

John Adams, our second president, served as chairman of the American Bible Society.  Speaking to a group of military leaders he said:

“We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and true religion.  Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

One would think that human beings with functioning eyes-functioning brains could see a train crash when two locomotives are speeding toward one another on the same track. 

The most capitalistic area of the world I have ever seen, Hong Kong, in 1997 British rule of Hong Kong ended and the Chinese Communist took over.  Gone were the very British double-decker buses, filthy rich Chinese.  It was a huge city bursting with foot traffic, day and night, a chaos of business action of every type.  What made anyone think that these very independent business people of this great city would submit to the control of communism?  This world traveler has seen classic communism on every continent.  In Belgrade, Yugoslavia, I asked a doctor, "How did it happen?"  He said, "It got to the place that you could not trust anyone...even your own family-your friends-your associates."  Certainly you could not trust the media or government. 

Do you dare examine what has happened in America, even in recent years?  The press..."Yellow Journalism"...lying, biased talking heads on the radio and television have all separated themselves from the average voter.  These overpaid supposed journalists, "News Readers" think they are special.  They think we believe it when we are told, by our Bible, to turn the other cheek.  They don't realize that Christians know the source of their protection...their avenger-defender.  The truth came through the ether, perhaps pilfered email: Mr. Podesta and his satanic rituals.  Others in Mrs. Clinton's "gang" the Weiner couple and their perversions and, we could go on with the former president's and others in the presidential candidate's long list of classless-hopeless associates. 

Over 40 times in our Bible, we find these words, "But God".  All of us in times of's offices-bank statements-emergency rooms, at one crossroad or another found, "But God".  God was always at the crossroads before we got there.  There should be a sign in every professional office, vestibule of every church, front door of every funeral home, "But God".  There should be a sign at the front gate of every educational institution, "But God".  When all hope is gone, whether a physical body, or even our nation..."But God".  Believers know that everything in life is a gift, the greatest, "But God". 

Trump was right, his message-actions, a movement.  This solves the mystery for the biased talking heads, who theorized that the polls were wrong. 

The darker it gets the brighter a light can shine.  Christians were supposed to be the light.  In my lifetime, that Christian light has become just a "flicker".  The best example I can give you, 65% of all Americans have a dog, a pet.  The care of a dog is $1600 a, vet bills, etc.  Most Christians do not give $1600 a year to God's work and, yet, they think they will spend eternity in Heaven, basking in the gift of God's grace.  Mark Twain said many things, one, "Having spent so much of my life with good people, it is refreshing to spend time with the bad."  We can understand why Jesus spent so much of his time with sinners. 

Today, our new president, Mr. Trump, is previewing subsidized government housing along with the Vice President, who too, will live in a subsidized government house.  The time has come, the gold rush is on, and those who supported the new administration will start jockeying for government jobs and all the prestige that goes with them.  This is the payoff for supporting the winner.  A winner who did not need their money, their support....can you even imagine what it is like for someone like Hillary who was capturing millions of dollars from our nation's con artists...the places of leadership in which she would have installed them?  Do we really think that those who "cough up" the big bucks are not expecting a glamorous ride?  We then wonder what has happened to our democratic republic.  Think of the press perverts, and what they get for their very public biased support. 

For many of us, our greatest concern in getting Mr. Trump elected, the Supreme Court.  We have seen how Supreme Court appointments afflict a nation.  It makes no difference what we America, the Supreme Court is truly supreme.  FDR's first court appointment, Hugo Black, a KKK lawyer from Alabama, he was so vindictive-despised that fellow justice Felix Frankfurter would not even look at him when they were on the bench, he would hold up a piece of cardboard to keep from looking in his direction.  There is not a photograph of that court because Justice Frankfurter would not be photographed with Justice Black.  Most elitist political appointees, who did not give their money or support for nothing, are expecting in Washington DC, their own solar system.  One of the greatest things about Trump, we see that in his own children.  He will not be a victim of mediocrity. 

Appearance, even voice, tells you very little about any man.  Hitler was small, a 25 inch waistline.  Stalin was short, barely 5 feet tall.  James Madison would not weigh more than 100 pounds soaking wet.  These men left their mark.  That great President-General Dwight Eisenhower did not even speak to JFK as they rode to the inauguration...spoiled kid from that womanizer Joseph Kennedy.  LBJ was a slob, Jimmy Carter hen pecked by a woman who was a dime store clerk. 

We don't know what the future holds; we only know who holds the future.  For the Donald, restoration of the federal government is far different from the restoration of a skyscraper.  The stock market will go up or down except in uncertain times.  How we fool ourselves when we think we know about the future.

Right here in the town where I live, an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) whom I knew real well.  He had prepared his only son to take over his large practice; his son had completed his residency at Johns Hopkins.  The waiting room had been greatly enlarged, new examining rooms, expensive new equipment.  First day there, the two doctors, father and son, went to the Cape Fear Country Club for lunch.  At the lunch table the young doctor fell over dead.  The dining room was filled with medical personnel and yet there was not one thing that could be done.  The mortality rate is still 100%, death comes to all people, all nations.  God will sort it all out.  He is in charge.  

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