Friday, November 11, 2016

#1900 Veterans Day, 2016


Veterans Day, 2016

"The Pledge of Allegiance"

     I pledge Allegiance to the flag
     of the United States of America
     and to the Republic for which it stands,
     one nation under God, indivisible,
     with Liberty and Justice for all.

Victor Hugo said there is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come.  The feelings we have for other people are rarely rational.  Television and press media have separated themselves from America, from real people, at the fragile alter of political correctness Mr. Trump was right; his overwhelming election is a movement.

Only the most tranquil idiot cannot realize that changes must be made in America.  Mr. Trump calls it, "draining the swamp"; I call our present "decadent illness" and its cure, "cleaning out the hog pen", greedy sow and boar hogs.  The present elitist ruling greed class should learn that pigs get fat-hogs get slaughtered.  We have seen government, local-state-federal, seized by the misfits, ne'er do-wells, and ass-kissers.  Every god-fearing, hardworking, taxpaying citizen going to the city hall, courthouse, statehouse has seen the disgust and disdain in the eyes and body language of those "in charge".  Most people want to be nice, the disciples of Satan, who occupy these government offices, take advantage of the citizen's "meekness" AND, legislators, sitting near the money pot-wanting to put some of their friends behind a desk-wanting to attach their name to some legislation have made it so easy to control-constrain-penalize everything.  Most normal biological functions of real people are subjected to a permit or a license, along with a charge. 

So, Mr. Trump, the people who still have a modicum of education from the schools, rose up to empower you for the mop up-clean up.  The least stupid among us recognize your personality and fearlessness to attack the problem.  The more stupid among us voted for your opponent, the worst animal on Earth, a criminal female. 

In the American experience, history tells us that the greatest American shame, next to slavery, is its treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens.  We can do nothing, now, for thousands of the finest warriors I ever knew who are buried on foreign soil and in our own nation's cemeteries...whether a national park or family graveyard.  We hear these crocodile tear laments about veteran suicide; it is well known that the Veterans Administration decided long ago that IT IS FAR CHEAPER TO BURY A VETERAN THAN TO CARE FOR ONE.  So, as one old bureaucrat said to me, "Let them kill themselves."  Or as the Chief of Staff at one veteran's hospital said to this old, blind, veteran, after I made a suggestion about helping blind veterans get around in the maze of that veteran's facility, "Doctor, we do not need any suggestions from you.  We are just waiting for you to die." 

Americans have never considered what it takes to produce a warrior, a veteran.  Only parents know the risk-ravaging of raising children, educating them, getting them to the place that they can help them and their nation.  Then, these rather innocent, hapless, young people, just ready to start life's challenges enter the shapeless chasm of military service.  For some, the discipline-opportunities are the greatest thing that could ever happen to them...for others, survivors, life becomes the world of, "Can you top this?"  Dealing with an unconcerned cast of characters filled with disdain and disgust toward their fellow Americans. 

This 86-year-old totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean War era was raised on a tobacco farm in impoverished Eastern North Carolina, dirt road, no power, phone, water lines.  We were peasants, glad to get one dollar a day for working in the hot sun.  I flourished in a small country school, thirteen in my graduating class.  I worked my way through eight years of univeristy, at that time, no loans or government largesse of any type, to graduate with a doctor after my name.  Then, under the draft doctors' law, onto Army service: jumping through all the hoops-crawling through all the trusses involved in being able to care for sons and daughters of America's parents who had sent their children to war. 

I do not claim to be a victim of anything; military sons and daughters do not serve for any type glory.  Like anyone, chosen by God to serve, anyplace-anytime, OURS will be settled later.  There is always a settlement date: a payday someday. 

There is something about men and women who love their country enough to serve wearing a military uniform.  Mr. Trump, I hope you have seen this.  There is a glow in the eyes of those who have served.  Of course, there are exceptions to every rule but most service veterans go on to serve their community: law enforcement-the professions, parenting very special children.  Where do these people come from, who are always protesting one thing or another...getting arrested for drugs-occupying every seat in rehabilitation places?  If these protestors had jobs-responsible lives, they would be busy with life and wonderful life opportunities.  Too many young people have chosen the low road of life, unwilling to aim for lofty plateaus and even peaks...whether artificial stimulation with an addictive drug or weed, the escape hatch is not noncompliance.  Mr. Trump, when will America start to appreciate those who pay the bills, those who live responsible lives, those who have served in uniform?  The disabled veteran loses his future, any enjoyment of normal citizens: recreational, economic, etc.  Lastly, we lose our dignity.  Our limited resources, the morass of veteran's hospitals we pay civilian doctors.  Now, VA wants us to further enrich Big Pharma by buying our own meds, our own disability "helps".  VA never gave me a white cane.

Dead veterans no longer speak except by their family and friends...who too often are too silent.  Disabled vets are just happy to have survived...did not enter the military for any type glory...any type remembering.  This vet was at Normandy on the 25th anniversary, has stood in the Philippines at the cemetery where 18,000 of our finest are buried.  Freedom is not free but too much of our liberty has been lost.  The first time I was in USSR, getting back on a Pan Am propeller plane, the pilot said to me, "Americans are always ready to leave this godforsaken place."  Later, I covered Russia on the Trans Siberian railroad, three trips to Communist China.  Mr. Trump, I rejoice in what America has given us. 

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