Friday, November 25, 2016

#1908 Cleaning Out the Corners of the Hog Pen


Cleaning Out the Corners of the Hog Pen

"We should certainly count our blessings but we should also make our blessings count."  - Neal Maxwell

Very few people have a halo over their head.  We should never forget that there is a lot of bad in the world that does not appear in the media.  Those of us who have given our support to a man who we believe has the gravitas, the American spirit of justice, to clean up things, believe that he will have the insight to sweep out the corners of this dirty democrat-republican barn, as well as the very evident filth, which any average sighted person can see.  You cannot expect those who just go through the motions, "go along to get along", to ever snoot out the crud in the corners. 

There is a tinge of envy-resentment by most normal people towards those who are exceptional.  This writer never had many friends because he took life seriously, after all, this life here on this earth, which Creator God chose you (one of a kind) to live is not just a dress rehearsal.  You only go around one time and it goes by so fast.  When you get my age, 86, it seems like everyday is Friday.  The thing that bothers me most, at my sunset, when God saved my immortal soul, I felt my soul was clean, but, always, there are always a few past sins-transgressions hiding in the corners, which make their appearance ever so often.  In spite of everything, once in a while, a word will fly out of my mouth-a thought will appear in my thinking-a memory will appear in a dream.  (Remember, blind people dream in reality-even in color.)  I just have to believe that God, in his tender mercy, has taken care of all these idiosyncrasies also.  I want to compare this spiritual dilemma with the secular physical dilemma we now face in our country.  Mr. Trump promises us that he will do some sweeping, clean out the barn, in my thinking, the condition of our nation today is more that of a hog pen than a barn.  What stinks most is found in the corners, which even a few "do-gooders" have not been able to flush out.  It is from a small nest of contaminants from which viral disastrous diseases grow.  In one corner of the hog pen, never shoveled out, mostly ignored, radical beliefs contrary to Americanism.  It is such radical beliefs that so contaminated the thought processes of that Sunni Muslim President Barak Obama...his contamination by Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals)-the radical preaching of Jeremiah Wright...just two that we know of. 

In another corner we find, such horrendous hate idealogs...visions of the Klu Klux Klan, as, Black Lives Matter, ALL LIVES, regardless of color matter.  To think that the black population of this nation, voting in lock step 97% democrat would promote such a philosophy, when they say nothing of the killing of 72% of their black unborn-most of the surviving black children raised by single mothers...over 50% of the prison populations, men of color.  It is beyond my comprehension that hiding in one big corner of our nation, "so-called" religious people, Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals, who evidently have accepted the fact that 60 million, innocent babies are killed in the abortion holocaust...3000 each and every day, about one half of that number black.  When will the black population awaken to what is happening to their race?  When will the Catholic bishops, Protestant denominational leaders awaken to God's wrath about this matter?  Perhaps, Mr. Trump's greatest action, as president, will be in court appointments. 

Another corner filled with rottenness, "America for sale", the crooked money changers of our country are now selling slices of our nation.  We understand that many movie studios have been sold to the Chinese, mineral deposits to the Russians, large sections of land sold to Asians-great buildings to the Japanese.  What the enemy could not do without, traitors within have accomplished. 

Perhaps the most turpid corner lies filled with lies.  When will we be able again to read a newspaper, listen to a newscast, with a modicum of truthfulness?  Just assume that everything you read or hear now, recent years, is a lie or just tainted with truth.  It is true that people will believe any lie, if there is just a small amount of truth involved.  Don't you tire of the political correctness involved in every semblance of government-advertising-education?  We now just assume that up is down, strong is weak, good is bad.

The undusted-uncleaned corner which has attracted so much pollution, "more free stuff", Margaret Thatcher was right; socialism is good until those with money have no more money.  You either work or steal.  Now, you know why the protests in the streets...the great fear, "no more free stuff".  At one North Carolina University, a room is provided for students to weep-cry-lament about the recent Trump election.  At a Massachusetts college, even the American flag has been disbanded. 

In the corners, human beings thinking they are getting away with something.  Did they actually believe this nation could continue to pay out 47% of everything that comes in, in welfare?  Did they actually believe that the nation could absorb, just from taxes collected all the entitlement checks, all the retirement checks from military, civil service, etc?  Did we think that those who do not want anything changed, that those who do not contribute anything could keep living the lives of the "rich and famous"? 

American business was not built on laziness.  The American superpower status in the world was built on the solid foundation of hard work-responsible living-grasping at opportunity-above all, discipline determines destination.  From the early founders, to present day entrepreneurs, discipline in behavior-standards-integrity even religious faith is what made America great and the very philosophy that will keep America great.  Maybe, perhaps maybe, we elected a man who has accomplished something instead of someone, like the Bushes, who inherited everything or someone like the Clintons or Obama who finagled everything.  

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