Friday, November 18, 2016

#1904 Stage Fright, Less is More


Stage Fright, Less is More

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  (Philippians 1:21)

It will not shock any American to learn that there is no law against lying.  Lying is the rule more than the exception.  Would it not be the greatest blessing of your life, your day, that anyone you talk to, any news broadcast you hear, anything you read in print, not to question if there is truth involved?  One person said, "I do not lie; my moving lips are just speaking fiction." 

No news person, even an investigative reporter, no spiritual church worker-civic worker-member of the military wants to be called a "fanatic".  Everyone wants to be accepted as a broadminded individual, maybe a little "different: but all want an invitation to the cocktail party.  We know that news people are in the propaganda business.  Sinners are so much fun, faceless heathen playing musical chairs.  After all, everyone wants to find a seat. 

When this old writer was young, the mantra, among those interneting-climbing the ladder of success set  ambition was to become rich and powerful, new concept, "the powerful always become rich."  In the twenty-first century, you hear more about extortion than you hear about extermination.  In Asia, among Muslims, there is now a truth and dignity commission.  Why not, they have a call for prayer five times a day, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke cigarettes, and "best of all", do not allow females to drive. 

In a miracle age of invention and investigation, when education is held to a premium, when headhunters search for the best to fill jobs in industry, when letters after your name mean more than the letters in your name.  After the worst smelling election in American history, the "gold rush" is on to fill the jobs at the highest level of government.  Is it not remarkable that one individual, obviously seeking employment thinks he is capable of three jobs in the new administration: homeland security, attorney general, and even, God help us, secretary of state?  (Since we have had such prizes in the past-Albright-Clinton)  It seems to this writer, that any person capable of holding the highest job in a democratic republic would already have a nailed down to that job by experience, education, and loyalty that it would take the world's most powerful "crowbar" to pry him away from that job to serve in government.  THE VERY MOST DEPRESSING RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION (November 8, 2016) THAT ONE HALF THE VOTING POPULATION OF AMERICA, AFTER KNOWING THE CRIMINALITY OF A WOMAN WHO HAD ALREADY LIVED IN THE WHITE HOUSE, KNOWING HER FURTHER CRIMINALITY THROUGH EMAILS, KNOWING HER CRIMINALITY THROUGH THE MONEY SHAKEDOWN OF FORIEGN LEADERS, KNOWING HER LACK OF JUDGEMENT IN SELECTING EMPLOYEES THAT SHE WOULD GET THE PLURALITY OF VOTES.  Does it not scare you that an individual's principles-integrity in life and politics does not even matter to fifty percent of the voters?  If Hillary Clinton had become president, knowing what we know of her record in fleecing the public for the riches of her foundation, we would demand that the Catholic Church give sainthood to Jezebel...wife of Ahab, another historical pervert.  So, more scary than those lined up for jobs to run this great nation, the obvious mind control shown in the voters about the woman wanting to have the top job in our country.

One of my dearest friends, a new grandfather, said to me, "You should see my new grandson, the future president of the United States of America."  You see, our forefathers brought forth a constitution which guaranteed that any child, male or female, born in America, had an equal chance to become president.  This is the Constitution, my ancestry desired to escape the tyranny of European and world nobility-kings and royal bloodlines.  We thought we had escaped the Illuminati, thirteen families whose bloodlines are supposed to control the world...Rothschild, Rockefellers, Astors, DuPont, Li, Bundy, Collins, Freeman, Kennedy, Reynolds, Russell, Van Duyn, etc:  (The Illuminati still meets every year) skull and bones, bohemian and pilgrim societies.  (These secret societies still active)  I still remember, as yesterday, that small country school where I matriculated for twelve years.  (Thirteen in my graduating class)  The honest-sincere principal said to the five boys in my graduating class, "You boys can do anything you want to do, you are Americans." 

The world is filled with people who will settle for the path of least resistance.  Paradox of the ages more is less-less is more.  So, since human beings are the problem, we need less human beings:  DRIVERLESS cars, GENDERLESS marriages, FAITHLESS religions, EFFORTLESS education, NUTRITIONLESS foods, CARELESS parents, etc.

It does not take much gut-spine power to swim down the river with the current.  It takes much strength-courage to swim upstream against the current.  Ninety percent of Christianity is just raw courage.  It takes courage to be different, at the church house-courthouse-schoolhouse-statehouse.  This writer is just trying to save you from yourself...your temptation to just float along with the current-with the crowd.  It is not hard to love someone, once on the riverbank, who jumped in and pulled you out of the river, when you were about to drown.  In the two greatest concerns of daily life, physical and spiritual, we need to get our thinking straight, the road to Hell is crowded with stinking thinkers, our nation is on the brink of disaster because of stinking thinking.  The blind depend on hearing; my greatest friend is the radio.  Last Christmas, I was listening to a local Baptist church and their Christmas program, Sunday morning, when the children were called to the front of the church for their Christmas sermon, the well-meaning but so dumb woman, talked to the children, in a Baptist church, about Santa Claus, then, the lost-liberal pastor preached about Christmas using mostly Santa Claus.  Never talking about the blessedness of what happened on the first Christmas day in a cow stall in Bethlehem.  Finally, I think God had heard enough, the pastor finally just quit and there was fifteen minutes of silence until the end of the program.  Less, many times is more.  

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