Friday, February 26, 2010

Driving With a Broken Speedometer


Games People Play

“Oh the games people play now
Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean

And they wile away the hours
In their ivory towers
Till they're covered up with flowers
In the back of a black limousine”

Joe South

Before I wind up in the back of a black limousine hearse, maybe some flowers, it's time to talk about changes in the world during my lifetime. It is not the same country now as 80 years ago.

Archimedes said, “show me the fulcrum and I can move the earth”. When I was young, straight off the farm (the greatest learning university in the world) I thought that by hard work and clean living I could do anything. I thought that one man plus God could do anything but as Chesterton has said, "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried." - Chapter 5, What's Wrong With The World, 1910 .

Today and every day is a challenge, particularly when you are totally blind but I am still trying to understand what has gone wrong in my lifetime.

The 56 men who signed our Declaration of Independence were men of great faith in God, faith and country. 17 were graduates of seminaries. Two had the last name of Morris and I can trace my family roots to the Morristown, New Jersey founding with a paper trail to 1766. The oldest, at least the signer who lived the longest, was a lawyer and a Roman Catholic (Charles Carroll). In my lifetime, the church, the bedrock of this Democratic republic, has lost it's way. Most white churches today are just country clubs with steeples. Black churches are nationalistic, political centers. One of the countries leading educators told me recently, “we should just start over with our public schools”. They have become places of indoctrination and entertainment. “Little learning takes place”. Since 1963, when an innocuous 22 word prayer was stricken from the public school, prayer and bible reading removed from the school, police officers now patrol the halls.

The American home has become just another service station, where people come in, change, and fill up. In my home, my parents home, my grandparents homes, right on back, families sat down together at the table. I still remember in both of my grandparent's homes, homes that survived the civil war, chairs were so expensive, there was always a long bench where the children sat. I can still remember how “grown up” I felt when I was first placed on the bench between my two uncles in my grandfathers house. Today, with over half the children never knowing who their father is, the most basic formula for success given by God and certainly known to all men is lost. Then, the psychologists (80% Atheist) attempt to explain what has happened to the minds of children...they have all these alphabet diseases unknown during my medical training (ADHD, Diabetes, etc.). 25% of all children (one out of four) have an illness of some sort. Most childhood illnesses brought on by these inoculations hatched in hell, lack of exercise and pernicious eating habits. One of the largest cardiovascular hospitals in the country is located within 100 feet of a McDonalds. Some hospitals have fast food restaurants within the facility. Nothing is worse for the diet of a child than salty potatoes and soft drinks...especially diet drinks. Put a nail in a glass containing Coca Cola and watch the nail dissolve. Local schools keep soft drink machines in the building so students can buy soft drinks instead of their school lunch. Administration maintains that the school needs the money from the drink machines to buy supplies. Perhaps the greatest benefit of the free breakfast and lunch programs for the poor children who are bussed from the inner city to better schools in order to maintain a system of integration is the fact that these children do get nourishment, however, one academic has suggested that all nutritious foods be cultured to look like hot dogs. I have found that most nutritionists know little about nutrition just as most doctors know little about supplements. The most important thing you can do for your body is to take oil, magnesium, Vitamins B, C, and D etc.

I was fortunate enough, as a young practitioner, to have known some old doctors...educated at a time of good sense...who used food as a medicine. Of course in our lifetime we have seen the soil depleted of all nutrients. Without artificial fertilizer you can barely grow anything anymore. The body is nutrition starved. Over 50% of the population is obese. People stay almost constantly, putting on weight, in an effort to satisfy the body's hunger and need for certain basic elements.

When you go to your doctor, and he tells you that you are sick, ask, “what is the cause and what is the cure?” After you revive him from this fainting, sputtering near death experience...a question he is seldom his assembly line care, you will probably get the same answer that veterans and all people in government healthcare systems get, “deny, delay and just wait for your death”. Healthcare today consists of the three D's...drugs, defense such as stints and artificial replacements, and destruction...cutting out or radio-logically burning out anything that might cause your problem.

Instead of wasting your time watching the trash on television...getting more brainwashed by the politically correct, state controlled, news media...or, semi-porno fantasies of the gay agenda, read books and literature on how to protect your own health, your own body's needs. There is no reason for illness. The toxic chemicals contained in the 15,000 prescriptions written by doctors to make themselves and big pharma even richer are so destructive that it takes the metabolism of your body a long time just to detoxify.

In my lifetime, it has become fashionable as well as financial for restaurant to have buffets. There is nothing more dangerous than a buffet, hands at the mouth on instruments now stirring around in food. General public, God only knows what is in their nasal cavities, breathing on food, much of which is untreated by heat (high heat destroys most bacteria...importance of well cooked food). Once, my driver told me that a plastic bag of salad had been put on the buffet. I said, on the way home, stop at the grocery store and get me a bag of that salad. At home, I told him to get a magnifying glass and look at that salad. He said, “I cannot believe it, there are small pieces of crud all over the salad in that bag, especially on the stems”. I said, “think of how many people eat salad right out of a plastic bag which is never washed. They did not wash it at the buffet!”

Yesterday, there was fuming, fussing, fighting, for some strange reason, at the Blair house instead of the Capitol...over future healthcare. It makes no difference the type Communistic, controlled “care” they come up with if, like the unborn, they just want to kill you. The largest abortion clinic in the world, outside of China, (78,000 square feet) has just been built in Houston Texas in a minority neighborhood. A sign in one city states, “the most endangered species in America is black children”. The black population of America is about 13%. Of the 3,000 abortions each day, 14,000 are black babies. Last year, 350 million of your tax dollars went to Planned Parenthood for abortions. Mr. Obama wants 750 million to go to Planned Parenthood for abortions next year. Be careful what you “ask for” you may get it. You Democrats, 99% black, wanted “change”. You are getting change. With this economy, only change in your pockets, the change of death in your healthcare, the eradication of change in your race. As one black doctor, said to me recently, “the black race will disappear from abortion and AIDS”. When will the black preacher talk about “this” in the pulpit?

The speedometer is broken. While people in the car are eating fast food, (potato chips, diet drinks) listening to “looney tunes” music, the car is heading for a cliff as those inside just wave, clap and smile. It is a mockery of god that we do not educate ourselves about the most precious of God's creation, the human body. It is a mockery of humanity that those who teach and try to warn about healthcare are accused of malpractice because they are not members of the “herd” of doctors and politicians who are just “milking” the system for the money involved. Instead of you government spending 50,000 dollars for knee or hip replacement, why not use the intelligence given us by the body's creator to educate his creation in preventative care?

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