Friday, February 19, 2010

Wimble Square


In better days, Edgar Bergen said to Charlie McCarthy, Charlie, “Do you know anything about the radio?” Charlie McCarthy said, “I know how to turn the radio on, and I can tell you 95% of what I will hear when the radio is on”.

In my lifetime, I have seen political correctness take over the state controlled news media, print, television, and certainly the radio. From the talking points put out by government agencies and the administration, we know ahead of time what will be discussed all the time. Face it, authoritarian, totalitarian, control has taken over this once free country. Think of the men and women who have given their time, talent and wealth for our freedom. Think of the many who lie buried in military cemeteries who thought they were fighting for your freedom. Know that the most precious freedom, was the free will given to us by the Creator.

If you do anything anymore, you must have a privilege license, a diploma, a permit, a certificate of some sort. Other than a 6 foot extension cord in your house, you must have an electrical inspection to move any appliance around, or change lighting. Insurance is required for everything. When I was young, most drivers did not have automobile insurance and certainly there were none who had hospitalization insurance. Now, you are afraid to have anyone work in your yard without being covered by liability insurance.

In Communist Cuba, the committee for the defense of the revolution (CDR) specifies every street and the people who are to walk guard on that street...watching every human activity that takes place on that street. The entire country of Cuba is governed in this manner. I found it much the same way in my trips to Communist China, Russia, and other socialist countries in the world.

Slowly but surely, the same type collectivist, totalitarian control has taken over this once great Democratic republic called the United States of America. In my wildest imagination, I could not think of homeowners associations...where you pay your hard earned money to buy a house on a street and suddenly you are under the control of fellow homeowners on the street. When I bought my house here in “Wimble Square”, I was the first owner and still am the oldest owner in this housing development. After a year or two, I was told by others who had purchased the new homes on the street that they were going to form a “homeowners association”. My next door neighbor, Curtis, said, “it will amount to nothing except just keeping bazaar actions from people who may move here”. Mostly as a matter of curiosity, I went to the first meeting (have never been to one since) just to see what these folks had in mind. Several lawyers lived on the street and one, an assistant DA, had drawn up some bi-laws. Then, some of the aging “blue-haired” widows began proclaiming how things would be controlled...wrought iron gates at the exits of the parking lots...controls of exterior paint, now, mind you, each person owns their own lot and home and pays their individual taxes like their other expenses. I thought to myself, “did I wake up in Russian this morning?” I was probably the only person in the group who had ever been out of the country. These ignorant people knew nothing about Communism or state control (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled medical officer veteran and have had my passport stamped in 157 countries). I got right up, excused myself, and left the meeting. I am the only one still here of that first group...they have died, moved etc. But, from then until now, they have tried to monopolize and aggravate this old blind homeowner.

My first experience with the sadistic personalities of these people came, when, on July 4th, this veteran put an American flag in his front yard. Immediately, they descended like flies on jelly telling me I could not fly an American flag in my front yard. Since I am the only conservative in the association they do not allow me to put a political sign for a Republican in my yard. They even had the audacity to tell me that the shrubbery in the front of my house was outdated and I should put in new shrubbery.

I maintained for many years, not only this house in Wimble Square, but a much more expensive house in New York City and still one on the ocean at Wrightsville Beach. A new couple, Yankee retirees, moved next door while I was in New York. On my return, in the front yard, they introduced themselves and learning I had just returned from New York City said, “I'm so glad we have a Northern neighbor, we are so tired of these stupid Southerners”...a Southerner all my life.

The Veterans Administration came down from Winston Salem and told me they would like to enclose my back porch as an exercise room so I would not have to go to the gym in bad weather or when I did not have a driver. When the room was almost finished, they, having witnessed the construction, decided that even though I had all the permits etc. I did not have their permission and so the room must be torn down. My lawyer said, “finish the room, let's see if they will face me at the courthouse”.

Mr Luther Rogers, who owned some yet un-built lots on another street built some additional houses. I called him and said, “you know Luther, you probably will advertise that there are common areas in this development. These folks have fenced off the common area and put a lock on the gate. I cannot even walk into the common area in which I pay taxes and homeowners dues myself.” He said, “in a few minutes you will hear me taking that fence down. I know you can't see what I am doing but you will hear it and, any time you have trouble with these frustrated people, I will be right behind you at the courthouse.”

Such is the policies and attitudes of Americans who have decided they prefer Communist control...ignorant to even understanding what they are doing...ever willing to exercise their control over their fellow citizens, even so called neighbors. I understand there are 1,000 of these homeowners associations even in the small town where I live, dictating what others can do as they hypocritically claim to be Americans.

One young man who worked for me, and his wife, rented a town house in a similar situation. Each month, a little group from the homeowners association would walk around this neighborhood with their clipboard scrutinizing each owners privately owned and maintained home. My employee rented his house, both he and his wife worked. Neither smoked but the all powerful association advised them that their venetian blinds had became discolored from their smoking and must be replaced. This couple, disgusted with this “American” experience, moved...moved to a house where they did not have dictators living around them.

I could give many more illustrations I have known not only involving me but others. Dr. Franklin, President Lincoln, even Socrates were right when they told us that our worst enemy is usually “inside the gate”. Inside the gates of gated communities, inside the gates of homeowner associations throughout the city and country we find the world's best known tyrants and dictators. When one of these usually “migrant Yankee Americans” buys a house here and he immediately takes over the homeowners association, he thinks he purchased every house on the street. Next to me, a former police chief in a New York state city would even go out and question one of my employees, standing on the street, waiting for a ride. The time has come for Americans to awaken to the fact that liberty will soon be a thing of the past...not easily regained.

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