Thursday, February 25, 2010



"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


The Obama Phenomenon is a new book by Ray Coleman, political leader from Illinois. The electoral victory has caused this Baptist, working behind the scenes, to obtain knowledge of President Barrack Hussein Obama’s political trail to victory. He pronounces him a “prophet and the chosen one”. So, as Keats in his poem Ozymandias, Obama can be proclaimed “king of kings”.

Obama thinks himself an emperor...the one without clothes...but, believe me, he is stark naked in spite of the cloak of decency given to him by Coleman and others of ilk. Most men spend the first half of their life building habits which enable them to live their second half with a degree of credibility. Obama's life, to this point, is more a mystery than mastery. Speaking fluent Farsi, reared as a Muslim, little is known of his activities in college or elsewhere. Since no one has been able to prove his place of birth and he has spent millions to protect the truth of his birthplace, he involved himself in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church in Chicago where he married Michelle Robinson in order to ensure his citizenship. The Wright church and Reverend Wright are in no manner Christian. The church is a nationalistic, political, activist center. In the vestibule of the “church” is the portrait of Harriet Tubman, early black agitator. Obama supposedly spent time at Columbia University but no one there or in the black community around Columbia remembers him. It is believed the Columbia University cover provided him CIA operative expediency in Pakistan.

With the assistance of Communist/social types, commonly called Czars, without congressional approval, he and these political newcomers have presented the country with a budget of 3.8 trillion, exactly double the budget of ten years ago. Strange beyond words to explain officials such as Secretary of the Treasury Geithner, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rangel, former Senator Daschle, and others do not pay the taxes for which they hold others responsible. Catholics such as Pelosi, Biden and Kennedy support his pro abortion policies. The country only collects 2 trillion in taxes so 1.8 trillion must be borrowed, mostly from China, Japan, and other world governments. His impetus during campaign was putting people back to work. The only jobs created to date have been government jobs. Government employees received 60% more pay for the same work than those in private jobs. When you consider the benefits, there is no way that private industry can keep up with government employment, just the reverse of what it was a few years ago. The private sector cannot pay enough tax to support this new generation of government workers. Civil service at one time was a sacrifice. Civil servants have now become civil masters. A parasite or a cancer on a host will suck out all the blood and eventually kill the host...the American tax payer.

It was the private sector which built the country...railroads, subways, the campuses on which colleges and universities stand, the holy dedicated ground first occupied by hospitals.

Obama said we dare not bless those who curse God. Was he speaking of his friends, most of whom are Atheist? Most of us cannot comprehend voters who will support a killer of babies. For a long time now, any time any person tells me he is a Democrat and a Christian I say, “you need to re-evaluate yourself”. One cannot support the Democrat party which promotes the greatest sins of our time, abortion and homosexuality, and still believe that he or she is Christian. I cannot, in good faith, support Baptists in North Carolina who outnumber all other denominations (SBC, FWB etc.) because if it were not for the votes of these Baptists supporting the Democrat party the corruption in Raleigh from over 100 years of Democrat rule, the corruption in the state alcohol beverage control system, the added corruption of the lottery, the embarrassment of such politicians as RC. Soles (longest serving NC Senator), Julia Boseman (self advertised lesbian), Black, Decker, Wright, M. Scott Phipps, and others...all Democrats, would not have been possible.

The federal government now admits that we are in a double dipped depression...that unemployment is over 20%...worse than the great depression. We know the car is heading for the cliff. Get ready, we are about to go over the cliff.

The only winning hand, any time, anywhere, is not to play the game. The Christian church has lost it's way. Smiling and comfortable on padded pews, corrupt politicians like their unconcerned neighbors, feel perfectly at home with the world inside the church. With the cloak of decency provided by Obama the church feels it is courageous enough to face the future without God. Education, like carbon tax science and the health care fiasco is a mockery. Prevention Magazine said recently, “just being positive will add seven years to your life”. I wish I could be more positive and add those years to you. But, we learn to live with our worst fears.

Your “king of kings” is thought to be bi-sexual, we know he speaks from both sides of his mouth, will say anything to get elected, will do anything to stay in power.

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