Thursday, February 18, 2010



Aristotle said that the human mind is a vast cosmos. Liberty is the most important character of that cosmos and truly, character determines destination. The Apostle Paul, perhaps the most educated man of his generation, a graduate of the Universities at Tarsus, wrote to his fellow Christian Timothy., “the spirit of God brings liberty”. Most people who call themselves Christians never get beyond the first commandment which God gave to Moses, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.' (Exodus 20:3). Patrick Henry, speaking at the St Johns Church in Richmond VA, said before the American Revolution, “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death”. The foundation of liberty in this republic has been freedom of the press and freedom of speech. In 1892, the same year that Napoleon invaded Egypt, and like your writer, went into the great pyramids of Giza (the interior of the great pyramids would hold both St Paul and Notre Dame cathedral, its base is the same measurements as Solomon’s Temple, 13 acres), and he like your writer had claustrophobia. The congress that year passed the postal regulations whish have permitted easy access to all American citizens, even during the Indian Wars, to newspapers and magazines published in this country. Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political thinker and historian best known for his Democracy in America (appearing in two volumes:1835 and 1840), said the greatness of American is largely due to the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression.

Our true liberty is threatened every time we hear the ACLU and the liberals of this country speak about the ‘Fairness Doctrine’. When Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU in 1917 following his close association with Karl Marx, he promoted the idea of sexual freedom without marriage, the elimination of all state and national borders so that one could have the liberty to travel anywhere in the world without national passports of any type and many other anti-liberty ideas which any thinking person see have taken over the country. Think of mixed marriages and the way the country has been overrun by illegal immigrants and one knows that the ideas of Roger Baldwin are much more accepted by the academics and liberal media crowd than the holy scripture given to us by almighty God for our direction.

When I consider the tons of butter which my mother churned and molded, the number of eggs she washed and other products from the farm which she sold in order to send her children through the universities and I think of the number of male heads of hair my father cut in order to provide a home for his wife and four children and we read daily of the corruption that takes place in Washington and Wall Street ($18 billion in bonuses paid to people to lose money and in the case of the most important person in the country in charge of money not even paying his taxes), I remember how little my parents receive from the taxes they paid and the taxes which there children pay we are left to wonder if the 17,200 who are buried I the army cemetery in Manila or the 9,700 buried in the army cemetery in Normandy died in vain.

I had the delight to fly to some remote islands in the South Pacific on one of my several trips to that area in the world. We were delayed in landing on Island of Kiru because the natives were having some warfare (they still fight with bows and arrows), and the landing strip was grass. On landing and studying these people, I found that many had blonde hair and blue eyes although there skins were dark brown. It seems that a Swedish ship had wrecked nearby many years ago and that they had through sexual relations had “left there mark”. These people are completely isolated form the rest of the civilized world. They have never seen a water faucet, television set and the few that read can do so because they have been found by Christian missionaries. But, it was amazing there appreciation for liberty. There knowledge of natural law serves them well, they know that they should not steal, lie, cheat, covet another mans wife and it seemed to me very anxious to raise there children to respect everyone. It was a pleasure to be in such a civilization.

The new President, Mr. Obama, said last week that his definition of sin is “anything in which I do not agree”. He, like Mr. Sinatra, is willing to take that famous road to hell singing, “(I Did It) My Way”. The greatest liberty mankind can possess is the liberty given by God with the freedom of will to make the right decisions about everything.

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