Thursday, February 18, 2010

Smoke Filled Rooms

Most politics in America until 1932 until Fiorello La Guardia was elected mayor of NYC was controlled by political machines, usually Democrat, such as Tammany Hall. The famed Tammany Hall machine known for selecting and electing Democrat candidates in “Smoke filled rooms” was considered a corruption of American politics at that time but would seem like a Sunday school class by today’s standards. First of all, it would be unlawful to have any smoking in any room anymore, and secondly, selection and election of politicians now is left up to the media and the mafia-like money conglomerates who can buy the most votes.

Government has become a political mix of race, money, unions, and media control. Candidates will spend inconceivable largess raised from contributors in order to buy an election which they know will put them at the trough in the tax grabbing contest that regardless of everything will make them a people of wealth and influence. The salaries which they draw as elected officials are just the appetizers before the big main course of expensive speaking engagements, books, and an appointment to corporate boards. In my long life, I have known some people of moderate means to get elected to a political office. I have never known one not to become wealthy in that job and after that job, they never get poor in the political game. The higher up the office the higher the stakes.

Bill Clinton had never made very much money before national politics. Today, he is one of America’s wealthiest ex-presidents. Lyndon Johnson, had never made much money until Washington and there his high salary was as president. He went back to Texas with 53 million dollars. The only ex-president of history of moderate means was Harry Truman who, after the presidency, reportedly borrowed enough money to move back to Independence, Missouri. The entire Senate is made up of millionaires, the wealthiest senator, Kerry, the Ketchup King. In the senate, as in the house, most have sold their birthright for a bowl of pottage.

In this time of the most pro-abortion, anti-life president, there are enough Catholics in the Senate to defeat any anti-life legislation (partial birth abortion, federal funding for abortion, stem cell research, conscience clause for catholic hospitals and doctors). But, the Catholic Senators, probably in a room that at one time was “smoke filled” before the hypocrisy of forcing smokers to become second class citizens and paying the absorbanent taxes for their addiction. These Catholic Senators and congresspeople, have forgotten the Catholic tenets of life and mercy regarding addictive behavior as well as the slaughter of small babies.

In Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (A Pragmatic Primer for Communist Radicals) which was the reading material for our present president. We find that smoke filled rooms or taxpayer wishes can be eliminated from congressional and judicial inquiry as, according to the book, the radicals isolate a target and never let up on it. We are amazed how fast this has happened in this year of 2009, almost without a hearing or investigation of any sort. Targeted Socialist ideology has been implanted in this republic. The greatest mystery of all is how the Jewish presence in this country has taken over the financial agencies of government. Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Timothy Gietner, Henry Paulson, Edgar Brackman, Plurality World Bank, IMF - all Jews. It is reported that Ruth and Bernie Madoff put all the 65 billion dollars of their scheme of their investors into a bank in Israel. One trillion dollars was just given by the president and his cohorts to the International Monetary Fund, and, a trillian dollars is still one million, million dollars – twelve zeros.

The model for the industrial system in this country in the socialist system, controlled by unions. The National Education Association, the country's most powerful union, is doing more to destroy this country then any other organized group. Since 1963, when an innocuous 22 word prayer was kicked out of the government schools by the Supreme Court and prayer was replaced by police in the halls. Since 1973, when abortion was made legal and 63 million of our most innocent have been put to death. Since 1983, when almost in a straight line, one third or more of students entering the 7th grade have dropped out in high school and such actions as the NEA convention in 1997 when a black choir, in an anthem, referred to God, and the NEA president apologized to the convention, the education system, as well as every other system that has been on the decline. Perhaps this is the reason 11% of Americans last year, declined to identify themselves as Christians, that last year, protestant denominations lost 5% in membership (southern Baptist, Methodist, etc). Perhaps this is the reason 50% of the population is in an economic struggle, (do not have enough savings to pay one months bills) that 40% of all babies are born to single mothers, that 50% of all young girls have STD’s, that 52% of all black babies are aborted, that there is a suicide every 3 minutes in this country.

In 1964, I attended the Republican National Convention in the Cow Palace in San Francisco, where Berry Goldwater was nominated as president. In his book, “In Your Heart You Know He Is Right,” he said, “conservative ideas are the only thing that will save America”. In 1975, in one of his most famous speeches, Ronald Reagan said, “ We do not need the blur of pastels but rather the bright colors of conservative principles.”

Instead of clogging your minds with the trash of TV, Rosie O’Donnell or American Idol, keep up with what is going on in your country. The giving to charities is down almost 30%. There are still American patriots who are not seeking to escape the reality through present days, smoke filled, brain power of addiction and surrender. There is no one on the borders to protect the country. Other countries are in worse financial condition than this one. We will become victims of our present dilemma or, with the help of God, victors over those who will enslave us from without and within. Abraham Lincoln said, “I do not worry about a foreign power conquering this country, my worry is traitors within the country.”

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