Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cussin and Fussin


Oh, what a beautiful Mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I've got a beautiful feelin'
Everything's goin' my way.

Richard Rodgers

As long as you are alive, whether looking out the window at the Alps, the Kalahari Salt Flats of Botswana, the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong, or a cotton field in North Carolina, everyone needs a beautiful day. I have told many people in my life that happiness is “going to bed at night tired from a day of physical and mental work, but anxious to get up the next morning and start all over again”. Most of us could get along without the stress and problems of a days activity; particularly the cussin and fussin we hear around us, particularly from these worship idols we have in our living room, and to which we are so addicted, the television set.

Recently, my secretary called that she had a sick child and could not come in for work. I could have called my driver or someone else but I decided to walk to the Post Office myself because I desperately needed to mail something. After all, it was just 5 blocks straight down the street. Most blind people can handle this type challenge. I owned a co-op apartment in Manhattan for many years, learned to ride the bus, learned to count bus stops and streets in order to get around alone. After all, I have traveled around the world eight times, negotiated streets in the largest cities in the world. With my cane, and very acute ears I made it to the Post Office, got up the steps, got inside, but over many years since I had been in the place service windows had been changed. I heard employees talking and I finally said, tell me which way to walk. When I got to the window, I said, “it would not have hurt you to help me a little; after all, I gave my eyes for your country”. The employee said, “WE DON'T CARE”. A Black man had come in behind me and heard the entire conversation. Finishing my business, I turned to leave, the black man said, “I care, let me help you”. He helped me to get out the building to the street, and said “I will walk you home if you would like”, but I assured him I could make it myself.

Yesterday, the Post Office system decided they want to raise prices again as they do almost monthly. The Post Office is now $10 billion in debt. I knew the Postmaster, called him and told him what happened in his Post Office. He said, “those men who were working that morning are all Veterans; double dippers all had retired from the Military and now want to retire from the Postal Service”. He said, “ like many in the Military; Postal Workers just keep breathing until they can retire”, the double dippers with larger retirement checks than most Americans can ever expect”. We have several Post Office branches in this city. My employees, in my businesses, so complain about their treatment that we drive several additional miles to a nearby coastal town where they are treated with decency. I will not allow my employees to be abused at a Post Office, bank, or even shopping for me at a grocery store. I always say, “ there are other stores, we can go somewhere else”. The combative, abusive, treatment of fellow Americans...particularly Veterans has become so common place at VA Hospitals, Social Service, Courthouses, Tax Offices, Department of Motor Vehicles, even the Public School Houses that we can well understand the American Citizens repudiation of the patriotic symbols which did make this country great. I can well remember, my father, talking to the widow of our longtime rural mail carrier on our farm. I remember he said to her, “ your husband was the best man, best mail carrier, anyone could know”. This was a different time, a different world.

Have you noticed the deterioration of language even on National news broadcasts? They don't use the “N-Word”, “F-Word”, “P-Word”, or many of these other words not used in polite society, but they might as well use them. Watch for lapses in your language skills. Like a snowball on a hill, they will keep growing like a snowball rolling down a hill. Bad language, bad pronunciation, will keep growing if you do not get it under control. There was a time where woman, in particular, had enough class and femininity that their language was polite and delicate. There is nothing more beautiful than a feminine, polite, delicate woman. There is nothing uglier than a woman whose mouth is a gutter, who has no respect for herself or others...driving a car with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, cursing, fuming at small children in her car. I have seen this. Thank God I never saw my Mother or Grandmother wearing slacks. Once I saw a young mother dragging a crying child along hitting him every few feet while carrying her dog. I heard Red Skelton say he had been able to entertain people his whole life without using 4-Letter words. But, if an entertainer wants to be popular anymore, he must “spatter” his routine with 4-Letter words and sexual innuendos. Sexual “chatter” will always get snickers in any group, but applause from an audience. I tried just using jokes as a speaker. This made me very popular, but when I used serious National and Spiritual subjects I was no longer asked to speak...even at collages, civic meetings, or churches. Just as in church, people have “itching ears”, wanting to hear cussin and fussin. Remind your children that a good vocabulary is essential for success. A good vocabulary has a careful elimination of slang and evil words.

I keep radios on all over my house because it helps me to get around (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, Medical Officer Veteran for 50 years). Quietness is a real spiritual experience. In my house, and certainly in my car, I hear radios in other cars turned up so loud that they could not possibly hear a siren or anything else. I have been in the worlds great deserts, Sahara, Gobi, etc. There is a real beauty and emptiness, quietness, that you find in the desert. I think our Blessed Lord knew this when, immediately after his Baptism, he spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. I think the Apostle Paul experienced the same beauty of quietness; as he was alone with God in the desert.

I hear of deserts in urban areas, areas of the city where there is not a grocery store. There are desert areas of most cities, pockets of poverty. This is the place picked for abortion clinics, addictive drug activity; and always, illicit sexual activity.

Everything in life is Biblical, if you look for it. After God, Creator of the Universe and Everything in it, breathes life and a soul into Adam, he allowed Adam to name all of the animals in the world. There was probably a long space of time before “woman”. God created male and female animals, saw them reproduce, saw the joy of animal parenting. He knew that man needed a mate. That this was the method for reproduction of a species to glorify him and so, from Adam, he created Eve. I wish the homosexuals of the world, so intent on their agenda, could understand this precious truth as well as the truth found in the 1st Chapter of Romans. I wish the antagonists of God, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Unitarians, Atheists, and the Agnostics of New World Religions could realize the simplicity of God's Word when they seek to justify homosexuality; by putting gay and lesbian Pastors, Bishops,Academics, and others in places of leadership. I wish Abomination Obama could realize this with his “don't ask, don't tell” mixing of the sexes even in the Military...letting a very small minority confuse and contort the larger majority.

Those of us possessing the Holy Spirit of Christ in our lives, can lift Holy Hands protesting the decline and protecting what is left of our sacred heritage of God, family, and country. Every time you use these hands to touch even a plant, you know the sovereignty of your creator...when you touch a child or older person, you extend the comfort and consolation of love...GOD IS LOVE. Mark Twain said “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psa 19:14).

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