Friday, March 5, 2010

Who's fool are you?


The young William Booth, later General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army would walk around London with a sandwich board over his head. On the front of the board it would read, “I'm a fool for Jesus”. On the back, “Who's fool are you?”

I was a friend of the late Senator Jesse Helms, one of the few Christian statesmen I have known in my life. Talking one time about the cost of war and serving in the military (I'm a totally blind, 100% disabled, medical officer veteran) I said to him, “since war costs so many people so much why not just catapult bundles of money at the enemy?” He said, “no, in America too much money is made from war.” In America, too much money is made from sickness, surgery, orthopedics, pharmaceuticals. In America, too much money is made from gambling, pornography, (money made on pornography exceeds all money made from athletic events and television networks combined) money spent on pet foods, (more money spent on pet foods than money given to all churches) money spent on financial institutions (in the bailout of Goldman Sachs tremendous bonuses paid, even million dollar bonuses to secretaries). In America, too much money spent on alcoholic beverages (Americans spend over 90 billion dollars each year on alcoholic beverages). In America, too much money is spent on politics (Mr. Obama spent 950 million to get elected). In America, too much money is spent on abortion, the killing of the innocent (next year 750 million will be spent by planned parenthood of just your tax dollars). The budget of Planned Parenthood exceeds one billion, most of that spent on abortions. Seeing these figures, are we not happy that the mercies of God extend to us? The longest book in the bible, the psalms, 27 times “the mercies of the lord endure forever”.

Once, in the Kalahari desert in Botswana, with my binoculars (I still had a shadow of vision in one eye at that time) I watched a large herd of wildebeests. To the edge of a clearing, beneath some bushes, I saw a pride of lions. When the wildebeests detected the lions they began to run, leaving behind the smaller animals who could not keep up, the sick animals, the newborn babies who had just been dropped from the mother. This was lunch for the lions. A lion which can fell an elephant considers a defenseless wildebeest as an appetizer. The victims of war, the victims of the military industrial complex of this nation, the victims of the financial wizards of Wall Street are just appetizers for the deceiving, lying, masquerading, hazing, inflicted by federal, state and local government as the citizen runs the gauntlet trying to survive the debauchery and the deceit of our times.

Today's unemployment figures give no one reason for encouragement. Through the political entanglements of NAFTA, CAFTA, and a self inflicted death of industry in America, few jobs will come back. Business will increase in good times and in bad times but never in uncertainty. Most business people, most Americans, are just waiting and watching for the next Satanic development...more public spending...more hiring of federal employees...more giveaway programs in the area of social engineering...putting more people on the welfare list...putting everyone into a Communist system of healthcare. Why should anyone look for a job? In some states, unemployment figures show us that one makes more just drawing a government check.

I sent a black Pentecostal preacher to see a black man, ill for many months. The preacher called me back and told me that he offered to pray for the sick man. The ill man said, “I don't mind you praying but remember I get a check.” In other words, he was more interested in getting his government check each month than he was God's healing provisions for his health. Why should any businessman (private enterprise, small business employment account for 99% of all employment) hire more employees when he does not know how long he himself will be in business and just how quick he will have a “going out of business sale”. There is not one person in the Obama administration who has ever run a business successfully. These clowns know nothing of the taxation involved (unemployment, workman's compensation, permits and license etc). It is the businessman who takes all the risks, who watches the front door to see if anyone comes in, “just looking” anxious to see if anything comes off his shelves. He is the one responsible for the payroll, the utilities, a constant barrage of “do gooder” organizations wanting a “handout”. It is the small businessman who is expected to support his church, civic clubs, the many groups to which his school children belong. With most businessmen, it is a matter of going to work early and staying late, a matter of his wife supplementing the family income. He thinks every day, “why did I try so hard to succeed in school? Why do I take all of these risks, pay all this fire, liability, and other insurance in an uncertain business in uncertain times in an uncertain world? Why should I not just sit at home and watch the idiot box like the 50% of the population who pay no tax? Why do I work every day so I can employ people who are supposed to work for me who, in most cases, if things don't go exactly right or I make one correction, they are out the door ready to spread any type rumor they can concoct, all too ready to go to my competition, friends or family with any fantasy they can conjure.”

The greatest threat of a healthcare practice, after years of preparation, money beyond comprehension, a disgruntled employee or patient making a fantasy accusation of ethical consequences toward you. One of my best friends, a very good doctor, was ruined financially and otherwise because one family in a community, with long trails of gossip, made an erroneous charge about him and, of course, most people want to believe the worst.

In my own experience, in large practice, a young doctor whom I had taken in after his divorce, unable to practice on his own, needing my assistance, later dissatisfied because of a new wife and her wanting him to move to another area and break the professional agreement, went to a cocktail party and told the most outrageous tale anyone could possibly tell on an old, mostly blind practitioner. They told, at that party, that I had been arrested in a hotel, at the state capital, with a prostitute. You should know the feeling when you walk into a public place and everyone starts whispering. The local newspaper editor, got hold of the tale, investigated, with the police, hotel, everyone, and here is the headline of the editorial, “How Do These Vicious Rumors Get Started?”

Most lenders will be lucky to get back 25 cents on each dollar. Wool has been pulled over the eyes of the American people. The Judas goats of the Obama Administration have led the dumb sheep (Americans) into the slaughterhouse of senseless national debt...debt that can never be repaid.

It will not be your children or grandchildren who will repay the debt. Disenchanted and dismantled, we will pay the debt with inflation. Our greatest lenders, China and Japan, are spending the money we have borrowed buying real estate here because they feel there may be some value in real estate since they know there will be no value in the dollars.

The dominos are falling. As you make your exit, “don't slam the door”.

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