Friday, March 5, 2010

Financial System Unspun


I have a very simple system of financial stability. It will work for me, it will work for you, the Nation, the world. It is so simple. Pennies make nickles, nickles make dollars, and dollars take care of themselves. You cannot invest anything you have spent. If a man is right with his pocketbook, the man is probably alright.

When I was in college, my nickname was “iron pockets” because, I was so tight with my money. Nothing has changed. I am still frugal living and frugal believing. Therefore, I can be generous in my giving and in my believing. I give away to philanthropy much more than I ever thought I would make and I always intended to make a lot of money. I had rather die and go on to my eternal reward than go into bankruptcy, or dishonor my good name or my families good name by owing any man any thing but love. As far as I know, no relative has ever been in jail. As far as I know, no family member of mine has ever been accused of stealing anything or even of not paying a debt. The soldiers of ancient Athens, had rather be taken back to their marvelous city lying dead on their shield than to have been accused of dishonesty or as a traitor to their county. How do you expect young people to have a passion for saving and investing when their Nation is besieged by debts and creditors? I often hear, we are the worlds wealthiest Nation. The truth is, we are the worlds poorest Nation. So deep in debt it is impossible even to think of repayment. We will repudiate our debts by inflating our money. Expect, real soon, a 30% decrease in the value of a dollar. If you have $100 in your bank checking account your bank will inform you that you have $70. This is the way crooked, deceptive, communists governments have always paid their debts. When every communist dictator, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Sung, Pol Pot, etc. all just took the property of land owners and turned it over to the masses. Private property means nothing in most of the world. Private property has become nonexistent in America. I was told in Mongolia, by the communists, “the commissars pretend to pay us and we pretend to work”.

In America, your government; Federal, State, Local, PRETENDS that you own your farm, your house, your car, your business, even your job (privileged license); but you stop paying your taxes, your license fees, your permits, and you will find out real quick who owns your things when they are sold at a public auction at the court house where you are sentenced for non payment inside the court house. The government owns everything, even you. A large part of the population lives in government housing projects or section 8 housing. There, the government must be responsible for repairs and maintenance. The government much prefers to pretend that you, the slave, owns your own house, business, farm, vehicle, so you will care for it and maintain it.

As Generalissimo, Chiang Kai-shek, fled towards Formosa (now Taiwan) taking with him the material wealth of China (all the caves in Taiwan are filled with Chinese art. I visited the Chiang Kai-shek home where art is rotated). Mao killed an estimated 90 million Chinese to establish a liberal communist welfare state where health care and communal living is well established. Just as many would prefer in America. Joseph Stalin killed 26 million to establish the Marxist/Lenin type communist health care and housing care system which many in America would prefer. Castro and Jong-il of North Korea, several South American dictators are killing and taking in order to make a similar government change. Dr. Franklin said during the early days of our constitution we can exchange all liberty for security. Alexis de Tocqueville, when he traveled from France to America in 1835 said, “when America ceases to be good America will cease to be great”. During one year of Obamanation of Obama Administration, in spite of our previous wars, transgressions, perversions, wars of defense and offense, this land of opportunity, a land to which people have tried to float towards on rickety boats, has lost its greatness and its goodness. Dishonor to today's America is not in being scared of the future but in running from the battlefield.

The male brain is wired for competition and pursuit, the sexual pursuer, the athletic competitor, the aggressor in finances. One might forgive Tiger Wood, John Edwards, Mark Sanford, and Bill Clinton for their sexual exploits but it is hard to forgive Greenspan, Bernanke, Rangel, and Paulson, for their lying and cheating and wasting the hardworking, God fearing, tax payers money.

One must understand the disease in order to understand the recovery. The same snakes in Washington and Wall Street who have brought on the disease now think we have a recovery. With bad news coming out of Europe ( Iceland, Dubai, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, UK), everyday, impossible deficits and debts, under the Obama Administration the double dip from the buffet of incompetence and ignorance is just beginning.

I have lived my entire life in an attitude of recession. Here, in my den, I have the kerosene table lamp which was used in my home as a child. I know recession and depression. I saw the depths of economic depravity (1930-1940). I also have here in this room the cast iron, fireplace cooking pot, which my ancestors used to cook in a fireplace when they landed from England and founded the area of Morristown NJ. I did not know what people were talking about when they spoke of “eating a steak”. Right on as a child, our meals were always a large “pot pie”. Face it, we are a spoiled, overfed, decadent people. God wanted me to see the world, and see the living conditions of other people...just as valuable in his eyes...people who should share in the wealth of this earth (I have been on eight trips around the world, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries). It is only in America that you find fat people. In most of the world, women spend most of their day bringing home drinking water in water pots on top of their head...just trying to find enough food to feed their children. Many children have never had one pair of shoes. Most have never known the joy of a new article of clothing or even the sweetness from a piece of candy.

The present financial decline started in 2007. Through the mimicry of the security bubble, the housing bubble, the bail out bubble, and now the media bubble; we are experiencing, first hand-uptight-full frontal, the destruction of the once greatest financial free enterprise system of the world.

In the Obamanation Obama Administration, people who have never run so much as a lemonade stand; one week, he says, we must pay as we go. The next week, he comes out with billions needed for new programs. He appoints as his financial advisor a trustee of the defunct General Motors Corporation, Marauder as President of the University of North Carolina...Erskin Bowels, to get his financial administration “in order”.

Reverend Farrakhan told thousands last week that the President would probably be assassinated. I am very suspicious of these advertisements for gold. We know that our economy is on life support...under the oxygen tent...because we do not want too much cO2 to escape into the atmosphere. The question for the present administration, “will you slash spending or should the citizens slash their wrists”?

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