Monday, November 26, 2012

Amyl Acetate

Amyl Acetate

            J.G Chesterton, so famous as an author, there are books and scholars devoted entirely to his writings, said, "What is wrong with the world? Just two words, I am."

            A staggering thought, looking into the average church house, average school house, average court house, your house, America-2012, comfortable-sophisticated-educated people, even those who claim the name of Christ, much more interested in what the world is doing-keeping up with the activities of the world than the welfare of the eternal souls of human beings...their own, their family, their neighbors. In the amyl acetate of the nose-colors, light came into the world and men for 2,000 years have preferred darkness to light (John 3:19).

            There has never been a better time to be a Christian in America than now. We have only one message, Jesus, the one who created H2O-the one who can calm the waves and the wind, who could heal the blind and the sick, raise the dead, was either the greatest hoax the world has ever known or he was who he said he was. He preached himself and the world for 2,000 years has been changed. I have known people to be healed, mind or body just by reading the four gospels over and over again.

            The only lessons coming out of the Middle East, PEOPLE DO NOT LEARN. Surely you remember Yasser Arafat, the table cloth head dress, surely you remember Henry Kissinger's detente diplomacy. My entire lifetime, particularly when I finished high school, 1948, and the Israel state was established, amyl acetate of noise from Arab-Jewish-European-American leaders, rocking and rolling to the Semitic hatred which began with Hagar and Sarah, barrers of two Abraham children (there were many more wives of Abraham after Sarah's death). Even then, 5,000 years ago, Hagar chased out of Abraham's house with her child Ishmael, the un-chosen, the pagan. Sarah, had learned to resent her hand maiden, baring a child of convenience. But, even the angels were aware of the conflict. The Middle East, Semitic struggle, old as history.

            This writer will never forget my first visit to the Holy Land when bifurcated by Jordan, the hatred between the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac. Presidential election after Presidential election, billions of U.S dollars funneled to Israel-Egypt-other Middle East countries. The ancient strip of land, Gaza, where Phillip encountered the Ethiopian unit where I saw hundreds of Jewish green houses, growing food for most of Europe. Attempting to purchase peace from the Hamas Palestinians, Gaza given to the enemy, there first action, demolition of 25 Jewish synagogues, then setting up for bombardment of Israel. Just across, Egypt, Cairo. Right ready to cross over, Brotherhood Muslims, supplying Hamas. (City population-17 million.)

            Now, we expect Hillary Clinton- Arab brotherhood- Islamic terrorists, to straighten things out.

            The frame of reference in this never ending conflict, property rights. Like Mark Twain, I knew a family who traveled to the Holy Land long before airplanes, they went by ship. Even then, conflict over sand.

            My two grandsons have no concept of the life of their great grandparents and further back. Today's youth, today's opinion molders, power brokers, have no concept of the history and property rights "branded"-etched into these people. Perhaps the world should be glad that the Muslim nations are so split, Shiats, sunnis, etc. They enjoy fighting and killing one rights, religious rights. We understand Ishmael, a child of convenience, Isaac, a child of promise. Satan has a fear of disobedience. Christian, in the world, know the reality of love verses hatred even though, it has been a hard sell, a King wearing a crown of thorns.

            One of England's longest reining monarchs, Queen Victoria, visited a paper manufacturing factory. She told the owner, "I want to see it all." He led her to a warehouse filled with bails of rags-smelly colored rags. She said, "Do you manufacture paper from rags?" He said, "Our best." We bleach the rags clean before processing. A few days later, a package arrived with paper from the factory. He told her the paper, baring her name and royal insignia, came from the cloth-smelly rags she had seen in the warehouse. He said, "Wash clean, process into pure whiteness." In the nose and color of the Middle East, amyl acetate, God, alone, must solve the conflict.

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