Friday, November 16, 2012

Heroes and Hieroglyphics

Heroes and Hieroglyphics

            "If authoritarianism leads to poverty and war and less freedom for all individuals and is controlled by rich special interests, the people should be begging for liberty.  There certainly was a strong enough sentiment for more freedom at the time of our founding that motivated those who were willing to fight in the revolution against the powerful British government." -Ron Paul in his farewell speech to congress.

            Even adult real men need heroes. Young boys need the super heroes of comic books- men with character, men with families, men who admire success, men who love Jesus Christ and everything this real man spoke, lived, died for. Still clamor in mind for a hero for which to vote in an election, a hero in the operating room, or the church pulpit. My hero, for many years, has been congressman Ron Paul. As he tells us, "Liberty should be so easy to sell."  We have seen the failure of authoritarianism around the world. This medical doctor, Baptist Christian, father of sons who are medical doctors, never backs down in his struggle for liberty, economic accountability, withdrawal of our armed forces for useless warfare.

            I doubt that the congressman can read hieroglyphics either. One must not have that ability in order to understand the basics of government....that when you are in a hole, you stop digging. We have obtained nothing in engaging in useless warfare, there must be an accounting at the federal reserve-U.S treasury.

            For 160 years, fiscal craziness (increasing debt, nothing paid on debt). The republicans proclaiming responsible taxation, democrats increasing spending. In good economic times, instead of repaying the national debt, congress both house and senate found places to buy votes.

            Constant theme, last election, republicans telling us that our taxes will go up, democrats, that entitlements will go down.

            The one man who always spoke the truth was not even permitted to speak at the republican national convention. So his supporters stayed home, the millions who would have made the difference in the outcome of the election.

            This writer voted for Romney, holding my nose. But, as even the Catholic church told its members, better to vote for the lesser of two evils. Of course, Catholic membership, loving the democrat party better than their church, voted for Obama who promotes same sex marriage, abortion. Republicans supported Romney, more rhino than conservative, Mormon theology so difficult (Jesus married the two sisters Mary and Martha). Better to have a lost Mormon with morals than a lost Marxist with no morals.

            My university history professor, many years ago, an Egyptologist, knew about hieroglyphics but even he said that a republic could not survive without free trade. The Kensington approach, ruining our economists, "borrow money", the long and short of it, debt is good, don't worry about paying your mortgage ahead of time or several payments at the time. John Maynard King, like the Marxist, believed in government controls. So, you see how we are totally controlled, the serfs-peasants of the new world order.

            "God's word is forever settled in Heaven" (Psalm 119:89).  "God [is] our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1).

            Hard to understand but there are times when we may not want God's help. Have you ever considered that Joseph took over Egypt? He had interpreted Pharaoh's dream and Pharaoh had put him in charge. The first thing that Joseph did was take the Egyptians money (Genesis 47:14). Then he took all their herds (Genesis 47:16). Then, as they were starving, the Egyptians last resort, he took all their land (Genesis 47:20). Joseph was God's man, just as later, Moses was God's man. "And Moses verily [was] faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after" (Hebrews 3:5). We live in a nation, history of people who make great plans. We go through the brain turmoil of study to become doctors, lawyers, financial advisors. So many think they have it made, business world, professional world, political world. We forget that beyond our ability to understand, God is still boss, in charge. Our money bags often have holes in them. "Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages [to put it] into a bag with holes" (Haggai 1:6).

            This writer has traveled the world, Egypt many times, seen the Sphinx, been in the Great Pyramid at Giza, Thebes, Luxor, Abu Simbel, many hieroglyphics. Pharaoh and his crowd, rich and powerful pagans yet Jacob, father of the tribes of Israel, grandson of Abraham at age 130, blessed Pharaoh knowing that Pharaoh's heart was as hard as a rock. At age 147, Jacob died in Goshen. The largest, longest funeral procession in the world, many million, by Pharaoh's choice, took him back to Macro Pela in Canaan.  Even heads of state greeted their procession at their boarders, including Jacob's brother Esau (Genesis 50).

            Perhaps the greatest thing to admire about Ron Paul M.D, congressman since 1976, is his ability to tolerate the insults of the secular state controlled news media. The iconoclast in the republican party, academia, and still stay on the straight course involving love of liberty, love of The Constitution, love of decency in a democracy and love of financial responsibility. Lincoln, another republican, said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

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