Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No Joy In Mudville

No Joy In Mudville

"Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Casey has struck out."

Casey at the Bat, Ernest Lawrence Thayer

            In Americanism, you have an audience of one, yourself. In Hamlet, Shakespeare said, "To thine own self be true."

            This writer has never understood why anyone with good sense would not spend the time necessary in exploring Christianity. The anti-Christian people I have known have never spent ten hours exploring The Bible-God's word, ancient writings-manuscripts-books or anything else explaining Jesus Christ, his life, crucifixion and resurrection.  How could anyone face the certainty of clinical death without examining redemption, eternal life, through Jesus Christ?

            How could anyone, knowing the miracle of Americanism, the founding promise of this nation not study the exceptionalism of this country and its people?

            This writer has traveled the world, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries at least once, most countries several times. Always, without exception, whether at a university, small shop-cafe, the foreigner always tells the tourist of his admiration for America, his desire to visit or live in America. French writer, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America in 1835 after traveling the country and meeting its people. He said, "If America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.."

            This writer's ancestors landed on the shores of America in 1677, arriving from the Good Ship Kent. I have the paperwork from the first deed near Morristown, NJ, tax papers, etc. The first deed was surveyed by Agina Peacock, first surveyor in the colonies who provided ammunition for the revolution, 1766. I am convinced, from an English heritage of Christian persecution, they wanted opportunity, the freedom to worship and live as free people. We will never know the troubles, trials, hard times of the early settlers. I only know the hard times, hard work, of my parents and grandparents. They would never believe what has happened to this nation, 230 years old, in the last 100 years, mostly 1900-2000.

            Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU and until 1950 its secretary, wrote the following in the ACLU charter in 1920, "I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal." A lose coalition of minorities, communists, members of the NAACP, urban league, gay agenda groups, liberals of every stripe, make up the democrat party. NOT ALL, but most, moochers, not producers. They are purveyors of entitlements. The answer to last nights election debacle, so simple but you will not hear a member of the state controlled news media, or politically correct politician, say anything about it. The word is FEAR. So afraid that their check will be cut off (check for social security, college grants, one of the over 100 social service projects, CDOP, OTTP, PNYP, TSCS, CDOP, WICS etc.)  The Republican candidate Romney was right, no one wanted to hear it, not even the liberal wing of his own party. Nearly 50% of all Americans, over 100 million, receive a government check of some type. Even democracy, existing in 31% of the world, has fallen when the "have not's" became so envious of the "have's." Greed, envy, pride, lust, and all of the other sins of human anger have so divided the nation. Even a giant storm, when human benevolence becomes so evident, did not make any difference.

            The unregenerate have the spirit of the world, flesh Devil.  You know the spirit of God in a person by their living, giving and even voting. Just the Catholics in America, "supposedly" pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage, pro-self sufficient, could elect a President. It is in these "rust belt" states that the democrats have most of their support. Like the NAACP-blacks in America, delivered from slavery by Republicans, civil rights legislation enacted by Republics, in log step support the Democrat party.  Liberation theology, government not God, has so corrupted the black church that even the abomination of same sex marriage, joblessness, seeps into hopelessness. There was a time when Catholic's, Baptists, evangelicals, knew that God knows how to get rid of sin in America. Perhaps not by a Mormon President (we all have our problems with Romney's religion), but surely the principles of this very moral man, a man who would have brought integrity and dignity to the White House. A man, unlike the present occupant of the White House-wonderful re-election, has business experience-corporate-administrative experience. Obama was elected the first time, void of any experience of any type. Having never signed a payroll check, run even a lemonade stand. He was then as now, a mystery. No one knows anything about him except that he is a total failure as President. We have heard the expression, "Everything he touches turns to gold." With Obama, everything he has touched, "cash for clunkers," bailouts, energy technology, all failures.

            In my lifetime, land of the free, home of the brave, has produced a population of spoiled, lazy, citizens with just enough ambition to eat, sleep, breath. One who rents property, I have been amazed that young people will move, just throw their clothing in the garbage cans. They leave their furniture, dishes, etc. I have actually had them move from a house, leaving cooked, spoiled food in pots on the stove. Most simply do not care. And, God help us, nothing but disdain for the country which supports them and God of mercy who gives them the very air they breathe. This is the reason there is no joy in Mudville this morning.


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