If I were pushed off a cliff, I would certainly wave my arms and try to fly; it could not do any harm. It is always the landing that matters. You can jump off a tall building, thinking that you are going to fly but it is the landing that proves the results.
We graduate thousands of high school students every year with a piece of paper saying that they have accomplished a course of study, but it is the landing that proves flight; the product, and God help us, many of the graduates cannot even read and write. The earliest one and two room school houses in this nation, students sitting on crude benches, writing on pieces of slate on dark cloudy days, lucky to have a kerosene lamp burning in the room, going outside to an outhouse. (For those who are delicate and are not familiar with the term, an outhouse refers to a type of toilet in a small structure separate from the main building which does not have a flush and is not attached to a sewer. But rather a pit in the ground and in the earliest days, before the time of tissue paper, old catalogs and old newspapers were used as you can imagine.)
But, in those times, under the worst of physical conditions, children learned to read and write and even with sparse books, they learned about the world, geography, martyrs of the faith, and the high school graduate of 100 years ago knew much more than today's college graduate. I would be ashamed, if I were an educator or a school board member, to give the false impression to any student that they have been in any way educated; that there is not something with which to get their attention and interest, even if nothing more than preparation for construction, mechanics, restaurateuring, or health care assistants. In a time of technology, how do you expect uneducated students to survive? Those who cannot read instructions on a prescription label, technical manuals, etc.
When visiting Outer Mongolia, I visited Ulan Bator, capital of the country, and was there for one great May Day Parade. (This is the first day of May in every communist country when there is a parade of Trade Unionist people, soldiers, and war equipment. I have attended May Day Parades in Moscow and Beijing. In Moscow, I stood with the delegation from communist Cuba.) When attending a school in Ulan Bator there was no problem with discipline. The youngsters were well behaved; boys separated from the girls, boys in one section of the large school building and girls in the other. I was reminded of the military classes which I instructed in the Army. The students, like military enlisted men, sat straight, paid attention to what was being said, knew how to lift their hands to ask a question and unlike the foolishness which goes on in the American school, the instructor was definitely in charge. Unlike the modern American schools, there was no carpet on the floors. I saw no computers; the students were capable of writing. Most of the students walked to school, in uniform, almost in military cadence. A teacher, well dressed in uniform, stood at each door and I will assure you that they knew how to behave when they entered the school and you can be sure the teacher standing at the door was aware of the clothing and hygiene of the students entering the school.
Speaking at a university in Beijing, China it was obvious that the college students were alert and glad to be in an educational institution. In uniform, they were clean, well disciplined, well mannered and these are the graduates from such institutions who will get the jobs in the global economy.
Public schools in the United States should just be shut down and we should start over. Surely, anyone can see that our public school systems are a total failure. Like so many things, we just think we can throw worthless money at the situation and by some miracle it will get corrected. I remember telling my good friend, Senator Jessie Helms, “The next time we are involved in a war, just throw bundles of money at the enemy and see if we can win that way. As in war, we have lost our passion to win.”
The gross national product of the world is fifty-five trillion dollars. Can you even imagine that the total international debt is one quadrillion dollars? Yet, the same tired, liberal philosophy continues. I get nauseated when I see the black race vote lock-step for a failed democrat party who promoted the ideology that equality would be achieved through integration. We still have black educators who believe the only way a black child can learn is to sit between two white children at school. Have the black educators even considered the physiological trauma of hauling young, black children from the inner city on buses, through the more affluent sections of each city to a carpeted school regardless of its architectural perfection, marching these black children off the bus, into the school cafeteria, where they are fed their breakfast. They are further maligned by marching them in at lunch time for a free lunch and even during vacation time, free food. They must feel that they are different because they are treated different. I still believe in spite of all the political activity towards pluralism and diversity that the predominant black schools produce quality black students.
We are now seeing with the onslaught of illegal non-citizens coming across the borders, seeking a better life, the animosities resulting from years of differences on which the students and most of the parents had no control. The attempt is being made and in the future, in the collectivist, totalitarian state, a semi-system of equality in everything: housing, clothing, transportation, parameters of education. All will be communized. The communal system of life is the agenda of the social progressive here and elsewhere. After all, it is not FAIR that one family should live in a five bedroom four bath house, with a large car and manicured lawn while another family should live in a government housing project with two bedrooms and one bath. Or as the case in China, four families sharing one kitchen and one bath. After all, since the industrial revolution, we have seen the philosophy promulgated in many areas of the world, establishing the equalization of human behavior controlled in the ideology of fairness.
The agenda is already decided: every citizen, like the veteran, those receiving Medicare and Medicaid, will go to a hospital or health facility, get a card with a number, stand in line until their number is called and a bureaucrat will control their care.
The agenda is already decided: your child, at the public school, will get vaccinations, instructions in sexual activity, instructions in homosexuality and same-sex marriage, sorted out according to bureaucrat intelligence regulations and your child will be put in classes like all these other things regardless of your wishes. As in communist China, a few weeks after a child is born, the child becomes the property of the state, taken each day to a so-called “children's palace” where they are fed and trained according to the dictates of the Chinese government, which has set up standard procedures for the operation of all schools, the education of all children. Parents have no rights and they will learn this once imprisoned for objecting. Now many of you think this is crazy, and it is crazy, but I have seen this and it is going on this very day.
The agenda is already decided: in Cuba, as well as other communist countries, the defense of the Revolution Committee in order to keep everyone under control, in order to eliminate all crime, much like the homeowners associations in the United States, starting at age 18 each community is organized so that people patrol the streets night and day making sure that “the people have given up all their freedom for safety” that there is nothing “untoward” going on in any house. Recently, one of my employees who lives in one of these communities with a homeowners association, a committee of which members walk around with their clipboard and analyzes each house, each yard, each month. They told he and his wife that they must stop smoking in their house because their venetian blinds were becoming discolored. Of course, neither of them smokes. This did not satisfy the homeowners association; they wanted them to install new blinds. Instead of installing anything, the couple has moved to a new city, making sure there was no such entity of a homeowners association. In this city of 100,000 there are over 1,000 homeowners associations. It is already here as far as I know, they are not patrolling the streets 24 hours a day yet. Although, in the one to which I pay dues, I was informed recently that the shrubbery in my front yard was old and should be replaced.
Thank God it happened in Boston, Massachusetts, the most liberal city & state in the nation. If given a chance, they would vote Barney Frank as God, Kerry and Kennedy as apostles, and turn the entire state, including Harvard, into a communist commune. But, it took one black handicapped Harvard professor, trying to get into his house, and a nosy neighbor (probably a white member of the homeowners association) not fully indoctrinated in diversity or university and we have a situation, spread around the world with the liberal police proving to be just as oppressive there as here, calling the professor a “jungle bunny”, taking him to jail for four hours from his own house, having done nothing, and yet the great singing duo of Sharpton and Jackson (probably since they are still in mourning from Michael) have said nothing because it is the involvement of democrats. The worst is yet to come, there has been a complete role reversal. For years the stage was set for southerners as racists, black liberal professors as untouchables, Yankee liberal police as the “white-hatted Profiles in Courage”, walking softly while condemning the hypocrisy of southern law enforcement.
I heard a young black girl, standing on the street outside my house, angry as a fire ant at a neighbor for whom she had done some work. “You will soon clean your own house, or my house, because our promise God, President Obama, is going to give blacks who have been enslaved by people like you, houses, cars, everything we want and we will make sure that you have nothing.” This is the new agenda.
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