For almost 50 years, America was entertained by a slapstick comedy act known as “The Three Stooges”. The characters were replaced often, because strokes and death seemed to afflict this vaudeville group and someone was always entering the comedy routine as a replacement; both on film and on television. When the last two died in 1975, it was all over. But, The Three Stooges was Americana at its best, physical slapstick comedy without any references to perversion, any debauchery in language, family entertainment.
With the United States involved in the most expensive wars in history, even WWII was cheap compared to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even after the deaths of over 3,000 Americans, on American soil, with the exploitation and demolition of our World Trade Center buildings, even after the deaths of 4,000 Americans in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan, the mutilation of many others bodies from wounds which they will never recover, the “stooge”, Jalal Talabani, which the United States with its military and financial controls, has now been told to leave the country. Hollywood does not possess a writer, fiction/non-fiction/science fiction, who could produce such an insane series of events as those which have happened since the USA became involved in the Iraq Conflict; which has consisted of, in spite of the fact that no one wants to admit it, just a religious, expensive, dogma conflict between the Shiites and the Sunnis. Anyone, who has visited that part of the world, would have been able to tell these uninformed, 'inside the beltway', notables, that just as 900,000 were killed in a war between Iran and Iraq in 1988, we were entering a cauldron of religious spite fired by some of the largest oil reserves in the world.
Another 'stooge' of the United States was the installing of Hamid Karzai, most known for his recent famous quote, "If I am called a puppet because we are grateful to America, then let that be my nickname." His 'in and out' of government, mixed loyalties, like his Karakul hat (special hat worn by Islamic men) has been a 'tango dance step' between his loyalties to Pakistan, his defeat among his own Afghanistan, and his scaredness to venture far from his house in Kabul. Even Rudyard Kipling, who wrote so vividly about this part of the world, would sympathize with the sorcery and concoctions of the Afghanistan War. You heard it here first, from one who has traveled through Pakistan, Afghanistan, and these other places involved several times; The entanglements in this part of the world, will make Vietnam and Korea look like a 'cake walk' if we can ever, in any way, extricate ourselves from the Hindu-Kush mountains of deceit and the eastern poverty-ridden valleys of despair.
Would any military man with a few brain cells still active get involved in a situation when there is a 2000 mile border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, rippling with intrigue, a 900 mile border between Afghanistan and Iran, producing heresy, and furthermore, full knowledge of the defeat of the British and the Russians in this insolent area of the globe!
To prove how much the American voter loves stooges and hypocrites, we elected the most prolific stooge known in all world's history of leadership as the Commander in Chief of these world despots. (Kim Jong-il-North Korea, Hugo Chavez-Venezuelaa, theCastro's's-Cuba, Ahmed-Somalia, Ahmadinejad-Iran) These are just a few of thbizarrere personalities capable of jarring the civilized world into conflict, almost any hour. Making decisions for a once 'super power', bankrupt, licking the boots of the loan sharks of the world located in China, Saudi Arabia and even Russia, the man who thinks he is God (other than the fact that only he and God don't have a birth certificate) has through his 'financial wizardry' entered into legislation which will put all working taxpayers into the stocks, and with this I do not mean the securities such as you did, at one time, buy on Wall Street. All the Wall Street corporations, like the automotive corporations, the insurance corporations, have all been 'bailed out' and now are government entities, but I speak of the shackles and leg-irons of slavery.
My ancestors, who have fought in every war for the freedom of opportunity in this country, and even this writer, blind since the Korean War, believes we are living through a nightmare, a catastrophe, once a free-enterprise, democratic republic where, if you behave yourself, live the Christian life (even the Supreme Court, USA declared this a Christian nation 1799-1892) one had the opportunity and responsibility of seeking any goal. In six months, one 'stooge', campaigning on a 'barrage of change', has brought a bombardment of hopelessness to a country blessed with divine destiny. Nationalism has taken over and this is always the preliminary step before the conquest of socialism. Public education has been so 'dumbed down', Marxist ideology has so taken over the academia, the challenge of winning, the hope from accomplishment, preparation for a good life for your children, all the features of decency, yield to deception. We are the only nation, in the long history of world excitement in competition, that has willingly accepted slavery.
In 1955, I became active in an organization called Christian Anti Communist Crusade(CACC). It was founded by a medical doctor, Dr. Fred Schwarz. In this part of the country, as a member of that crusade, I gave money, wrote articles, made speeches, did everything I knew to do in the gallant effort of our nation to defeat communism and its godless ideology tentacles, which threatened to encapsulate the world. The greatest horror of communism is what it does to the human personality, the genus homosapiens, the human being, made in the image of God (John 1:1-12) Most of the opinion molders, the power brokers, the academics, of this nation have never known the true horrors of Marxism. President Obama, born in Kenya, raised in a Muslim school in an Indonesian Madrash, raised on an island in Hawaii, extended a fantastic education, Ivy League University (his education was freely given to him, not like many of us who had to work our way through school), who has never met a payroll or held a responsible job in his life. He does not know what life and living is all about. At the Nationalist church in Chicago (Reverend Wright), at the Evergreen Church at Camp David, he will never meet 'real people', he will never know sweat, tears, hunger, or want for anything. He is as far removed from most Americans, even those foolish enough to have voted for him, as night is from day.
To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. I have learned to walk by faith, not sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Many of you need to open your eyes.
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