The Concorde jet (AĆ©rospatiale-BAC Concorde) which flew at approximately 1,482 miles per hour, was in service from England to the US and France to the US for 27 years. For most fliers of this jet, it was the thrill of the one-time experience. But, after the July 25, 2000 crash, the slump in air travel following the September 11 attacks and rising maintenance costs, Air France and British Airways retired the Concorde. And now the Concorde, like the Spirit of Saint Louis, is just a matter of history. The average international flier can better spend the extra time on a regular flight than spend the extra money and after having flown the Concorde one time, he has already had the chance to impress everyone concerned or unconcerned with his feat.
America has seen what incompetent people and inept actions will do to an economy. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were not sufficiently stupid in their putting people into homes they could not afford, now, the same incompetent people are putting people into cars they can not afford. The very people who could not afford over priced, over taxed homes, which has brought economic disaster lead by the real estate market, are now promoting “cash for clunkers”; paying people, who can hardly afford an old car, $3-4k to buy a new car for which they will pay tremendous taxes and insurance. In the meantime, back at the car lot, the older cars, which provided needed transportation for those in the economic squeeze, are left with fewer transportation options. The 'clunkers' must be smashed and, along with the securities crash, the economy only worsens with every stupid decision coming from the present, inept, current administration; a man who has never worked a day in his life, whose education was handed to him on a silver platter, who arrived at his present status of splendor (billion dollar house in Washington, a $25k a week house rental on Martha's Vineyard, all from a man who doesn't have the business expertise to run a lemonade stand) as a political organizer on the streets of the nation's most politically corrupt city, Chicago.
It reminds me of the man who burned his house down, trying to get rid of a few rats; he made a 'change', but at such a price. The country, already trillions of dollars in debt, which can never be paid, espousing such a ludicrous idea as paying someone to buy a new car! My first car cost $85. It was a 'clunker', but it did the job. Now, we are flooding the world market with scrap iron in a time of economic crash, trashing good cars which working people need and all they can afford.
I have never owned a new television set. Since I am totally blind, and have no need for viewing a television, I just buy a second hand black and white TV which I can hear.
I INSIST that the government give me money for all my old black and white TV sets.
I have never bought a new radio. There are an excess of good, reliable radios which still work fine.
I INSIST the government buy all my old radios.
My clothes dryer has been used for at least 40 years. It has worn out. Now, like my mother, grandmother and people for many years, I hang out my wash.
I INSIST the government give me money for my old clothes dryer.
I have not bought anything new to wear for at least 40 years. I have several good looking suits which I use when on speaking engagements, at funerals, appointments, etc. which were in excellent condition when I bought them in thrift stores. Same thing with shoes and all the furniture in my house.
I INSIST that the government pay me well for my old clothes, which were old when I bought them but which have served me well, my shoes which were old when I bought them but which have served me well, my furniture which was old when I bought or inherited it but which has served me well.
The four poster bed on which I sleep, I inherited from my parents, who inherited it from my father's parents.
I INSIST the government pay me well for this bed.
It can be sold, like the clunkers, in China and the Chinese, people who know how to utilize old things, like the clunkers, will make something nice from it just as they will increase their world dominance of the automobile market.
Since the politicians in Washington have lost all sense of reality, after all, the ones who have brought on this economic disaster are the ones who think they can solve it, Peter Schiff, financial advisor, is running against that fool Senator Dodd in Connecticut. (Dodd and Barney Frank brought on the housing disaster) The younger Dr. Paul, like the older Dr. Paul, have some financial intelligence. At least, they are smart enough to know, that when you are in the kind of hole this country is in, you stop digging!
From sea to shining sea, in 2010, the American people, if they have any cells functioning in their brain, at least the 50% who pay the tax, must try to outvote the 50% who just sit on their backsides and do nothing, except live off the other 50%, and install in Washington LEADERS who are convinced that capitalism, free enterprise, are the hallmarks of a republic of free people who believe in industriousness, who are willing to work for that forgotten word called success.
Iceland has fallen into the abyss of hopelessness because everyone in the country wanted to live off the government. In the Middle Eastern countries, where 'black gold' is selling at such tremendous prices, and the governments can't afford to subsidize the populations who just sit around and drink tea all day, most are content to ride a donkey.
Bonds in the world, even Wal-Mart bonds, which at one time were always sold in US dollars, are now being sold in Yen. The broken window theory, a wide ranging social theory roughly states that problems, if not dealt with as soon as they occur, become much worse than they would otherwise be. The usual example given is the broken window in a neighborhood. If the window is not fixed as soon as possible, the bad element (whatever that is for that neighborhood) surmise that no one cares so they move in. Conversely, if it is fixed immediately, the bad element knows that people are aware and active in the neighborhood. My father taught me, when very young, and it has never failed yet, you know how to take care of a car after you have paid for one. As long as the government thinks they can solve problems by just 'throwing money' at them, (money which we do not have, 13 trillion increased debt in the past 6 months, when the entire cost of WWII was only 3.5 trillion) a check each month for eating expenses, a check each month for housing expenses.
Soon, if the same liberal mentality has its way, total socialization of health care, and now money for a new car, no wonder the 51% who voted for Obama, who can attend all his rallies because they do not work, this 50% who do not pay any income tax, no wonder, instead of going to church, they stay at home, worshiping their idol in their living room, their television set.
No wonder they do not know or care anything about heaven; they think they are already there.
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