Winston Churchill, after an initial victory in a British North African campaign, said “This is not the end, it may be the end of the beginning.” Perhaps, we do not know who we are. I believe that this is the beginning of the end of our great nation and particularly the state of North Carolina. At the Legislative Building on Jones Street in Raleigh, built in 1960, and as a totally blind 100% disabled service connected Veteran, in full uniform, I was invited to attend the dedication of this magnificent Legislative Building; with all its red carpet, its great glass doors. (and it was in all the papers about the blind veteran who walked into the big glass door). At the front of the building, on the pavement, bears its motto, Esse Quam Videri. (To be rather than to seem) If there has ever been a state, if there has ever been a people, since our blessed Lord created this marvelous universe, who have shown, as if by intention, hypocrisy in its most BLATANT belligerent form, it has been the state of North Carolina. Irascible, belligerent, callous, are just a few of the adjectives that describe the treatment of the citizens of North Carolina, and you don't have to go back into slavery, poor tenant farmers, poor cotton mill workers, etc. I attribute most of this attitude to the Democrat party, which has been totally in power for over 100 years. Since all the people, in places of leadership, in places of management, know that their job is secure within the tent of the Democrat hierarchy of nepotism, they can treat people any way they wish. (I just went through that recently at the Department of Motor Vehicles)
People do what they do because they believe what they believe. The Democrat party in this state believes that it will be in absolute charge of every dollar and every state job as long as the world stands. I can remember the time, when you need not even apply for a job teaching school, highway department, state hospital, or anything else, unless you were recommended by a member of the Democrat hierarchy. Nothing has changed, one of my cousins wanted to drive a school bus. In order to get the job driving a school bus, he had to get approval from the local, Democrat establishment. The belligerence toward those of us who are Christian and who choose to vote another party, is the most UN-American, inhuman, practice known to man, something you would not find even in police state countries.
Having traveled the world, I thought I had seen humanity at its worst, but just the living example of what happened to one college professor in the most liberal state, the most liberal university, in the nation, gives some indication of what goes on in one of the most backward, hostile states in the nation. Professor Gates was not unknown on the Harvard campus, nor in his community. Not only was he disabled, walked with a cane, but he was a source of stability to the minority community. It is obvious to me, that the illiterate, Cambridge police, were just awaiting their opportunity to bring this 'black man down to size'. Can one even imagine, (it takes a totally blind man, such as this writer, who must walk with a white cane) to understand the decadent mind who would handcuff this man, on his own property. He had already proven to the police officers that he was in his home and was breaking no laws and yet they saw fit to 'haul him' (downtown) and harass him for 4 hours. The American people should rise up in absolute indignation toward the treatment of ANY human being in this manner. The police officers involved, the city who hired them, should pay and pay dearly for this humiliation and these officers should not be allowed to work for any other municipality except perhaps as a garbage collector.
I have encountered the same type harassment as a totally blind, disabled citizen, living alone, who must depend on law enforcement, not just for protection, but for help. The mentality of this nation has been so corrupted and manipulated that the police officers feel that they can 'man-handle' and treat without consequence, anyone, anyway, anywhere and at anytime. Twice in one year, the telephone system to my house was disconnected, evidently by someone with the idea of breaking in to my house, but knowing I had a security system, depending on the police department, has not yet been successful. I have had the security system disconnected from the police department because I found, much to my dismay, that the police department DID NOT support the contract I had with the security system. So, as in the many years, before the Army installed the security system in my house for my protection, I have gone back to the old system of propping my doors. For years, I placed cement blocks against the inside of my exit doors.
An old man told me many years ago, that I had more to fear from the termite man than from the termites. I really feel, in this day of police intimidation, brutality, corruption...that I have more to fear from the police than I do from the criminals. It has been a long time, since I heard anyone say one good word about law enforcement. When the lines were cut to my phone, and I finally received some assistance (blind people have great difficulty using a cell phone) Deputy Owens, from the local Sheriff's department and Lt. May from the local police department, both told me something would be done about my problem IF the criminal got into my house and KILLED me! But, until there was more evidence, there was nothing more that law enforcement could do.
Three times in the past year, I have dealt with identity theft, due to the theft of the password to my computer. One man, used my online system to place 5 automobiles for sale on my eBay account. Another, university student, used my password, took my ID, and ordered things, charged to my account, but delivered to his address. In all these thefts, the accounts of the activity, easily available from the sellers, etc., were sent to the local district attorney, chief of police, Sheriff's department, chancellor of the University and I am still waiting for the first answer from either. People simply do not care about crime anymore UNLESS, as in everything else, it affects them directly. With law enforcement, the criminal gets much more attention than the citizen.
Totally disabled, house-bound, I do not use your jails, parks, concert halls, theatres, sidewalks, you do not spend any tax funds on any of these things for me! But, I get no help, whatsoever, from law enforcement. We all know, that if Professor Gates had not been black, NOTHING would have been said about the Cambridge affair. (IF it would have even happened) But, since he is black, since we have a black president, since this minority has more clout than any other, it is a matter of national importance. The largest minority, THE DISABLED, (estimated 38 million in the US, blind, deaf, crippled, etc.) get no attention whatsoever from law enforcement. Like the unborn (abortion), most people just wish we were not around.
Suicide has always been a tragedy. This country, so blessed of God, is trying so hard to commit suicide.
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