An old fashioned word, which the politically incorrect do not use anymore, is the word 'evil'. President GW Bush, who was not much better than the present President, Obama, used 'evil' in describing Iran (Iran is 4 times the size of France), North Korea (still shooting missiles toward USA and Japan), and Iraq (where 4,000 of our finest young people have been killed in an attempt to rid this country of a tyrant, but the populous, living off oil revenues, unable to get along among themselves (Shiites and Sunnis) have now asked us to leave); has joined forces with the “Marxist” media in this country in the 'evil' enslavement of the American people who, 233 years ago, established a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY, blood-bought with the proposition that “all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights”...
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Declaration of Independence
This Preamble, written by one of my ancestors, a signer of the Constitution, Robert Morris, has stood the test of time, from the schoolhouse to the courthouse, from the White House to your house, in giving you the Judeo-Christian belief that this is truly a 'land of opportunity'.
Only when Bernie Madoff, a swindler of $65 billion dollars from American citizens, giving him 150 years in prison, did we hear the word 'evil' used recently, as the sentencing Judge, Denny Chin referred to him as such during the sentencing portion of his trial. We heard nothing of 'evil' when 3,000 of our fellow Americans were jumping out the windows of the World Trade Center (9-11-01); we heard nothing of 'evil', when we watched film of the beheading of an American journalist (Daniel Pearl); we heard nothing of 'evil' when, since January 1973, at the edict of the Supreme Court that 3,000 babies could be killed each day (1,400 black babies); we heard nothing of 'evil' when FEMA did not do its job in the Katrina disaster (New Orleans, 2005); we heard nothing of 'evil' when 52 people were killed and 700 were injured in the “7/7” bombing of a London subway OR when 182 people were killed and 240 were injured in the “Bali nightclub bombings”. Other bombings, all over the world, both known and unknown, (2 recent plane explosions, probably from bombings) have made modern 'lackadaisical' Americans immune to the horrors of 'evil'. Evidently, only when decadent sums of money are stolen does the judiciary consider man's inhumanity to man 'evil'.
In President George Washington's farewell address he said, “America will no longer be great when it loses its morality and religion.” Only the most naive liberal can not understand the total loss of morality, the total disdain for the 10 Commandments, those rules even from natural law, even from tribes who have never heard of the Scripture, have stood the test of time as far as man's morality. Adultery is no longer considered a matter of morality, no more than fornication or perverted sexual behavior. This week, we are told that “adultery is just a 'bump' in the road of the marriage experience.” (New York Times) Last week, we were told that the long and hard fought battle for civil rights for black citizens in our country is compared to the rights of men and women dissatisfied with their sexuality, even their attempt to change their gender. (Transsexuals)
Most of our 'alarm systems', the alert signals, warning us of our 'downward spiral', should come from the pulpits of America. But, the pulpits, like the pews, are padded and comfortable and we actually think that diphtheria can co-exist with good health. Instead of the church changing the world, the world has totally changed the church. Now, there is no more sanctification in most churches than there is Christian faith shown in most country clubs. In fact, you could transport those from the country club on Saturday night right into the Sunday morning worship service and the unaffiliated onlooker could not tell the difference; attitude, dress, music, language. If Christians lived their faith before the world, the world would have been converted long ago. There are 5 Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and YOU. Most never read the first 4. The average pastor, has more fear of his congregation than he does of God. “He wants everyone to love him.” He does not say anything that will 'offend' anyone, certainly, he will not warn anyone about the consequences of sin. “Sins ruin and Christ's redemption” is considered too 'evil' to preach to a modern congregation; it is essential that the modern congregation be 'entertained', that like a nightclub, there should be much clapping, much laughing, forgetting of our Lord's table, just “drama and drums”.
Nothing about today's church attitude is new nor the prescription for 'evil'. Perhaps the most remarkable miracle in our blessed Lord's ministry happened when he approached a country called Gadarenes by ship.
“A place and people made memorable by the visit of the Lord Jesus. It was a city of Palestine, so called, perhaps, from being walled, from Cedar, surrounded or trooped in. Here it was, that Jesus met the man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs, whom no fetters nor chains could bind, and whom Jesus healed. It forms a most interesting miracle, in the account of Christ's ministry, (See Mark v. 1-30.) Who can say, but that the Lord Jesus directed his steps to this very spot, purposely for the salvation of this poor man, and him only? For we are told, that while he sat at the feet of Jesus, (after that the Lord had dispossessed the evil spirit) clothed, and in his right mind: the Gadarenes began to pray Jesus to depart out of their coasts. What higher proofs can be needed to mark distinguishing grace! What an act of mercy had Jesus wrought, not only to the poor demoniac, but to the whole country, in delivering them from his violence and outrage, while under possession of the devil. And yet, though thus freed from all apprehension in future; the presence of Him, that by his sovereign and Almighty power, had wrought the gracious act, is painful to them. "Depart from us, for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways!" (Job 21:14) And awful to say, but too true to be questioned, such is the language of every man's heart by nature.
The Poor Man's Bible Concordance and Dictionary- Robert Hawker
As with the Gadarenes, if Christ were to do a miracle in our city, and change a person totally, he would be asked to leave.
I am convinced, just as today's citizens, both saved and unsaved, would have freed Barabbas (thief for whom Christ was hung on the cross), and would have allowed Barabbas to go on thieving. Most have shown just a 'pittance' of interest in our blessed Lord, even some who have 'been buried, like Christ, in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life.” Only the cleansing of the precious innocent blood of Jesus Christ can eradicate 'evil'. Perhaps you do not detect 'evil' in your own being or in the circumstances of life which surround you. How we cheat ourselves by not knowing the message of His Word, do not evaluate your Christianity by other Christians, use God's Word. The only book in the world in which your mind can have absolute interaction.
I know I love Thee better, Lord
Than any earthly joy:
For Thou hast given me the peace
Which nothing can destroy.
The half has never yet been told,
Of love so full and free;
The half has never yet been told,
The blood, it cleanseth me.
I know that Thou art nearer still
Than any earthly throng;
And sweeter is the thought of Thee
Than any lovely song.
Thou hast put gladness in my heart,
Then may I well be glad;
Without the secret of Thy love,
I could not but be sad.
O Savior, precious Savior mine!
What will Thy presence be,
If such a life of joy can crown
Our walk on earth with Thee?
(The half has never yet been told, Hymn)
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