The Japanese Kabuki Theatre is acknowledged to be avant-garde or "bizarre" theatre because it is derived from the verb kabuku, meaning "to lean" or "to be out of the ordinary". In other words, it is theatre that does not show much 'rhyme or reason'. We could put a fence around Washington, DC and charge admission to watch “Kabuki Theatre” it its best. Not in the history of man, have we experienced a scenario in which the elected actors create such a cauldron of deceit and then go out, spend tremendous sums of money, asking those most affected to send them back for more of the same or they are the ones to correct things. It is more or less like paying for punishment. Most of us are not that masochistic.
In the Broadway Musical, Phantom of the Opera, one song, Music of the Night, perhaps best describes the American citizen's present dilemma in contemplating their destiny.
“Close your eyes and surrender to your
darkest dreams!
Purge your thoughts of the life
you knew before!
Close your eyes,
let your spirit start to soar!
And you'll live
as you've never lived before ... “ (Music of the Night- Andrew Lloyd Webber- Phantom of the Opera)
Interesting has been the hearings for the newly appointed Justice of the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, who thinks that as a 'Latina woman', she will have more feelings for litigants than 'white men'. Of course, this judicial committee was just 'going through the motions'. The members of the committee, dressed for television, more interested in the camera than the appointee, were asking questions which would make THEM look good. Anyone with two perkingee cells, still functioning in the brain, knows that with a 60 vote majority in the Senate, the Democrats would approve a rose bush if it were appointed by Obama and came out of a Kennedy garden! She impressed me as someone who would be a 'super-duper' legislator, not a fair referee or umpire; she was in no way a judicial intellect, but rather, as most of these appointees, one who has swallowed the Democrat line, bait, lure and sinker. Like the other woman on the Supreme Court, Obama can depend on her complete obedience to him, not her religious faith, not her 'empathy' for those seeking justice from a failed justice system. Like those 85 women and children who were burned alive in Waco, Texas, while judicial pontiff Janet Reno stood by, if the American citizen is looking for justice, it will not be found on this earth, but rather in the 'weights' of a Supreme Creator.
“...with righteousness He shall judge the world, and the peoples with equity.” (Psalm 98:9)
In other halls of power, sanity was scarce, as those, who can remember, the once quality health care, were caught in the quandary of socialized, communized, monopolized, expedient care. I was at the first meeting of a conference on upcoming socialized medicine, Medicare, at Duke University in the early 60's. Like the present Obama 'puppets', insurance, medicine, nursing, who want to make sure that they are at the head of the line, the health officials who were there, were so excited about the thoughts of government checks pouring in, and them no longer having to collect delinquent bills. This one, insignificant, health care practitioner who, unlike the rest, had experienced government care in military and veteran's facilities, who had seen haphazard care in socialized countries, raised my hand and asked the question, “What will you do when the government decides they are paying you too much and they lower your charge for care to some 'wannabee-doctor” bureaucrat?” We have already learned and will learn more.
In the countries, socialist, communist, police state, where such care is available, it has been an absolute failure. Considering the warts of care in this country, (and there are many) deplorable emergency rooms, lackadaisical employees, etc. when you think how bad it could be, add all the grime, ineptness, and waiting lines together and you will have some idea of socialized health care and how it WILL BE. Don't think about building your next house until you have put out the fire in the one you have now. In the 1,018 page Universal Health Care Bill, on page 16, you will find, that it will be against the law for anyone to sell you private insurance. Most doctors I know, who are not Democrat puppets, will not advise any young person to go into the health care field.
Mr. Castro, down in Cuba, educates an excess of doctors each year. He has about 2,000 in excess at all times, which he sends to natural disasters such as earthquakes, all over the world. But, they don't know how to do anything but make a mess! Have you ever heard of one peer-reviewed medical paper coming out of Cuba? A doctor in Cuba makes the same as the janitor in the hospital, around $20 a month. Believe me, I have been there, you do not put in the 'midnight oil', the sweat involved, in getting a license to practice in this country for $20 a month! Most US doctors come out of school aged and so far in debt that they don't have much of a future even in the best of circumstances. When I came out of school, advertisements in “medical economics” offered jobs in Emergency Rooms for $1000 a month.
Of course, I found out early in life how much my country values my education. After all those years of working my way through school, I did not get one dime of grants, scholarships, GI Bills, etc. and came away from the military, totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, and the government has just said, more or less, “good luck.”
We have elected officials and bureaucrats, who dishonestly believe that the government should nationalize all areas of American life, (banking, manufacturing, insurance, education, housing, etc.) with 'bail-outs', the insecurity of bankruptcy, the blasphemy of the degrading of the first and second amendments of the Constitution; knowing full well the 'conspiracy of silence' and that most citizens, regardless of skin color, regardless of economy, are afraid to be called names. Never did anyone think enslavement could be so easy. It is all a matter of the mind; the mind has been shackled.
Shortly after WWII, a German religious leader came to this country and was asked about the future of the European church. (there are more Mosques in Europe now than churches; the second largest mosque in the world, Cologne, Germany) He said, “When the Nazis came for the gypsies, no one did anything. When the Nazis came for the disabled, (275,000 were exterminated before Hitler got to the Jews) no one did anything. When the Nazis came for the Unions, no one did anything. When the Nazis came for the Jews, no one did anything. When the Nazis came for the rest of us, there was no one left to do anything.” When will we start to stand up and do something, if not for ourselves, then for our grandchildren?
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