North Carolina's Senator Sam Erwin, a constitutional lawyer and one of the finest men with whom I ever had a conversation (I introduced him at several meetings) said, “anyone who can paint an accurate picture of a cow does not have to write under the picture 'Cow.'” Anyone with two Purkinje cells still functioning should be able to discern the lackadaisical attitude of today's world without me pointing it out to them. We do what we do because we believe what we believe.
I have stood on the heights of Machu Picchu. I have stood on the heights of the Himalayas (Tibet), the Pyrenees, and heights all over the world. Climbing up the hill to the Parthenon in Greece, one of the world's most beautiful sites, I passed the bronze plaque which stipulates where on Mars Hill the apostle Paul was challenged by the philosophers of ancient Greece.
Socrates, Dr. Samuel Johnson, and Jesus, I consider the world's greatest philosophers. Today's modern churches, with their spiritual advisor, Oprah Winfrey, have largely discounted the teachings of the apostle Paul, who, under the inspiration of God, wrote most of the New Testament. The directions for a church and the Christian life are found his books from Romans to Philemon. Probably the most educated man of his time, we need to study his words again, particularly as it applies to wisdom and man's flaunting and floundering with wisdom (Romans 1:21-22 and 1 Corinthians 1: 21-22).
The most difficult study I ever made was the quantum theory, corpuscular theory of light bending as it enters water, first discovered by Newton. Like the clotting of blood, photosynthesis and the study of every histological structure of a human body, one strains to understand it all. The edge of today's wisdom involves the Hadron Collider, wherein man is looking out into the universe establishing the relationship between matter and space. We want to address the most fundamental laws of physics, and progress in our understanding of the deepest laws of nature. It is like reading God's thoughts, the origin of the Milky Way.
Science is no longer written like the text books of our high school and college days. Only a few scientists are now atheists, 30% of all scientists are dedicated Christians, the other 70% are considered agnostic or indifferent. Einstein said the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it can be comprehended. The problem now, as in the apostle Paul's time, is that most intellectuals are too enraptured with their own knowledge, their own egos, and they want God to agree with them rather than taking God at His inerrant Word.
The most recent blockbuster movie is called Avatar, breaking all box office records—$1.8 billion already in receipts. I understand this movie relates to the universe. Still, as was with the ancients—even the three wise men who 2,000 years ago followed a star to the Birth of the greatest event in the history of the world—mysteries at the end of a telescope. The philosophers on Mars Hill had never seen a telescope or microscope and knew little of the world's wisdom.
So it is with us, it is like walking into a warehouse stacked with books. We have opened one book, and read one page, as far as our knowledge of the universe is concerned. 95% of all historical-archaeological knowledge is still undiscovered—that is, has not been unearthed. Any man who thinks he is so great needs to look into a microscope and see one cell of microbiology which can easily kill in a matter of hours. Only one who has discovered the Creator of the Universe; only one who has discovered Jesus Christ, who even in His first miracle at Canaan of Galilee, turned instantly water into wine (this should be considered by those who think evolution has been such a process of time).
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One. "Let us break their chains," they say, "and throw off their fetters." The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. (Psalm 2:1-4)
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