The mantra for communism and the communist philosophy throughout the world came largely from Marx and Engels but America made a great contribution in the philosopher John Dewey, who died in 1952, of Columbia University, who was instrumental in developing the system of education in communist Russia. His famous dictum “The end justifies the means”, is used by atheistic communism to this day, throughout the world, particularly in American Universities.
Evangelical Christians often say to me, “I do not believe a saved fundamentalist should be involved in politics, it is such a dirty atheistic business.” It is certainly true that there is nothing on earth any dirtier then politics, the greed and corruption of political life. Many politicians try to hide in the church, but so do bootleggers, adulterers, fornicators, and others who love the world more then they love God. They may have been baptized, went into the baptistry as dry sinners and came out as wet sinners.
Dr. Tiller (Tiller the killer), who killed 60 thousand babies in the abortion holocaust each year, was an usher in a Lutheran church and this is where he was killed. He was the chief contributor to the political campaign of Kathleen Sebelius, who is a Catholic, and like pro-abortion Obama, promotes abortion and is now head of the Department of Health and Human Resources. Sebelius like Obama and most of the Obama administration, supports planned parenthood, euthanasia and the other Eugenics philosophies, hatched in the depths of Hell.
Christians, are the light and salt of the world. The mission of the church and the great commission is that believers should go into all the world and do God's work as God brings unbelievers to the knowledge of His saving grace through Jesus Christ. Christ told us that the tares would live side by side with the wheat, that in His harvest, He would make the great separation. It takes great patience to live your faith in the world and before the world, especially in the political world. (James 1:3) It is much harder to wait than it is to work. But, with patience, and living your testimony, your blood bought faith, before the world, you are the living epistle ready to be seen and read of men. You and you alone may lead to the salvation of the lost, everyone's conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil. Satan would truly be happy and successful if there were no Christian testimonies anywhere at anytime.
In Martin Luther's last sermon in 1539, he said, “You should know that the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Saviour day for day ... for that reason you, my lords and men of authority, should not tolerate, but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so. As a good patriot, I wanted to give you this warning for the very last time.”
Luther's ideas had changed the course of Western Civilization and he led the Protestant reformation from the Catholic church. Paul's letter to the Hebrews is a sermon of exhortation and application. In Hebrews, he seeks to settle forever the controversy about Christians keeping the Jewish law. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) People of faith know how to trust God. The three virtues of the church are faith, hope, and love. (1 Corinthians 13) Three times in the New Testament, we find the words, “the just shall live by faith.” 14 times, in the 150 verses of the first epistle of John, we are told that we can know that Christ loves us. (1 John 3:24) Our salvation is secure and we know that without obedience there is no Lord, that without a kingdom there is no king.
We live in an age of deception. Do not be deceived that the ends justify the means. To the father, you are ruining your health to obtain the wealth to make things better for your children then you had it, will come back to haunt you. To the pastor, your trying to please the itching ears of your congregation while their souls need the truth, may come back to haunt you. To the doctor, your writing up a prescription instead of discussing the truth of a patient's condition (30% of all placebos will cause a patient to improve), may come back to haunt you. To the teacher, your passing on a student and giving him the impression that failure after failure is a sign of success, may come back to haunt you. To the politician, your promises may get you elected, but your record may come back to haunt you. To the Christian, there is a great difference in a believing Christian and a practicing church goer (1 John 2:4), and will come back to haunt you.
With all My Heart
As for me and my house, Lord we will always serve You.
Faithful voices in praise, declaring Your name.
Lord, with all of my heart, I will seek You
Lord, with all of my strength, I will serve You
Lord, with all of my soul,
I will worship You,
I will honor You,
I will Love You, Lord
Forever, and ever, Amen!
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