While I was at the university in 1953, perhaps the greatest scientific discovery of the 20th century was made. Dr. James Watson from Chicago and Dr. Francis Crick from Cambridge announced the discovery of DNA.
Cells are the fundamental working units of every living system. All the instructions needed to direct their activities are contained within the chemical DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA from all organisms is made up of the same chemical and physical components. The DNA sequence is the particular side-by-side arrangement of bases along the DNA strand (e.g., ATTCCGGA). This order spells out the exact instructions required to create a particular organism with its own unique traits. The genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA. Genomes vary widely in size: the smallest known genome for a free-living organism (a bacterium) contains about 600,000 DNA base pairs, while human and mouse genomes have some 3 billion. Except for mature red blood cells, all human cells contain a complete genome.
DNA in the human genome is arranged into 24 distinct chromosomes--physically separate molecules that range in length from about 50 million to 250 million base pairs. A few types of major chromosomal abnormalities, including missing or extra copies or gross breaks and rejoinings (translocations), can be detected by microscopic examination. Most changes in DNA, however, are more subtle and require a closer analysis of the DNA molecule to find perhaps single-base differences. Each chromosome contains many genes, the basic physical and functional units of heredity. Genes are specific sequences of bases that encode instructions on how to make proteins. Genes comprise only about 2% of the human genome; the remainder consists of non-coding regions, whose functions may include providing chromosomal structural integrity and regulating where, when, and in what quantity proteins are made. The human genome is estimated to contain 23,000 genes.
The human body consists of trillions of cells, probably 14 billion in the brain alone. The DNA from any one of these cells would fill many pages giving the complete history of your ancestry; that of both your mother and father. Can you even imagine the number of children in this world, particularly the United States (nearly 50% born to single mothers), children who have no idea who their biological father is? For anyone who has the audacity and stupidity to say they do not believe in God, like the mosquito on the railroad track, with the train bearing down on the mosquito and his shouting, “I don't believe in you!” The omnipotence and omniscience of almighty God, our Creator, is never more proven than with the magnificence of the design of the human body and all creation.
This doctor, in my lifetime, (I doubt if I could do it now, I'm an old man) could write the formula for the Gaussian Theory (the theory of light rays bending as they enter water) which would cover many pages, the equations for photosynthesis, and the equations for the clotting of blood. I could trace a drop of blood from one point in the body, all over the body, back to its beginning point. I could stick a hat pin through any part of the body and tell you every histological tissue it went through, and many other remarkable feats and features of the human body, or any form of life. From the lowest, one cell bacteria, to man, God's chief creation; but only an absolute fool would profess that they did not believe in the supremacy of design of life.
A Mutation occurs when a DNA gene is damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that gene. It is well known that the H1N1 swine flu crisis is due to a man-made weaponized mutation virus. Get ready for an epidemic that will make the 1918 one seem insignificant. According to W.H.O., the epidemic is already moving so rapidly they cannot keep up with the numbers. Little was known about a virus in 1918 during the Spanish flu epidemic, which cause 100 million deaths around the world. One tribe in Alaska, which numbered 850, according to reports, was killed down to 15 members. Bodies buried in the permafrost never decayed, remained frozen. It is believed that some “mad scientist” extracted the virus from dead bodies, weaponized them with strands from the swine & bird flu in the laboratory, and now this culture of death is moving around the world to the weakened immune systems first, and I seriously doubt that, in spite of Mr. Obama giving billions to his supporters in the pharmaceutical business, any vaccine will be efficient for our deficient body metabolisms already compromised by years of antibiotics.
The small rural community in which my parents were reared in Wayne County, North Carolina, was hard hit by the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918. My mother and grandmother never stopped talking about it until their death. They lost a young brother, several aunts, and, in fact, almost the entire community died. They said, “The men who were not sick were building boxes and digging graves.” The flu started with a cough and anyone who started coughing knew that they would soon be in the grave. The one doctor in the entire county, Dr. Hayes, brave enough to come into the community on horse & buggy, contracted and died with the flu. To this day, in the family cemetery, there is grave after grave with no head stones, because no one can remember who was buried in which grave. But, as in World War II, these living saints still went to the church every Sunday and around the pulpit, on their knees, prayed for help. That time may come again in the 21st century.
Today, in the happy-go-lucky, “party-time” attitude of most people, even with young men dying half way around the world in Afghanistan, even with unstable governments, such as Pakistan, North Korea, Israel having nuclear weapons, which if exploded, can send deadly nuclear clouds across the world and in the countries where exploded one will not be able to enter the area for 50 years. We still have a laissez faire, lackadaisical attitude toward life and the Giver of life.
When I hear boom boxes, automobiles vibrating at traffic lights with music, politicians, preachers and rabbis going to prison for corruption, I am convinced that we have some mutations in our midst. Sane people are concerned about what is happening to the world. Even a bird with a brain about the size of a pin head will not defecate in his own nest. Satan, much smarter than any of us, has taken over a little at a time. As Henry Ward Beecher said in 1887, “Men will believe any lie if it has a small handle of truth.” Recently, some young girls wanted to see a movie which had a short scene of nudity. The father said no, they could not go to that smutty movie; that a small sin is the gateway to large sins. Later, the girls, still pouting, smelled brownie baking coming from the kitchen. They decided that their father, trying to soothe their feelings for not allowing them to go to the objectionable movie, was trying to pacify them by baking brownies. They went into the kitchen and he said, “Yes I am baking some nice brownies for you. They are made of pure flour, pure sugar, pure cocoa, pure eggs...everything in them is pure....except I did put a small spoon of dog feces in them. You told me that the movie you wanted to see only had a small amount of smut; that it would not hurt you. Now, these brownies have a minute amount of feces....they surely will not hurt you. Help yourself!”
This past week, federal authorities arrested dozens of people in New York and New Jersey as part of a money laundering and corruption sweep. Those arrested included several New Jersey public officials and rabbis. Here in North Carolina, we have many state officials, including the most powerful politician in the state (speaker of the house), in prison for corruption. Many should be there, striped clothing would look good on most federal, state, county, and city officials in this country. The former governor here, and his corrupt wife, should be in prison for the theft of tax payer's money. In the county in which I live (New Hanover County), the black representative, Mr. Thomas Wright, is in jail for corruption. Yet, while still in prison, he was a candidate for his office again, and almost won. This shows the heights and depths of the mediocrity and depravity of those who vote everywhere.
We have been overrun by mutants. We thought just a little sin would not hurt. Have we forgotten that 98% of rat poison is just corn meal? It is the 2% arsenic which does the job on the rats. Like mutant rats, we are just running through the maze. Most people are just going through the motions. If you have given up on your own life, think of your children, your grandchildren. Those hard working, tax paying, God-fearing ancestors who were buried believing in the omnipotence and the sovereignty of God, had hopes for your future.
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