Serendipity is a very misused, but a very attractive word, especially for those who want something extra—those still waiting for their “ship to come in”. A synonymous idea is that of lagniappe, where, as is the case with a baker's dozen, you get an extra “doughnut.”
Just turning the radio dial, I am aware of the “serendipity” of advertisements: the scams and frauds of verbal seduction, con artists who want you to believe if you just buy their books you can get rich “flipping” houses or get rich working from home or get rich from government funding Often they promise to give you their book if you will pay “small shipping and handling charges”. You will find that the shipping and handling charges will make these book deceivers rich.
I have heard programs proclaiming high interest rates for your money, interest rates unknown to bankers. If such were true, the bankers would put every dime they could find into the program. The deception extends so far as to promise you a large bonus just to invest your money at the high interest rates. One said, “Get rid of debt, build wealth, and put cash in your pockets—Flip and Grow rich!” (just like Napoleon Hills book Think and Grow Rich). One man testified that he had profited $2.5 million in this real estate market just by buying and selling houses and mortgages in default. If this is so, why doesn't a bank hire him to sell all their houses that are currently empty and in default?
You see, the public has been so dumbed down, so brainwashed, that these advertisers know, as Barnum says, “Its quite true there's a fool born every minute. It's also quite true they don't die that fast.” The scam of real estate and securities brokers, visited on anyone with extra cash, promises safety, speed, and strategy. As a New York Wall street financier told me long ago, “Before the public gets a message of what to buy, the insiders have already bought.”
Bernard Madoff, president of the National Conference of Jews, who put every Jewish charity into default, who ripped off all of his friends (including Gentiles), was well-known for many years for being boss of the pornography industry...his offices coated with the white powder of cocaine, so much so that it was called the “North Pole”. Sexual perversion of every sort pervaded his office. Everyone knew about the debauchery and the diabolical schemes of this one office EXCEPT, so they say, the SEC and other government regulators. Anyone who believes this will be glad to buy the polar bear I have in my basement.
In graduation addresses, I always speak of identity theft. I remind graduates that their education, their moral character, the patriotism of their genes is something that no one can ever steal from them. I always add to that, that in a human genome of 23,000 genes, the most important factor in human existence is our early, total dependence on the God who created each individual. In the first place, He knitted us into a sublime magnificence unlike any other person who has ever lived on this earth (Psalm 139). Each of us, totally a unique individual, our own voice, our own fingerprints, even our own iris flex in the eye.
There are now about 7 billion people on Earth. In traveling the world I have seen some identical twins close...so close...but every person always different, each of us, a mind, a soul. At death, you will have to dispose of this worn out body but the soul without mass, a spirit, will live forever. In spite of what you believe or don't believe every person...even those who have been dead for 1000 a years...will face the judgment of the God of glory (John 5:28).
Good news! The evolutionists are going crazy because people no longer believe in the myth of evolution. For the first time in history, Americans are against abortion...51% now say they are against abortion. However, 43% of all women in your church have had an abortion or have contemplated having one. This should be inconceivable to the Christian community! Just as inconceivable: gay marriage. That anyone inside the church or outside the church can condone the “marriage” of two men or two women...when, God's Word and every rule of nature's natural law shows us that marriage is between a man and a woman (Ephesians 5:31), is beyond comprehension.
Look in the mirror, those of you with sight, you do not see a mistake, a fool, you see God's greatest creation, and He made us male and female in order to put precious children on the Earth. It is inconceivable that the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist and some other radical religionists should be so overcome by Satanic powers that they would sink into such deception...gay marriage...gay priests...gay bishops.
Last year, $350 million of your tax dollars were given to Planned Parenthood. President Obama wants the amount doubled this year to $700 million. The largest abortion clinic in the world, outside of communist China is the 78,000 square foot building now owned by Planned Parenthood in Houston, Texas. This building for the abortion holocaust was built in the minority section of town. The agenda of Planned Parenthood is to eliminate minority races and become a “cash cow” for the Democrat party. The abortion business is big business, millions made each year on the killing of innocent babies. The latest method of non-surgical abortion, chemical infanticide, deadly chemicals injected into the mother's womb until the mother's body expels the dead baby.
On the tombstone of WC Fields, the humorist and writer, we find these words, “I had rather be here than in Philadelphia”. I have never met a person yet, regardless of how hard their life had been, who wished they had been aborted. I have never known anyone to take advantage of another person, whether in real estate, securities, banking, who was proud of their deception or hoax. We are human beings, magnificently created in the image of God, we can do better!
Once, in 1963, I attended a bull fight in a large arena in Madrid, Spain. I will give an excuse as to why I was at this revulsion to everything decent in mankind...the killing of innocent animals, dragged off by a team of horses. General Franco was in his special viewing box just above me in all his splendor. The thought occurred to me, as it has every time I observe sinful activity, mankind is better than this.
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