Globalism, the power of one world government, being promoted from both the Vatican and Washington, DC, is poised to take over any freedom you have left. For years, the national identification card act, promoted by the Democrat party, in order to facilitate the oncoming onslaught of socialized health care, promoted by the Republican party because of the 'clamor' for safety, is the only time in history that both parties have come together to 'kill the goose' that laid the golden egg, democratic republic. Anytime you have the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the most liberal of all organizations, and the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice), the conservative judicial protection group, on the same side of the table, you can know that your civil rights are in jeopardy.
One of the first objectives is the requirement for a digital facial image/photograph that will be mandated to be internationally facial recognition compatible. The states are 'eating out of the hands' of the federal government in order to obtain funds. The federal government, in spite of the states, wants to set international standards that are not needed. The federal government wants control of your state driver’s license and they are bribing states to go along with its plans. In so far as a security packet, so preferred by Republicans, along with other methods, it will do nothing to provide a higher level of National security. Under the provisions of the PASS Act the documents used to obtain a driver’s license are not authenticated. Through AAMVA (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators) and NLETS (International Justice and Public Safety) states can still have information contained in their state Department of Motor Vehicles made available to both federal and international law enforcement agencies without a court order. Two international agencies (AAMVA and the ICAO, an agency of the United Nations) were involved in U.S. policy and law - the Real ID Act 2005 and the newly proposed PASS Act. DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has called AAMVA the “hub” and “backbone” of the Real ID Act. On AAMVA’s own web-site it proclaims it is an international organization that serves law enforcement and motor vehicle administrators.
The Christian must learn, early in his discipleship, that he is a member of a holy nation, a peculiar people, strangers and foreigners, with our citizenship in Heaven (1 Peter 2). We are to live separated lives, we are not to love this world nor the things in this world. Therefore, Come out from among them, And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:17)
When one yields his body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), you do not squirm around on the altar. You are not seeking identification with the world. Freedom is a group challenge and any freedom we have left is a challenge to the church. Christians and church members should protest this International Identification Act, this Senate Bill S-1261, as an intrusion on our faith. “Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
More times than I have fingers or toes, I have heard old men say, “I don't care if they search if my house, I don't care if they search my car, I have done nothing wrong, I have nothing to hide.” Of course, you have done nothing wrong, of course you have nothing to hide, that is the reason the law is searching you, it is on your children and grandchildren that the law may plant something. Then, it is a different story, hiring lawyers, paying fines. We have learned to accept perversion in every way of our life, now we are supposed to accept it in government. As with drugs, drugs have been talked about, addictions have been expressed, now everything is blamed on drugs and addictions.
Its like a mother saying about her son, “boys will be boys”. In a liberal, modern world, you just go with the flow, learn to excuse everything. People think that they can control reality with delusion. We are under the illusion that things are going to work out, get better. Church pews are full of people who actually believe that God did not mean what he said, that God was just joking. Every time you lose a freedom in the name of security, whether it is scanning your naked body at the airport, or putting your DNA in a computer database of some sort, whether you allow the world to inoculate your children with every type toxin, poison, you can imagine, you are just bringing on the hoards of hell on yourself.
Africa is being wiped out by AIDS, mostly through unsanitary inoculations for other things. Next come inoculations for malaria. Every time you see chem trails in the sky, you realize how little your life is worth to the globalists, the new world order. How many commercial airline pilots could fly jet planes into two towers, just before accidentally dropping their passports to the ground. Have Americans become so lazy, so dysfunctional that they no longer have interest in protecting their country, their lives, and certainly the lives of their children from the disembowelment process taking place on every hand.
One of my professors at Chapel Hill, said it was just an April Fool hoax, conspiracy-theory that some bankers met at Jekyll Island Georgia, trying to control money in the government. Now, he would know about the Federal Reserve System, not a hoax, not a conspiracy-theory, more powerful than the US government.
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